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With this admonition Liu Bei came to Jingzhou and was lodged in the guest…house。 Zhang Fei and the escort camped without the walls。 In due course Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang were received; and after the customary salutations; Liu Bei apologized for his conduct at the banquet。
The host said; 〃Worthy brother; I know you were the victim of a vile plot; and I should have put the prime mover to death for it; had there not been so universal a prayer for mercy。 However; I remitted that penalty。 I hope you do not consider that I was wrong。〃
〃Cai Mao hall little to do with it。 I think it was due to his subordinates;〃 replied Liu Bei。
Liu Biao said; 〃Jiangxia is lost; as you know; and Huang Zu is dead。 So I have asked you to e that we might take measures of vengeance。〃
〃Huang Zu was harsh and cruel and never used his people in the proper way: That was the real cause of his fall。 But have you reflected what Cao Cao may do on the north if we attack the south?〃
〃I am getting old and weak; and I am unable to manage affairs properly。 Will you aid me; brother? After I am gone you will have this region。〃
〃Why do you say this; my brother? Think you that I am equal to such a task?〃
Here Zhuge Liang glanced at Liu Bei who continued; 〃But give me a little time to think it over。〃
And at this point he took his leave。
When they had reached their lodging; Zhuge Liang said; 〃Why did you decline his offer of the region。〃
〃He has always been most kind and courteous。 I could not take advantage of his weakness。〃
〃A perfectly kind and gracious lord;〃 sighed Zhuge Liang。
Soon after the son of the Imperial Protector; Liu Qi; was announced; and Liu Bei received him and led him in。
The young man began to weep; saying; 〃My mother cannot bear the sight of me。 My very life is in danger。 Can you not save me; Uncle?〃
〃My worthy nephew; this is a family affair。 You should not e to me。〃
Zhuge Liang who was present; smiled。 Liu Bei turned to him to know what he should do。
〃This is a family affair。 I cannot touch it!〃 replied Zhuge Liang。
The young man soon left; and when Liu Bei was saying good…bye; he whispered; 〃I will get Zhuge Liang to return your call; and you can do so and so。 He will advise you。〃
Liu Qi thanked him and left。 Next day when the call was to be returned; Liu Bei pretended to be suffering from colic and made that an excuse to send Zhuge Liang to return the call。
The adviser went; and when he had reached the palace; dismounted; and was led in; Liu Qi conducted him into one of the inner rooms。
When the tea had been brought; Liu Qi said; 〃I am an object of my stepmother's dislike。 Can you advise me what to do?〃
〃As a mere stranger guest; I can hardly have anything to do with your own 'bone and flesh' matters。 If I did; and the story got abroad; much harm might ensue。〃
With this he rose to take leave。
But Liu Qi was unwilling to say farewell; and he said; 〃Your glory has turned in my direction。 You cannot mean to go away so pointlessly。〃
Liu Qi led his visitor into a private chamber and had refreshments brought。 While they ate and drank; Liu Qi repeated his first request: What was he to do since his stepmother disliked him。
〃It is not the sort of thing I can advise in;〃 replied Zhuge Liang; as he rose for the second time to take leave。
〃Master; if you will not reply; that is well。 But why incontinently leave me?〃
So the adviser once more seated himself; and Liu Qi said; 〃There is an ancient writing I should like to show you。〃
And he led his visitor to a small upper room。
〃Where is the writing?〃 said Zhuge Liang。
Instead of answering Liu Qi wept; saying; 〃My stepmother cannot bear me。 My life is in danger。 O Master; will you not say a word to save me?〃
Zhuge Liang flushed and rose to go away。 But he found the ladder by which they had mounted had been removed。
Again Liu Qi besought some advice; saying; 〃Master; you fear lest it may get abroad! Is that why you are silent? Here we are between earth and sky; and what you say will e out of your mouth directly into my ear。 No other soul can hear。 Now can you tell me what to do?〃
〃Sow not dissension among relatives;〃 said Zhuge Liang。 〃Is it possible for me to make any plan for you?〃
〃Then is my life indeed in danger;〃 said the young man。 〃I will die at your feet。〃
So saying; Liu Qi pulled out a dagger and threatened to make an end of himself。
Zhuge Liang checked him; saying; 〃There is a way。〃
〃I pray you tell me。〃

'e' Shen Sheng was the eldest son of Duke Xiao of Jin in the Spring and Autumn period。 But Duke Xiao wanted the son of his favorite concubine; Li Ji; to succeed him as the ruler of Jin。 So Duke Xiao falsely accused Shen Sheng of trying to murder him。 Shen Sheng mitted suidcide rather than flee。 The second eldest son Chong Er would have suffered the same; but he knew of this and fled。 。。。。。
〃You have heard of the old tale of the brothers Shen Sheng and Chong Er*; have you not? Shen Sheng stayed at home and died; his brother Chong Er went away and lived in peace。 Now that Huang Zu is gone and Jiangxia is weakly defended; why do you not ask to be sent there to guard it? Then you would be out of the way of harm。〃
Liu Qi thanked him。 Then he called to his people to restore the ladder; and he escorted Zhuge Liang down to the level ground。
Zhuge Liang returned to Liu Bei and related the whole interview。 The young man soon acted on the advice given him; but his father would not at first consent to let him go。
To settle his doubts Liu Biao sent for Liu Bei; who said; 〃Jiangxia is important; and your son is the most suitable man to defend it。 You must let him go。 The southeast will be defended by your son。 The northwest I will look after。〃
〃I hear that Cao Cao has been training a naval force; and I am afraid he has intentions against us。 We must be on our guard。〃
〃I know all about it。 You need feel no anxiety;〃 said Liu Bei。
He took leave of his relative and went home while Liu Qi received mand of three thousand soldiers and went to guard Jiangxia。
At this time Cao Cao suppressed the three highest officers of state and exercised their functions himself as the Prime Minister。 He appointed as his general secretaries Mao Jie and Cui Yan; and as literary secretary Sima Yi。 Sima Yi of Henei was grandson of Sima Juan; Governor of Yingchuan; son of Sima Fang; Governor of Jingzhao; and younger brother of Sima Lang; Secretary General。
Cao Cao then called his officers to a council to discuss an expedition against the south。
Xiahou Dun opened the debate; saying; 〃Liu Bei is drilling his army at Xinye; and is a source of danger。 He should be destroyed。〃
Accordingly Xiahou Dun was appointed manding General; and four assistants………Yu Jin; Li Dian; Xiahou Lan; and Han Hao………were given him。 With these he led one hundred thousand troops to Bowang; whence he could observe Xinye。
Xun Yu was opposed to this and said; 〃Liu Bei is a famous warrior; and he has lately taken to himself as his Directing Instructor Zhuge Liang。 Caution is needed。〃
Xiahou Dun replied; 〃Liu Bei is a mean rat。 I will certainly take him prisoner。〃
〃Do not despise him;〃 said Xu Shu。 〃Remember he has Zhuge Liang to help him; and so he is like a tiger who has grown wings。〃
Cao Cao said; 〃Who is this Zhuge Liang?〃
〃He has taken a Taoist cognomen of Sleeping Dragon。 He is a perfect genius; god and devil bined; the greatest marvel of the age。 Do not despise him。〃
〃How does he stand as pared with you?〃 asked Cao Cao。
〃There is no parison。 I am a mere glow…worm spark; he is the glory of the full moon;〃 replied Xu Shu。
〃You are mistaken;〃 replied Xiahou Dun。 〃This Zhuge Liang of yours is of no account。 Who would fear him? If I do not take him and his master prisoners in the first battle; then here is my head; a free gift to our lord; the Prime Minister。〃
〃Hasten to fort me with news of victory;〃 said Cao Cao。
Xiahou Dun hastened to depart。
The advent of Zhuge Liang and the extravagant deference shown him did not please Liu Bei's sworn brothers who grumbled; saying; 〃He is very young; although he is clever and learned。 Our brother really treats him too well。 We have not seen any evidence of his wonderful skill。〃
Liu Bei replied; 〃You do not know his worth。 I have him as if the fish has got into the water again。 Pray do not discuss this matter further; my brothers。〃
They withdrew; silent but dissatisfied。
One day a man presented Liu Bei with a yak's tail; and he at once put it in his cap as an ornament。 Zhuge Liang came in and noticed it at once。
〃Then you have renounced all ambitions; my lord。 You are just going to attend to this sort of thing;〃 Zhuge Liang quietly remarked。
Liu Bei snatched off his cap and flung it away; saying; 〃I was only amusing myself with the thing。〃
〃How do you think you stand pared with Cao Cao?〃 asked Zhuge Liang。
〃Yes; your army is less than ten thousand; and the chances are ten thousand to one that he will attack。 How can we meet him?〃
〃I am greatly distressed about it; but I see no way。〃
〃You might recruit; and I will train them。 Then we might be able to oppose him。〃
So recruiting began and three thousand were enlisted。 Zhuge Liang set about drilling them diligently。
Soon they heard that Xiahou Dun was leading an army of one hundred thousand troops against them。
When he heard it; Zhang Fei said to his brother; Guan Yu; 〃We will get this Zhuge Liang to go and fight them。〃
Just at that moment they were summoned to their brother; who asked their advice。
〃Why not send the 'Water;' brother?〃 said Zhang Fei。
〃For method I rely on Zhuge Liang; but for action I put my faith in you; my brothers。 Are you going to fail me?〃
They went out; and Zhuge Liang was called。
〃I fear your brothers will not obey me;〃 said Zhuge Liang。 〃Wherefore; if I am to direct the campaign; you must give me a seal of office and a sword of authority。〃
So Liu Bei gave him both。 Armed with these ensigns of power; Zhuge Liang assembled the officers to receive their orders。
〃We will go just to see what he will do;〃 said Zhang Fei to Guan Yu。
In the assembly Zhuge Liang spoke; saying; 〃On the left of Bowang are Yushan Hills。 On the right is Anlin Forest。 There we will prepare an ambush。 Guan Yu will go to Yushan Hills with one thousand soldiers。 He is to remain there quiescent till the enemy has passed; but when he sees a flame in the south; that will be the signal to attack。 He will first burn their baggage train。 Zhang Fei will go to a valley behind Anlin Forest。 When he sees the signal; he is to go to the old stores depot at Bowang and burn that。 Liu Feng and Guan Ping will take five hundred soldiers each to the south; prepare bustibles and be ready with them beyond Bowang Slope。 The enemy will arrive about dusk; and then the two generals can start the blare。 Zhao Yun; now recalled from Fancheng; is to lead the attack; but he is to lose and not win。 And our lord is to mand the reserve。 See that each one obeys these orders and let there be no mistakes。〃
Then said Guan Yu; 〃All of us are to go out to meet the enemy; but I have not yet heard what you are going to do。〃
〃I am going to guard the city。〃
Zhang Fei burst into a laugh; 〃We are to go out to bloody battle; and you are to stay quietly at home quite fortable。〃
〃Here is the sword and here the seal!〃 replied the strategist; displaying the emblems of aut
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