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ral advantages he has a great destiny: He was not born to serve。〃
Sima Zhao hesitated; for he was still unwilling to abandon his desire。
But two other officers………Grand mander Wang Xiang and Minister of Works Xun Kai………also remonstrated; saying; 〃Certain former dynasties have preferred the younger before the elder and rebellion has generally followed。 We pray you reflect upon these cases。〃
Finally Sima Zhao yielded and named his elder son Sima Yan as his successor。
Certain officers memorialized: 〃This year a gigantic figure of a man descended from heaven in Xiangwu。 His height was twenty feet and his footprint measured over three feet。 He had white hair and a hoary beard。 He wore an unlined yellow robe and a yellow cape。 He walked leaning on a black…handled staff。 This extraordinary man preached; saying; 'I am the king of the people; and now I e to tell you of a change of ruler and the ing of peace。' He wandered about for three days and then disappeared。 Evidently this portent refers to yourself; Noble Sir; and now you should assume the imperial headdress with twelve strings of pearls; set up the imperial standard; and have the roads cleared when you make a progress。 You should ride in the golden…shafted chariot with six horses。 Your consort should be styled 'Empress' and your heir 'Apparent'。〃
Sima Zhao was greatly pleased。 He returned to his palace; but just as he was sitting down; he was suddenly seized with paralysis and lost the use of his tongue。 He quickly grew worse。 His three chief confidants; Wang Xiang; He Zeng; and Xun Kai; together with many court officials; came to inquire after his health; but he could not speak to them。 He pointed toward the heir apparent; Sima Yan; and died。 It was the eighth month of that year。
Then said He Zeng; 〃The care of the empire devolves upon the Prince of Jin: Let us induct the heir。 Then we can perform the sacrifices to the late prince。〃
Thereupon Sima Yan was set up in his father's place。 He gave He Zeng the title of Prime Minister; Sima Wang; Minister of the Interior; Shi Bao; mander of the Flying Cavalry; and conferred many other titles and ranks。 The posthumous title of the 〃Scholar Prince〃 was conferred upon his late father。

'e' King Wen; aka the Scholar King; founder of the Zhou Dynasty; father of King Wu。 King Wen did not actually founded the dynasty; but he laid the foundation for Zhou。 At the end of Shang Dynasty; the state Zhou of King Wen had already possessed two…thirds of the empire; but King Wen still faithfully served the last emperor of Shang。 The final conquest was pleted by King Wu and King Wu's brother; the Duke of Zhou。 。。。。。
When the obsequies were finished; Sima Yan summoned Jia Chong and Pei Xiu into the Palace; and said; 〃Cao Cao said that if the celestial mandate rested upon him; he could be no more than King Wen of Zhou*; who served as a regent only。 Is this really so?〃
Jia Chong replied; 〃Cao Cao was in the service of Han and feared lest posterity should reproach him with usurpation。 Wherefore he spoke thus。 Nevertheless he caused Cao Pi to bee Emperor。〃
〃How did my father pare with Cao Cao?〃 asked Sima Yan。
〃Although Cao Cao was universally successful; yet the people feared him and credited him with no virtue。 Cao Pi's rule was marked by strife and lack of tranquillity。 No single year was peaceful。 Later the Original Prince and Wonderful Prince of your line rendered great services and disseminated passion and virtue; so that they were beloved。 Your late father overcame Shu in the west and was universally renowned。 parison with Cao Cao is impossible。〃
〃Still Cao Pi succeeded the rule of Han。 Can I not in like manner succeed that of Wei?〃
Jia Chong and Pei Xiu bowed low and said; 〃Cao Pi's action may be taken as a precedent to succeed an older dynasty。 Wherefore prepare an abdication terrace to make the great declaration。〃
Sima Yan resolved to act promptly。 Next day he entered the Forbidden City armed with a sword。 No court had been held for many days; for Cao Huang was ill at ease and full of dread。 When Sima Yan appeared; the Ruler of Wei left his place and advanced to met him。 Sima Yan sat down。
〃By whose merits did Wei succeed to empire?〃 he asked suddenly。
〃Certainly success was due to your forefathers;〃 replied Cao Huang。
Sima Yan smiled; saying; 〃Your Majesty is unskilled in debate; inept in war; and unfit to rule。 Why not give place to another more able and virtuous?〃
Cao Huang's lips refused a reply。
But Zhang Jie; one of the ministers; cried; 〃You are wrong to speak thus; O Prince。 His Majesty's ancestor conquered east and west; north and south; and won the empire by strenuous effort。 The present Emperor is virtuous and without fault。 Why should he yield place to another?〃
Sima Yan replied angrily; 〃The imperial right lay with the Hans; and Cao Cao coerced them as he did the nobles。 In making himself the Prince of Wei; he usurped the throne of Han。 Three generations of my forefathers upheld the House of Wei; so that their power is not the result of their own abilities; but of the labor of my house。 This is known to all the world; and am I not equal to carrying on the rule of Wei?〃
〃If you do this thing; you will be a rebel and an usurper;〃 said Zhang Jie。
〃And what shall I be if I avenge the wrongs of Han?〃
He bade the lictors take Zhang Jie outside and beat him to death; while the Ruler of Wei wept and besought pardon for his faithful minister。
Sima Yan rose and left。
Cao Huang turned to Jia Chong and Pei Xiu; saying; 〃What should I do? Some decision must be taken。〃
They replied; 〃Truth to tell; the measure of your fate is acplished and you cannot oppose the will of Heaven。 You must prepare to abdicate as did Emperor Xian of the Hans。 Resign the throne to the Prince of Jin and thereby accord with the design of Heaven and the will of the people。 Your personal safety need not cause you anxiety。〃
Cao Huang could only accept this advice; and the terrace was built。 The 〃mouse〃 day of the twelfth month was chosen for the ceremony。 On that day the Ruler of Wei; dressed in full robes of ceremony; and bearing the seal in his hand; ascended the terrace in the presence of a great assembly。

The House of Wei displaced the House of Han
And Jin succeeded Wei; so turns fate's wheel
And none escape its grinding。 Zhang Jie the true
Stood in the way and died。 We pity him。
Vain hope with one hand to hide Taishan Mountains。

The Emperor…elect was requested to ascend the high place; and there received the great salute。 Cao Huang then descended; robed himself as a minister and took his place as the first of subjects。
Sima Yan now stood upon the terrace; supported by Jia Chong and Pei Xiu。 Cao Huang was ordered to prostrate himself; while the mand was recited; and Jia Chong read:
〃Forty…five years have elapsed since; in the twenty…fifth year of Rebuilt Tranquillity; the House of Han gave place to the House of Wei。 But after forty…five years; the favor of Heaven has now left the latter House and reverts to Jin。 The merits and services of the family of Sima reach to the high heavens and pervade the earth。 The Prince of Jin is fitted for the high office and to continue the rule。 Now His Majesty the Emperor confers upon you the title of Prince of Chenliu。 You are to proceed to the city of Jinyong; where you will reside; you are forbidden to e to court unless summoned。〃
Sadly Cao Huang withdrew with tears in his eyes。 Sima Fu; Guardian of the Throne; wept before the deposed Emperor and promised eternal devotion。
〃I have been a servant of Wei and will never turn my back upon the House!〃 said he。
Sima Yan did not take this amiss; and out of admiration he offered Sima Fu the princedom of Anping。 But Sima Fu declined the offer。
The new Emperor was now seated in his place; and all the officers made their salutations and felicitated him。 The very hills rang with 〃Wan shui! O King; live forever!〃
Thus succeeded Sima Yan; and the state was called Great Jin and a new year…style was changed from Great Glory; the second year; to Great Beginning Era; the first year (AD 265)。 An amnesty was declared。 Since then Wei Dynasty ended。

The kingdom of Wei had ended。
The Founder of the Dynasty of Jin
Took Wei as model; thus the displaced emperor
Was named a prince; when on the terrace high
His throne he had renounced。
We grieve when we recall these deeds。

The new Emperor conferred posthumous rank upon his grandfather; his uncle; and his father: Sima Yi the Original Emperor; Sima Shi the Wonderful Emperor; and Sima Zhao the Scholar Emperor。 Sima Yan built seven temples in honor of his ancestors: Sima Jun; the Han General Who Conquers the West; Sima Jun's son; Sima Liang; Governor of Yuzhang; Sima Liang's son; Sima Juan; Governor of Yingchuan; Sima Juan's son; Sima Fang; Governor of Jingzhao; Sima Fang's son; Sima Yi the Original Emperor; and Sima Yi's sons; Sima Shi the Wonderful Emperor and Sima Zhao the Scholar Emperor。
All these things being acplished; courts were held daily; and the one subject of discussion was the subjugation of Wu。

The House of Han has gone for aye;
And Wu will quickly follow。

The story of the attack upon Wu will be told next。
 Main Next to Chapter 120 》》

   Romance of Three Kingdoms … by Luo Guanzhong … Chapter 120
 Chapter 120
Remending Du Yu; An Old General Offers New Plans;
Capturing Of Sun Hao; Three Kingdoms Bees One。
When Sun Xiu; the Ruler of Wu; knew that the House of Wei had fallen before the Jins; he also knew that the usurper's next thought would be the conquest of his own land。 The anxiety made him ill; so that he took to his bed and was like to die。 He then summoned to his bedside his Prime Minister; Puyang Xing; and his heir; Sun Wan。 But they two came almost too late。 The dying Ruler; with his last effort; took the Minister by the hand; but could only point to his son。 Then he died。
Puyang Xing left the couch and called a meeting of the officers; whereat he proposed to place the heir on his father's throne。
Then Wan Yu; Inspector of the Left Army; rose and said; 〃Prince Sun Wan is too youthful to rule in such troublous times。 Let us confer the throne to Sun Hao; Lord of Wucheng。〃
Zhang Bu; General of the Left Army; supported his election; saying; 〃Sun Hao is able and prompt in decision。 He can handle the responsibilities of an emperor。〃
However; Puyang Xing was doubtful and consulted the Empress Dowager。
〃Settle this with the officials;〃 she replied; 〃I am a widow and know nothing of such matters。〃
Finally Sun Hao won the day; and in the seventh month he was enthroned as Emperor of Wu; and the first year of his reign was Prosperous Beginning (AD 264)。 Sun Hao was the son of Sun He; a former Heir Apparent; and grandson of Sun Quan the Great Emperor。 The excluded prince; Sun Wan; was consoled with the title of Prince of Yuzhang。 Posthumous rank was given to his late father; Sun He the Scholar Emperor; and his mother; Lady He; the Scholar Empress。 The Veteran Leader Ding Feng was made mander of the Right and Left Armies。
However; the year…style was changed to Sweet Dew the very next year。 The new ruler soon proved himself cruel and oppressive and day by day grew more so。 Sun Hao indulged in every form of vice and chose Eunuch Cen Hun as his confidant and favorite。 When Prime Minister Puyang Xing and Ge
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