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〃No; it will not。〃
〃The nobles' rule; then?〃
〃No; nor that。〃
〃The high officers'?〃
〃Not even that。〃
Lu Bu laughed; saying; 〃Then you mean me to go by the rule for mon people。〃
〃Nor that either。〃
〃Then what do you mean?〃
Chen Gong said; 〃In the midst of the present troubles; when there is great rivalry among the nobles; do you not see that the others will be exceedingly jealous of your marriage alliance with such a high family as the Yuans? Suppose you postpone the choice of the day; most likely when your fine morning arrives; the wedding party will fall into an ambush on the road and the bride be carried off。 Then what could be done? My opinion is that you would have done better to refuse。 But since you have consented; then carry out the plan at once before the lords hear of it; and so send the girl over without delay to Shouchun。 You can hire a lodging there till you have selected the wedding day; and the odds are greatly against any failure。〃
〃What you say is quite to the point;〃 replied Lu Bu。
He went into the private apartments to see his wife and told her the bride elect would set out immediately and the trousseau was to be prepared as far as it could be。 On his side he chose some good horses and had a wedding carriage got ready。 The escort consisted of Han Yin and two of Lu Bu's generals; Song Xian and Wei Xu。 The procession went out of the city to the sound of music。
Now at this time Chen Gui; father of Chen Deng; was placidly waiting till the evening of his life passed into night。 Hearing this burst of music he inquired the occasion; and the servants told him。
〃They are working on the 'Relative…above…Stranger' device; then;〃 said Chen Gui。 〃Liu Bei is in danger。〃
Thereupon in spite of his many infirmities; he went to see Lu Bu。
〃Noble Sir; what brings you here?〃 asked Lu Bu。
〃I heard you were dead; and I came to mourn;〃 quavered the old man。
〃Who said that?〃 exclaimed his host。
〃Once upon a time you received grand presents from Yuan Shu that you might slay Liu Bei; but you got out by that clever shot at your halberd。 Now they suddenly seek a marriage alliance thinking to get hold of your daughter as a pledge。 The next move will be an attack on Xiaopei and; that gone; where are you? Whatever they ask in future; grain or troops or anything else; and you yield; will bring your own end nearer; and make you hated all round。 If you refuse; then you are false to the duties of a relative; and that will be an excuse to attack you openly。 Beside this Yuan Shu intends to call himself emperor; which would be rebellion; and you would be of the rebel's family: Something abominable; which the multitude people would not suffer。〃
Lu Bu was much disturbed to hear this。
〃I have been misled by Chen Gong!〃 cried he。
So he hurriedly sent Zhang Liao to bring the wedding party; which had been ten miles away; back to the city。 When they had e; Lu Bu threw Han Yin into prison and sent a reply to Yuan Shu saying curtly that the girl's trousseau was not ready and she could not be married till it was。
Chen Gui wanted Han Yin to be sent to Capital Xuchang。 But Lu Bu was hesitating what course to adopt; when he heard that Liu Bei was enlisting soldiers and buying horses for no apparent reason。
〃He is simply doing his duty。 There is nothing to be surprised at;〃 said Lu Bu at first。
Then came two officers; Song Xian and Wei Xu; saying; 〃As you ordered us; we went into the Huashang Mountains to purchase horses。 We had got three hundred when; on our way back; on the borders of Xiaopei some robbers stole half of them。 We hear that the real robbers were Zhang Fei and his soldiers; who took on the guise of brigands。〃
Lu Bu was very angry at this and began to prepare an expedition against Xiaopei。 When Liu Bei heard that an attack threatened; he led out his army to oppose it; and the two armies were arrayed。
Liu Bei rode to the front and said; 〃Elder brother; why have you brought an army against me?〃
Lu Bu began abusing him; saying; 〃That shot of mine at the Archery Feast saved you from grave danger。 Why then did you steal my horses?〃
〃I wanted horses and I sent out to buy them。 Should I dare to take yours?〃 said Liu Bei。
〃You stole a hundred and fifty in the person of your brother Zhang Fei。 You only used another man's hand。〃
Thereupon Zhang Fei; with his spear set; rode out; saying; 〃Yes; I stole your good horses; and what more do you expect?〃
Lu Bu replied; 〃You goggled…eyed thief! You are always treating me with contempt。〃
〃Yes; I took your horses and you get angry。 You did not say any thing when you stole my brother's Xuzhou。〃
Lu Bu rode forward to give battle; and Zhang Fei advanced。 A reckless fight began; and the two warriors kept it up for a hundred bouts without a decisive stroke。 Then Liu Bei; fearing some accident to his brother; hastily beat the gongs as a signal to retire and led his army into the city。 Lu Bu then invested it。
Liu Bei called his brother and chided him as the cause of all this misfortune。
〃Where are the horses?〃 said Liu Bei。
〃In some of the temples and courts;〃 replied Zhang Fei。
Liu Bei sent a messenger out to speak softly and offer to restore the stolen horses if hostilities were to cease。 Lu Bu was disposed to agree but Chen Gong opposed。
〃You will suffer by and by if you do not remove this Liu Bei。〃
Under Chen Gong's influence the request for peace was rejected; and the attackers on the city pressed harder。
Liu Bei called Mi Zhu and Sun Qian to him to ask advice。
Said Sun Qian; 〃The one person that Cao Cao detests is Lu Bu。 Let us then abandon the city and take refuge with Cao Cao; from whom we may borrow troops to destroy him。〃
〃If we try to get away; who will lead the van?〃
〃I will do my best;〃 said Zhang Fei。
So Zhang Fei led the way; Guan Yu was rearguard; and in the center was Liu Bei with the non…fighting portion。 The cavalcade started and went out at the north gate under the bright moon。 They met opposition from Song Xian and Wei Xu's men; but the soldiers were driven off by Zhang Fei; and the besieging force was passed without difficulty。 Zhang Liao pursued; but was held off by Guan Yu's rearguard。 It seemed Lu Bu was not dissatisfied at the flight; for he took no personal trouble to prevent it。 He made formal entry into the city; settled local affairs; and appointed Gao Shun as Governor。
Liu Bei approached Xuchang and encamped outside the city; whence he sent Sun Qian to see Cao Cao and relate the events that brought him there。
Cao Cao was very friendly and said; 〃Liu Bei is as my brother。〃
Then Cao Cao invited Liu Bei to enter the city。
Leaving his brothers at the camp; Liu Bei; with Sun Qian and Mi Zhu; went to Cao Cao; who received him with the greatest respect。 The story of Lu Bu's perfidy was again related。
〃He has no sense of right;〃 said Cao Cao。 〃You and I; my brother; will attack him together。〃
Liu Bei was very grateful。 A banquet was then prepared; and it was late evening before the visitor left for his own camp。
Xun Yu then had an interview with his master and said; 〃If you are not on your guard; Liu Bei will be your undoing。 You ought to destroy him。 He is too much of a hero。〃
Cao Cao made no reply and his adviser retired。
Presently Guo Jia came; and Cao Cao said; 〃I have been advised to kill Liu Bei: What of such a scheme?〃
〃A bad scheme;〃 said Guo Jia。 〃You are the popular champion; pledged to relieve the people from oppression; and only by truth and rectitude can you secure the support of the noble…minded。 Your only fear is lest they stay away。 Now Liu Bei is a clear hero。 He has e to you for help and protection; and to put him to death would be to alienate all good people and put fear into the hearts of all the able advisers。 Hampered by these difficulties; where will you find those whose help you need? To remove the dangers represented by one man and thereby injure yourself in the eyes of all humankind is a sure means of destruction。 These conditions need careful consideration。〃
〃What you say exactly fits in with what I think;〃 said Cao Cao; greatly pleased with these remarks。
His next step was to memorialize the Emperor to give Liu Bei the imperial protectorship of Yuzhou。
Again Cheng Yu said; 〃Liu Bei is certain to rise to the top。 He will never remain in a subordinate position。 You had better remove him。〃
Cao Cao answered; 〃Now is just the time to make use of good people。 I will not forfeit the regard of the world for the sake of removing one individual。 Guo Jia and I both see this in the same light。〃
Wherefore Cao Cao rejected all persuasion to work against Liu Bei but sent him three thousand soldiers and ten thousand carts of grain; and set him on his way to Yuzhou。 Liu Bei was to march to Xiaopei; occupy it; call together his former soldiers; and attack Lu Bu。
When Liu Bei reached Yuzhou; he sent to inform Cao Cao; who prepared to march an army to subjugate Lu Bu。 But just then hasty news came that Zhang Ji; who had gone to the attack of Nanyang; had been wounded by a stray arrow and had died。 His nephew; Zhang Xiu; had succeeded to the mand of his army; and with Jia Xu as strategist; Zhang Xiu had joined Liu Biao and camped at Wancheng。 They intended to attack the capital and get possession of the Emperor's person。
Cao Cao was placed in a quandary。 He would go to attack this bination; but he feared lest Lu Bu would attack the capital if he left it。 So he sought the advice of Xun Yu。
Said the Adviser; 〃Lu Bu has no notion of a policy。 He is led astray by any little advantage that presents itself to his eyes。 All you need do is to obtain promotion for him; giving him some additional title; and tell him to make peace with Liu Bei; and he will do it。 The south is no threat then。〃
〃Good;〃 said Cao Cao。
And he acted upon the hint and sent an Imperial Legate; Wang Ze; to Xuzhou with the official announcement and a letter urging peace; while he went on with preparations to meet the other danger from Zhang Xiu。
When ready Cao Cao marched out with one hundred fifty thousand troops in three divisions。 Xiahou Dun was the Van Leader; and they went to River Yu and camped there。
Jia Xu succeeded in persuading Zhang Xiu of the hopelessness of resistance。
〃You would do well to surrender; since Cao Cao's army is too large for you to oppose;〃 said Jia Xu。
Seeing the truth of this; Zhang Xiu sent his adviser to propose sub mission。 Cao Cao was greatly pleased with the messenger; admiring his ready and fluent repartee; and tried to win him to his service。
〃I was formerly with Li Jue and was guilty with him。 Now I am with Zhang Xiu who esteems my advice; and I should not like to abandon him;〃 said Jia Xu。
Jia Xu left and next day conducted his master into Cao Cao's presence。 Cao Cao was very generous。 Then he entered Wancheng with a small force; the greater part of the army being put in camp outside where the lines extended some three miles。 Great banquets were given every day by Zhang Xiu; and Cao Cao was always being entertained。
One day; when Cao Cao returned to his quarters in a more than usual merry mood; he asked the attendants if there were any singing girls in the city。
His nephew; Cao Amin; heard the question and said; 〃Peeping through one of the partitions last evening; I saw a perfectly beautiful woman in one of the courts。 They told me she was the wi
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