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Now the Jin leader Wang Jun had gone down the river with his naval force。 From his scouts he heard of the iron chains and the hammers that had been laid in the river to hinder his progress。 But he only laughed。 He constructed great rafts of timber and placed on them straw effigies of soldiers in armors and sent them down river with the current。 The defenders of Wu took them for real troops and; alarmed by their numbers; fled in panic。 Then the great hammers and chains were dragged away as the rafts drifted on。 Moreover; on the rafts they laid great torches many fathoms long; and very thick; made of straw soaked in linseed oil。 When the raft was checked by a chain; the torches were lighted and the chains exposed to the heat till they melted and broke asunder。 Thus the rafts went down stream conquering wherever they came。
Then the Prime Minister of Wu; Zhang Ti; sent two leaders; General of the Left Army Shen Zong and General of the Right Army Zhuge Xing; to try to check the advance of the armies。
Shen Zong said to his colleague; 〃The forces above have failed to stop the enemy; and the enemy will surely e here。 We shall have to put forth all our strength。 If haply we can succeed; the safety of our South Land is assured。 But suppose we fight and lose the battle; then is our country lost。〃
〃Sir; you only say what is too true;〃 said Zhuge Xing。
Just as they talked of these matters came reports of the approach of their enemies in irresistible force。 The two leaders were seized with panic and went back to see the Prime Minister。
〃Our country is lost!〃 cried Zhuge Xing。 〃Why not run?〃
〃We all know that the land is doomed;〃 replied Zhang Ti。 〃But if we make no defense; and no one dies for his country; shall we not be shamed?〃
Zhuge Xing left; weeping; and Zhang Ti went with Shen Zong to the army。 The invaders soon arrived; and the Jin General Zhou Zhi was the first to break into the camp。 Zhang Ti resisted stubbornly; but was soon slain in a melee; and Shen Zong was killed by Zhou Zhi。 The army of Wu was defeated and scattered。

Jin's army banners waved on Bashan Mountains
And trusty Zhang Ti in Jiangling fighting died;
He accepted not that the kingly grace was spent;
He rather chose to die than shame his side。

The armies of Jin conquered at Niuzhu and penetrated deeply into the country of Wu。 From his camp Wang Jun sent a report of his victory to Luoyang; and Sima Yan was pleased。
But Jia Chong again opposed further fighting; saying; 〃The armies have been long absent; and the soldiers will suffer from the unhealthiness of the southern country。 It would be well to call them home。〃
Zhang Hua spoke against this course; saying; 〃The Jin army has reached the very home and center of the enemy。 Soon Wu courage will fail; and the Ruler of Wu himself will be our prisoner。 To recall the army now would be to waste the efforts already made。〃
The Ruler of Jin inclined to neither side。
Jia Chong turned upon Zhang Hua savagely; saying; 〃You are wholly ignorant and understand nothing。 You are bent upon winning some sort of glory at the expense of our soldiers' lives。 Death would be too good for you!〃
〃Why wrangle?〃 said Sima Yan。 〃Zhang Hua agrees with me; and he knows my wishes。〃
Just at this moment came a memorial from the leader Du Yu also remending advance; whereupon the Ruler of Jin decided that the army should go on。
The royal mandate duly reached the camp of Wang Jun; and the Jin navy went out to the attack in great pomp。 The soldiers of Wu made no defense; but surrendered at once。
When Sun Hao; the Ruler of Wu; heard his armies had surrendered thus; he turned pale; and his courtiers said; 〃What is to be done? Here the northern army es nearer every day and our troops just give in。〃
〃But why do they not fight?〃 said Sun Hao。
The courtiers replied; 〃The one evil of today is Eunuch Cen Hun。 Slay him; and we ourselves will go out and fight to the death!〃
〃How can a eunuch harm a state?〃 cried Sun Hao。
〃Have we not seen what Huang Hao did in Shu?〃 shouted the courtiers in chorus。
Moved by sudden fury; the courtiers rushed into the Palace; found the wretched object of their hate and slew him; and even feeding on his palpitating flesh。
Then Tao Jun said; 〃All my ships are small; but give me large vessels and I will place thereon twenty thousand marines and go forth to fight。 I can defeat the enemy。〃
His request was granted; and the royal guards were sent up the river to join battle; while another naval force went down stream; led by Leader of the Van Zhang Xiang。 But a heavy gale came on。 The flags were blown down and lay over in the ships; and the marines would not embark。 They scattered leaving their leader with only a few score men。
Wang Jun; the leader of Jin; set sail and went down the river。
After passing Three Mountains; the sailing master of his ship said; 〃The gale is too strong for the fleet to go on。 Let us anchor till the storm has moderated。〃

'e' Shidou has been a southern capital of China for successive dynasties。 A beautiful place; Shidou was considered a treasure by the emperors of Yuan Dynasty (Mongol rule)。 Located near Shanghai where the Great River meets the East Sea; Shidou's modern name is Nanjing。
But Wang Jun would not listen。 Drawing his sword; he said; 〃I wish to capture Capital Shidou*; and will not hear of anchoring。〃
So he pelled the sailing master to continue。 On the way Zhang Xiang; one of the leaders of Wu; came to offer surrender。
〃If you are in earnest; you will lead the way and help me;〃 said Wang Jun。
Zhang Xiang consented; returned to his own ship; and led the squadron。 When he reached the walls of Shidou; he called to the defenders to open the gates and allow the Jin army to enter。 The gates were opened。
When the Ruler of Wu heard that his enemies had actually entered the capital city; he wished to put an end to his life; but his officers prevented this。
Secretary Hu Zong and Palace Officer Xue Rong said; 〃Your Majesty; why not imitate the conduct of Liu Shan of Shu; now Duke of Anle?〃
So Sun Hao no longer thought of death; but went to offer submission。 He bound himself and took a coffin with him。 His officers followed him。 He was graciously received; and the Jin General Wang Jun himself loosened the bonds; and the coffin was burned。 The vanquished Ruler was treated with the ceremony due to a prince。
A poet of the Tang Dynasty wrote a few lines on this surrender:

Adown the stream ride storied warships tall;
With massive chains some seek to stop their way。
But Jiangling's independence fades away;
And soon 〃We yield〃 is signaled from the wall。
Full oft I think of bygone days and sigh;
Along the stream; unmoved; the old hills rest;
While I am homeless on the earth's broad breast;
Where grim old forts stand gray beneath the sky。

Therefore Wu was subdued and ceased to exist as a state。 Its 4 regions; 43 counties; 313 districts; 5;230;000 families; 62;000 civil officers; 230;000 soldiers and military officers; 23;000;000 inhabitants; its stores of grain and over five thousand large ships; all fell booty to the victorious Jin Dynasty。 In the women's quarters of the Palace were found more than five thousand persons。
Proclamations were issued; treasuries and storehouses were sealed。 Tao Jun's navy soon melted away without striking a blow。 Wang Jun was greatly elated at his success。 Sima Zhou; Prince of Langye; and General Wang Rong also arrived and congratulated each other。
When Du Yu; the mander…in…Chief; arrived; there were great feastings and rewards for the soldiers。 The granaries were opened and doles of grain issued to the people; so that they also were glad of peace。
Only one city stood out………Jianping; under Governor Wu Yang。 However; he too surrendered when he heard the capital had fallen。
The tidings of all these successes reached Capital Luoyang just at the celebration of the birthday of the Ruler of Jin; and the rejoicings and congratulations were redoubled。 At one of the banquets the Ruler of Jin did honor to the memory of the late Yang Hu。
Raising his wine cup; and in a voice broken by emotion; he said; 〃Today's success is the merit of the Imperial Guardian。 I regret that he is not here to share our rejoicings。〃
In Wu; Sun Xi; General of the Flying Cavalry; went away from the court and wailed; facing the south。
〃Alas; ye blue heavens! What manner of man is this Sun Hao to yield thus the heritage of his family; won by the sword of General Sun Jian the Martially Glorious in the brave days that are past?〃
Meantime the victors marched homeward; and Sun Hao went to Luoyang to present himself at court。 In his capacity of minister; he prostrated himself at the feet of the Emperor of the Jin Dynasty in the Hall of Audience。 He was allowed a seat。
〃I set that seat for you long since;〃 said the Ruler of Jin。
〃Thy servant also set a seat for Your Majesty in the south;〃 retorted Sun Hao。
The Ruler of Jin laughed loudly。
Then Jia Chong turned to Sun Hao and said; 〃I hear; Sir; that when you were in the south; they gouged out people's eyes and flayed their faces。 What crimes were so punished?〃
〃Murders of princes and malicious speech and disloyal conduct were so punished!〃
Jia Chong was silenced; for he was ashamed。
Sun Hao was created Lord of Guiming。 His sons and grandsons received minor ranks and other grades were conferred upon his ministers who had followed him in his surrender。 The sons and grandsons of the late Prime Minister of Wu; Zhang Ti; who had perished in battle; were given ranks。 The victorious leader; Wang Jun; was rewarded with the title General Who Upholds the State。 And many other ranks were conferred to the Jin officers。
The three states now became one empire under the rule of Sima Yan of the Jin Dynasty。 That is domains under heaven; after a long period of union; tends to divide; after a long period of division; tends to unite。
Liu Shan; the Emperor of Shu…Han; passed away in the seventh year of Great Beginning; in Jin calendar (AD 271)。 Cao Huang; the Emperor of Wei; passed away in the first year of Magnificent Peace (AD 302)。 And Sun Hao; the Emperor of Wu; passed away in the fourth year of Prosperous Peace (AD 283)。 All three died of natural causes。
A poet has summed up the history of these stirring years in a poem:

It was the dawning of a glorious day
When first the Founder of the House of Han
Xianyang's proud Palace entered。 Noontide came
When Liu Xiu the imperial rule restored。
Alas; that Liu Xian succeeded in full time
And saw the setting of the sun of power!
He Jin; the feeble; fell beneath the blows
Of Palace minions。 Dong Zhuo; vile though bold;
Then ruled the court。 The plot Wang Yun
To oust him; failed; recoiled on his own head。
The Li Jue and Guo Si lit up the flame of war
And brigands swarmed like ants through all the land。
Then rose the valiant and deployed their might。
Sun Ce carved out a kingdom in the southeast;
North of Yellow River the Yuans strove to make their own。
Liu Zhang went west and seized on Ba and Shu;
Liu Biao laid hold on Jingzhou and Chu;
Zhang Lu; in turn held Hanzhong by force。
Ma Teng and Han Sui kept Xiliang。
Tao Qian and Gongsun Zan built up quarters;
Zhang Xiu and Lu Bu challenged the bold。
But overtopping all Cao Cao the strong
Became first minister; and to his side;
Drew many able pe
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