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Yuan Shao received him with much pleasure and treated him exceedingly well。 And they both lived in Yuan Shao's home region Jizhou。
After the capture of Xiaopei; Cao Cao pressed on toward Xuzhou City; which; after a short defense and the flight of Mi Zhu and Jian Yong; was surrendered by Chen Deng。 Cao Cao led his army into the city; restored order; and pacified the people。 Next he wanted to press on to Xiapi; where Guan Yu was holding out and keeping guard of Liu Bei's family。
Xun Yu said; 〃Guan Yu is there; in charge of his brother's family; and he will defend the city to the last。 If you do not take it quickly; Yuan Shao will get it。〃
Cao Cao said; 〃I have always loved Guan Yu; both for his warlike abilities and his principles。 I would engage him to enter my service。 I would rather send someone to talk him into surrender。〃
〃He will not do that;〃 said Guo Jia。 〃His sense of right is too solid。 I fear anyone who went to speak with him would suffer。〃
Then suddenly a man stepped out; saying; 〃I know him slightly; and I will go。〃
The speaker was Zhang Liao。
Cheng Yu looked at him and said; 〃Though you are an old acquaintance; I do not think you are equal to talking over Guan Yu。 But I have a scheme that will so entangle him that he will have no alternative。 He will have to enter the service of the Prime Minister。〃

They set the fatal spring beside the lordly tiger's trail;
They hide the hook with fragrant bait to catch the mighty whale。

How Guan Yu was to be entrapped will be told in the next chapter。
 Main Next to Chapter 25 》》

   Romance of Three Kingdoms … by Luo Guanzhong … Chapter 25
 Chapter 25
Besieged In Tushan Mountains; Guan Yu Makes Three Conditions;
The Rescue At Baima; Cao Cao Is Released。
The plan to seduce Guan Yu from allegiance to his brothers was now announced by Cheng Yu; 〃Since Guan Yu is far braver than ordinary warriors; he can only be overreached by superior cunning。 Now send some of the captured soldiers who have lately been of Liu Bei's army into Xiapi; where they shall say they have e back。 They shall thus be our allies on the inside。 Then an attack and a feigned defeat will entice Guan Yu to a distance from the city。 And his return road shall be cut。〃
Cao Cao accepted the scheme; and a few score of the troops who had lately been in Xuzhou were sent to the city。 Guan Yu believed the story they told and trusted them。 So they were suffered to remain。
After this part of the game had been played; Xiahou Dun led forward five thousand troops against the city。 At first; Guan Yu would not accept the challenge。 But provoked by men sent to hurl insults at him from the foot of the wall; his wrath got the better of him; and he moved out with three thousand troops。 After the leaders had exchanged some ten bouts; Xiahou Dun made to run away。 Guan Yu pursued。 Xiahou Dun stopped and made a stand; then he fled again。 Thus alternately fighting and retiring; he enticed Guan Yu seven miles from Xiapi。 Then Guan Yu suddenly remembering the risk to the city drew off his army to return homeward。
Soon; at the sound of a signal bomb; from the left and right out moved two bodies of troops led by Xu Huang and Xu Chu who barred his way。 Guan Yu hastened along a road that seemed to offer retreat; but from both sides his ambushing enemies shot their crossbows; and the arrows flew like locusts on the wing。 No way past was found; and he turned back。 Then both bodies joined in attacking him。 He drove them off and got into the road to his own city; but soon Xiahou Dun came up again and attacked fiercely as before。 Evening came and still Guan Yu was hemmed in; so he went up on a low hill of Tushan Mountains upon which he encamped for a rest。
Guan Yu was surrounded on all sides by enemies。 By and by; looking toward his city; he saw the glow of fire。 It meant that the traitors; who had e in to surrender; had opened the gate; and the enemy had gone in force。 They had made the fires in order to perplex and distress Guan Yu; and indeed the sight saddened him。
In the night he made efforts to escape from the hill; but every attempt was checked by flights of arrows。 At daybreak he prepared for one more effort; but before moving he saw a horseman riding up at full speed and presently discerned Zhang Liao。
When within speaking distance; Guan Yu said; 〃Are you e to fight me; Zhang Liao?〃
〃No;〃 replied Zhang Liao。 〃I am e to see you because of our old friendship。〃
Wherefore Zhang Liao threw aside his sword; dismounted; and came forward saluting。 And the two sat down。
〃Then naturally you have e to talk me over;〃 said Guan Yu。
〃Not so!〃 said Zhang Liao。 〃Sometime ago you saved me。 Can I help saving you?〃
〃Then you desire to help me。〃
〃Not exactly that;〃 replied Zhang Liao。
〃Then what are you doing here if you have not e to help me?〃
〃Nothing is known of the fate of your elder brother; nor whether your younger brother is alive or dead。 Last night your city fell into the hands of Cao Cao; but neither soldiers nor people were harmed; and a special guard was set over the family of Liu Bei lest they should be alarmed。 I came to tell you how well they had been treated。〃
〃This is certainly talking me over;〃 said Guan Yu。 〃Though escape is impossible; yet I am not perturbed。 I look upon death as going home。 You had better depart quickly and let me go down and begin the struggle again。〃
〃Surely you must know everybody will ridicule you when they hear of this;〃 said Zhang Liao。
〃I shall die for loyalty and righteousness。 Who will laugh?〃 said Guan Yu。
〃You would be guilty of three faults if you died。〃
〃Tell me them;〃 said Guan Yu。
〃First of all; you and your elder brother pledged yourselves in the Peach Garden to die or to live together。 Now your brother has been defeated; and you want to fight to the death。 Therefore; if your brother appears again by and by and wants your help; he will seek it in vain。 Is this anything else than betraying the Peach Garden Oath? Secondly; you are in charge of your brother's family and; if you fought and died; the two women would be left forlorn and without a protector。 That would be a betrayal of trust。 Thirdly; your military skill stands out conspicuous and will go down in history。 If you do not aid your brother in his noble attempt to maintain the dynasty; then all your labors and sufferings will have been spent to win a worthless reputation as a valiant fool。 Where is the sense in that? I feel it my duty to point out these three faults to you。〃
Guan Yu remained silent and thought for some time。
Then he said; 〃You have spoken of my three faults。 What do you desire?〃
〃You are surrounded with the certainty of death if you do not yield。 There is no advantage in a useless death。 Wherefore your best course is to yield to Cao Cao till you hear news of Liu Bei and can rejoin him。 Thus you will ensure the safety of the two ladies and also keep inviolate the Peach Garden pact。 You will preserve a useful life。 Brother; you must reflect on these things。〃
〃Brother; you have spoken of three advantages; now I have three conditions。 If the Prime Minister concede these; then will I doff my armor。 If he refuses; then I prefer to be guilty of the three faults and die。〃
〃Why should the Prime Minister not concede them? He is most liberal and large minded。 I pray you let me hear your conditions。〃
〃The first is that as I and the Imperial Uncle have sworn to support the Hans; I now submit to the Emperor and not to His Prime Minister Cao Cao。 The second condition is that suitable provision be made for the two ladies under my care and that no one shall be allowed to approach them。 The third is that I shall be allowed to set off to rejoin Uncle Liu Bei so soon as I shall hear where he is; whether it be far or near。 I require all these to be satisfied。 Failing a single one; I will not submit。 Wherefore; Zhang Liao; I pray you hasten back and announce them。〃
Zhang Liao lost no time but rode back to Cao Cao。 When he spoke of Guan Yu's intention to submit to the Hans but not to Cao Cao; the latter laughed; saying; 〃As I am a minister of Han; so am I Han。 I grant that。〃
Zhang Liao then spoke of provision due to their rank and security from molestation for the ladies; to which Cao Cao replied; 〃I will give them twice the regular amount for an Uncle of the Emperor。 As for securing them from molestation; that is simple。 The ordinary domestic law is enough。 Why should there be any doubt?〃
Then said Zhang Liao; 〃Whenever he shall get news of the whereabouts of Liu Bei; he must go to him。〃
At this Cao Cao shook his head; saying; 〃Then I am merely to feed Guan Yu。 What is the use of this? I cannot consent。〃
Zhang Liao replied; 〃You must know of Yu Rang's saying: The difference in behavior brought about by difference of treatment? Liu Bei treats Guan Yu just kindly and liberally。 You can surely engage Guan Yu's heart and support by being kinder and more liberal。〃
〃What you say is much to the point。 I will grant the three conditions;〃 said Cao Cao。
Whereupon Zhang Liao left to carry the news to Guan Yu; still on the summit of the Tushan Mountains。
Said Guan Yu; 〃Now I expect the army to withdraw so that I may enter the city to tell the two ladies what has been arranged。 After that I submit at once。〃
Zhang Liao rode back once more with this request; and the order was given for the army to retire three miles。
〃Do not do this;〃 said Xun Yu。 〃I fear treachery。〃
〃He will certainly not break faith;〃 said Cao Cao。 〃He is too high principled。〃
The army retired; and Guan Yu with his force reentered the city of Xiapi; where he saw that the people were following their ordinary avocations in tranquillity。 He came to the palace and went in to see the two ladies; who hastened to meet him。
He bowed to them below the steps and said; 〃I apologize for having caused you to feel alarmed。〃
〃Where is the Uncle?〃 asked they。
〃I know not whither he has gone。〃
〃What do you intend to do; brother…in…law?〃
〃I went out of the city to try a last battle。 I was surrounded on a hill top; and Zhang Liao has urged me to yield。 I proposed three conditions; all of which were conceded; and the enemy drew off to allow me to return to the city。 Unless I have your decision; sisters…in…law; I scarcely dare to take any final step。〃
They asked what were the conditions and were told。
Lady Gan said; 〃When Cao Cao's army came in; we took it to mean certain death。 But it is scarcely credible that not a hair of our heads has been disturbed。 Not a soldier has dared enter our doors。 You have accepted the conditions; brother…in…law; and there is no need to ask our consent。 Our only fear is that he will not let you go by and by to search for the Uncle。〃
〃Sisters…in…law; you need not be anxious。 I will see to that。〃
〃You must decide everything and need not ask us。〃
Guan Yu withdrew and then; with a small escort; went to his interview with Cao Cao。 Cao Cao came to the outermost gate to wele him; and Guan Yu dismounted and made obeisance。 Cao Cao returned his salute with the greatest cordiality。
〃The leader of a defeated army is grateful for the graciousness that has preserved his life;〃 said Guan Yu。
〃I have so long admired your loyalty and high principles that this happy meeting gratifies the desire of my whole life;〃 replied Cao Cao。
〃As the Prime Minister has grante
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