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The season was winter; cold and dry。 For seventy miles there was no water; and grain also was scanty。 The troops fed on horse flesh。 They had to dig very deep; three or four hundred spans to find water。
When Cao Cao reached Yezhou; he rewarded those who had remonstrated with him against the expedition。
He said; 〃I took some risk in going so far; but by good fortune I have succeeded。 With the aid of Heaven I have secured victory。 I could not be guided by your advice; but still they were counsels of safety; and therefore I reward you to prove my appreciation of advice and that hereafter you may not fear to speak your minds。〃
Adviser Guo Jia did not live to see the return of his lord。 His coffin was placed on the bier in a hall of the government offices; and Cao Cao went thither to sacrifice to his manes。
Cao Cao mourned for him; crying; 〃Alas! Heaven has smitten me: Guo Jia is dead!〃
Then turning to his officers he said; 〃You; gentlemen; are of the same age as myself; but he was very young to die。 I needed him for the future generation; and unhappily he has been torn from me in the flower of his age。 My heart and my bowels are torn with grief。〃
The servants of the late adviser presented his last testament; which they said his dying hand had written; and he had told them to say; 〃If the Prime Minister shall follow the advice given herein; then Liaodong will be secure。〃
Cao Cao opened the cover and read; nodding his head in agreement and uttering deep sighs。 But no other person knew what was written therein。
Shortly after; Xiahou Dun at the head of a delegation presented a petition; saying; 〃For a long time the Governor of Liaodong; Gongsun Kang; has been contumacious; and it bodes ill for peace that the Yuan brothers have fled to him。 Would it not be well to attack before they move against you?〃
〃I need not trouble your tiger courage; Sirs;〃 said Cao Cao smiling。 〃Wait a few days and you will see the heads of our two enemies sent to me。〃
They could not believe it。
As has been related the two Yuan Xi and Yuan Shang escaped to the east with a few hundreds of horse。 The Governor of Liaodong was a son of Gongsun Du the Warlike; the General of Han。 Gongsun Kang was a native of Xiangping。 When he heard that Yuan Xi and Yuan Shang were on their way to his territory; he called a council to decide upon his plan。
At the council Gongsun Gong rose; saying; 〃When Yuan Shao was alive; he nourished the plan of adding this territory to his own。 Now his sons; homeless; with a broken army and no officers; are ing here。 It seems to me like the dove stealing the magpie's nest。 If we offer them shelter; they will assuredly intrigue against us。 I advise that they be inveigled into the city; put to death; and their heads sent to Cao Cao; who will be most grateful to us。〃
Said the Governor Gongsun Kang; 〃I have one fear: Cao Cao will e against us。 If so; it would be better to have the help of the Yuans against him。〃
〃Then you can send spies to ascertain whether Cao Cao's army is preparing to attack us。 If it is; then save the Yuans alive; if not; then follow my advice。〃
It was decided to wait till the spies came back。
In the meantime; Yuan Xi and Yuan Shang had taken counsel together as they approached Liaodong; saying; 〃Liaodong has a large army; strong enough to oppose Cao Cao。 We will go thither and submit till we can slay the Governor and take possession。 Then when we are strong enough; we will attack and recover our own land。〃
With these intentions they went into the city。 They were received and lodged in the guests' quarters。 But when they wished to see Gongsun Kang; he put them off with the excuse of indisposition。
However; before many days the spies returned with the news that Cao Cao's army was quiescent and there was no hint of any attack。
Then Gongsun Kang called Yuan Xi and Yuan Shang into his presence。 But before they came he hid swordsmen and ax…men behind the arras in the hall。 When the visitors came and had made their salutations; Gongsun Kang bade them be seated。
Now it was bitterly cold and on the couches where they were sitting were no coverings。 So Yuan Shang said; 〃May we have cushions?〃
The host said; 〃When your heads take that long; long journey; will there be any cushions?〃
Before Yuan Shang could recover from his fright; Gongsun Kang shouted; 〃Why do you not begin?〃
At this out rushed the assassins and the heads of the two brothers were cut off as they sat。 Packed in a small wooden box they were sent to Cao Cao at Yezhou。
All this time Cao Cao had been calmly waiting。 His impatient officers had petitioned in a body; saying; 〃Let's march to the capital to ward off Liu Biao's threat if we are not going to attack the east。〃
Cao Cao said; 〃I am waiting for the heads of the enemy。 We will go as soon as the heads arrive。〃
In their secret hearts they laughed。 But then; surely enough; messenger soon came from Liaodong bringing the heads。 Then they were greatly surprised。
And when the messenger presented Gongsun Kang's letters; Cao Cao cried; 〃Just as Guo Jia said!〃
He amply rewarded the messenger; and the Governor of Liaodong was made Lord of Xiangping and General of the Left Army。 When the officers asked what had happened; Cao Cao told them what the late adviser had predicted。 He read to them the dead officer's testament; which ran something like this:
〃Yuan Xi and Yuan Shang are going to Liaodong。 Illustrious Sir; you are on no account to attack; for Gongsun Kang has long lived in fear lest the Yuans should absorb his country。 When they arrive; Gongsun Kang will hesitate。 If you attack; he will save the Yuans to help him; if you wait; they will work against each other。 This is evident。〃
The officers simply jumped with surprise to see how perfectly events had been foreseen。 Then Cao Cao at the head of all his officers performed a grand sacrifice before the coffin of the wise Guo Jia。 He had died at the age of thirty…eight; after eleven years of meritorious and wonderful service in wars。

When Heaven permitted Guo Jia's birth;
It made him ablest man on earth。
He knew by rote all histories;
From him war kept no mysteries。
Like Fan Li's; his plans were quite decisive;
As Chen Ping's; his strokes were most incisive。
Too soon he ran his earthly race;
Too soon the great beam fell from place。

When Cao Cao returned to Jizhou; he sent off the coffin of his late adviser to Capital Xuchang where it was interred。
Then Cheng Yu and others said; 〃As the north has been overe; it is time to settle the south。〃
Cao Cao was pleased and said; 〃That has long occupied my thoughts。〃
The last night he spent in Jizhou; Cao Cao went to the eastern corner tower and stood there regarding the sky。 His only panion was Xun You。
Presently Cao Cao said; 〃That is a very brilliant glow there in the south。 It seems too strong for me to do anything there。〃
〃What is there that can oppose your heaven…high prestige?〃 said Xun You。
Suddenly a beam of golden light shot up out of the earth。
〃Surely a treasure is buried there;〃 remarked Xun You。
They went down from the city wall; called some guards; and led them to the point whence the light proceeded。 There the men were ordered to dig。

The southern skies with portents glow;
The northern lands their treasures show。

What the diggers found will appear in the next chapter。
 Main Next to Chapter 34 》》

   Romance of Three Kingdoms … by Luo Guanzhong … Chapter 34
 Chapter 34
Behind The Screen; Lady Cai Overhears A Secret;
Across The Tan Torrent; The Dilu Horse Carries Its Master。
The diggers at the spot whence the golden light proceeded presently unearthed a bronze bird。 Looking at it; Cao Cao turned to his panion; saying; 〃What is the portent?〃

'e' King Shun was an ideal king in ancient China。 King Yao gave him the throne due to his virtues and merits。 。。。。。
〃You will remember that the mother of the praiseworthy King Shun* dreamed of a jade bird before his birth; so certainly it is a felicitous omen;〃 said Xun You。
Cao Cao was very pleased; and he ordered forthwith the building of a lofty tower to celebrate the find; and they began to dig foundations and cut timber; to burn tiles and to smooth bricks for the Bronze Bird Tower on the banks of the River Zhang。 Cao Cao set a year for the building。
His younger son; Cao Zhi; said; 〃If you build a terraced tower; you should add two others; one on each side。 The center tower as the tallest should be called the Bronze Bird Tower。 The side towers named Jade Dragon Tower and Golden Phoenix Tower。 Then connect these by flying bridges and the effect will be noble。〃
〃My son; your words are very good; and by and bye when the building is plete; I can solace my old age therein。〃
Cao Cao had five sons; but this one Cao Zhi was the most clever and his essays were particularly elegant。 His father was very fond of him and; seeing that the young man took an interest in the building; Cao Cao left him with his elder brother Cao Pi at Yejun to superintend the work; while he led a half…a…million army that had recently been captured from the Yuans back to Capital Xuchang。
When he arrived; he distributed rewards liberally and memorialized the Throne obtaining the title of the Pure Lord for the late Guo Jia。 And he took Guo Jia's son; Guo Ye; to be brought up in his own family。
Next Cao Cao began to consider the reduction of Liu Biao's power。
Xun You said; 〃The Grand Army has only just returned from the north and needs rest。 Wait half a year that the soldiers may recover from the fatigue of the campaign; and both Liu Biao and Sun Quan will fall at the first roll of the drums。〃
Presently Cao Cao approved of this plan。 To enrich his troops; he assigned certain lands to them to till while they rested。
In Jingzhou; Liu Biao had been very generous to Liu Bei ever since he had e as a fugitive seeking shelter。 One day at a banquet there came news that two generals; Zhang Wu and Chen Sun; who had tendered their submission; had suddenly begun plundering the people in Jiangxia。 They evidently meant rebellion。
〃If they really rebel; it will cause a lot of trouble;〃 said Liu Biao; rather dismayed。
〃Do not let that trouble you。 I will go and settle it;〃 said Liu Bei。
Pleased with this proposal; Liu Biao told off thirty thousand troops and placed them under his friend; and the army marched as soon as the orders were issued。 In a short time it reached the scene; and the two malcontents came out to fight。 Liu Bei; Guan Yu; Zhang Fei; and Zhao Yun took their stand beneath the great banner and looked over at the enemy。
Zhang Wu was riding a handsome prancing horse; and Liu Bei said; 〃He certainly has a fine steed。〃
As he spoke; Zhao Yun galloped out with his spear set and dashed toward the enemy。 Zhang Wu came out to meet him; but the bat was very brief for Zhang Wu was soon killed by a spear thrust。 Thereupon Zhao Yun laid a hand upon the bridle of the fallen man's horse to lead it back to his own side。 The slain rebel's panion Chen Sun at once rode after Zhao Yun; whereupon Zhang Fei uttered a loud shout and rode out to meet him。 With one thrust Zhang Fei slew the rebel。 Their followers now scattered; and Liu Bei speedily restored order in Jiangxia and returned to Jingzhou City。
Liu Biao; grateful for this service; rode out to the boundary to wele the victor
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