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〃I had no such intention;〃 said Cao Fang。
In reply Sima Shi drew the garment from his sleeve and threw it on the ground。
〃Who did this?〃
Cao Fang was overwhelmed: His soul flew beyond the skies; his spirit lied to the ninth heaven。
Shaking with fear; he said; 〃I was forced into it。 How could I think of such a thing?〃
〃To slander ministers by charging them with rebellion is an aggravated crime;〃 said Sima Shi。
Cao Fang knelt at his feet; saying; 〃Yes; I am guilty。 Forgive me。〃
〃I beg Your Majesty to rise: The laws must be respected!〃
Pointing to Empress Zhang; Sima Shi said; 〃She is of the Zhang house and must die!〃
〃Spare her!〃 cried Cao Fang; weeping bitterly。
But Sima Shi was obdurate。 He bade the lictors lead her away; and she was strangled with a white silk cord at a Palace gate。

Now I recall another year; and lo!
An empress borne away to shameful death。
Barefooted; weeping bitterly she shrieks
〃Farewell;〃 torn from her consort's arms。
History repeats itself; time's instrument;
Sima Shi avenges this on Cao Cao's heirs。
'e' Huo Guang (BC ?…68) a general and regent of Han。 After Emperor Wu died; Huo Guang became regent to three successive emperors; and the second one had been the Prince of Changyi; who was on the throne for only twenty…seven days。 Huo Guang had the Prince of Changyi declared unfit to rule and deposed him。 Even though Huo Guang contributed much to the empire's stabilization; after he died; he was distanced by the emperor and most of his family were executed for conspiracy charges。 。。。。。
'e' Yi Yin was was helper and prime minister of King Tang; the founder of Shang Dynasty。 After King Tang's death; Yi Yin served his sons and grandson。 Soon after Tai Jia; King Tang's grandson; ascended the throne; he mitted many faults; and Yi Yin; acting as regent; exiled Tai Jia to Tong Palace………the burial place of King Tang。 After three years Yi Yin returned him the throne。 Tai Jia eventually became an enlightened emperor。 Shang Dynasty lasted for 650 years (BC 1700…1050)。 It was this act of Yi Yin rather than his services in building up an empire that has made him immortal。 Whether he did right in temporarily dethroning the king was open to question; until a final verdict was rendered by Mencius who thought that his ends amply justified his means。 This historical event attests the extent of the power exercised by a prime minister in those days。 。。。。。
'e' Qi was an ancient state on the extreme eastern edge of the North China Plain in what is now Shandong and Hebei provinces。 Became prominent under the leadership of Duke Huan and his adviser Guan Zhong during the Spring and Autumn period。 It nearly won the empire in the Warring States period。 。。。。。
The day after these events; Sima Shi assembled all the officers and addressed them thus: 〃Our present lord is profligate and devoid of principle; familiar with the vile and friendly with the impure。 He lends a ready ear to slander and keeps good people at a distance。 His faults exceed those of the Prince of Changyi* of old; and he has proved himself unfit to rule。 Wherefore; following the precedents of Yi Yin* and Huo Guang*; I have decided to put him aside and to set up another; thereby to maintain the sanctity of the ruler and ensure tranquillity。 What think you; Sirs?〃
They all agreed; saying; 〃General; you are right to play the same part as Yi Yin and Huo Guang; thereby acting in accordance with Heaven and fulfilling the desire of humankind。 Who dares dispute it?〃
Then Sima Shi; followed by the whole of the officials; went to the Palace of Everlasting Peace and informed the Empress Dowager of his intention。
〃Whom do you propose to place on the throne; General?〃 she asked。
〃I have observed that Cao Ju; Prince of Pengcheng; is intelligent; benevolent; and filial。 He is fit to rule the empire。〃
She replied; 〃He is my uncle; and it is not convenient。 However; there is Cao Mao; Duke of Gaogui; and grandson of Emperor Pi。 He is of mild temperament; respectful; and deferential; and may be set up。 You; Sir; and the high officers of state might favorably consider this。〃
Then spoke one; saying; 〃Her Majesty speaks well: Cao Mao should be raised to the throne。〃
All eyes turned toward the speaker; who was Sima Fu; uncle of Sima Shi。
The Duke of Gaogui was summoned to the capital。
The Empress called Cao Fang into her presence in the Hall of Principles and blamed him; saying; 〃You are vicious beyond measure; a panion of lewd men and a friend of vile women。 You are unfitted to rule。 Therefore resign the imperial seal and revert to your status of Prince of Qi*。 You are forbidden to present yourself at court without special mand。〃
Cao Fang; weeping; threw himself at her feet。 He gave up the seal; got into his carriage and went away。 Only a few faithful ministers restrained their tears and bade him farewell。

Cao Cao; the mighty minister of Han;
Oppressed the helpless; little then thought he
That only two score swiftly passing years
Would bring like fate to his posterity。

The Emperor…elect Cao Mao was the grandson of Emperor Pi; and son of Cao Lin; Prince of Donghai。 When Cao Mao was nearing the capital; all the officers attended to receive him at the Nanye Gate; where an imperial carriage awaited him。 He hastily returned their salutations。
〃The ruler ought not to return these salutations;〃 said Grand mander Wang Su。
〃I also am a minister and must respond;〃 replied he。
They conducted him to the carriage to ride into the Palace; but he refused to mount it; saying; 〃Her Majesty has manded my presence; I know not for what reason。 How dare I enter the Palace in such a carriage?〃
He went on foot to the Hall; where Sima Shi awaited him。 He prostrated himself before Sima Shi。 Sima Shi hastily raised him and led him into the presence。
The Empress Dowager said; 〃In your youth I noticed that you bore the impress of majesty。 Now you are to be the Ruler of the Empire。 You must be respectful and moderate; diffusing virtue and benevolence。 You must do honor to your ancestors………the former emperors。〃
Cao Mao modestly declined the proposed honor; but he was pelled to accept it。 He was led out of the presence of the Empress Dowager and placed in the seat of empire in the Hall of Principles。
The style of the reign was changed from Domestic Calm; the sixth year; to Right Origin; the first year (AD 254)。 An amnesty was granted。 Honors were heaped upon Sima Shi; who also received the golden axes; with the right to proceed leisurely within the precincts; to address the Throne without using his name; and to wear arms at court。 Many other officers also received promotions。
But in the spring of the second year of Right Origin; it was reported at court that Guanqiu Jian; General Who Guards the East; and Wen Qin; Imperial Protector of Yangzhou; were raising armies with the declared design of restoring the deposed emperor。
Sima Shi disconcerted。

If ministers of Han have always faithful been;
Wei leaders; too; prove their loyalty are keen。

How this new menace was met will appear in the next chapter。
 Main Next to Chapter 110 》》

   Romance of Three Kingdoms … by Luo Guanzhong … Chapter 110
 Chapter 110
Riding Alone; Wen Yang Repulses A Brave Force;
Following The River; Jiang Wei Defeats The Enemy。
It has been said that in the second year of Right Origin (AD 256) Guanqiu Jian; of the South of River Huai; General Who Guards the East; was manding the forces in River Huai when he heard the news Sima Shi deposed Cao Fang。
He was moved to great anger; and his eldest son; Guanqiu Dian; fomented his father's wrath; saying; 〃Father; you are chief of all this region。 With this Sima Shi in such a position; the country is in danger; and you cannot sit still and look on。〃
〃My son; you speak well!〃 replied Guanqiu Jian。
Whereupon he requested Wen Qin; Imperial Protector of Yangzhou; to e and consult with him。 This Wen Qin had been a client of Cao Shuang's; and he hastened at the call of the general。 When he arrived; he was led into the private apartments; and; the salutations at an end; the two began to talk over the situation。 Presently the host began to weep; and his visitor asked the cause of his tears。
〃Think you that this conduct of Sima Shi does not tear my heart? He has deposed the Emperor and now holds in his grip all authority of the state。 Things are all upside down。〃
Wen Qin replied; 〃You are the chief of this region。 If you are willing to play the part; you ought to take arms and slay this rebel。 I will help you; regardless of consequences。 My second son; Wen Yang; is a good warrior and a man of great valor。 Moreover; he hates Sima Shi and wishes to avenge on the Sima brothers the death of Cao Shuang。 He would make an excellent Leader of the Van。〃
Guanqiu Jian was delighted to get such ready and willing support; and the two poured a libation in pledge of mutual good faith。 Then; pretending that they held an edict from the Empress Dowager; they summoned all the officers to Shouchun; where they built an altar on the west side and sacrificed a white horse; smearing their lips with its blood in token of their oath。
They made this declaration:
〃Sima Shi is a rebel and devoid of rectitude。 We have a secret edict manding us to muster the forces of the South of River Huai and put down this rebellion。〃
Thus supported; Guanqiu Jian led sixty thousand troops to Xiangcheng; where he camped; while his fellow…conspirator Wen Qin took twenty thousand troops to the front to go to and fro lending help where it was needed。 Letters were sent all through the counties and territories calling for assistance。
Now that mole below the left eye of Sima Shi used to pain at times; and he decided to have it removed。 The surgeon excised it; closed and dressed the wound; and the patient rested quietly in his palace till it should heal。
It was at this time that he received the disquieting news of opposition to his authority。 Whereupon he called in Grand mander Wang Su to discuss the matter。
Said Wang Su; 〃When Guan Yu was most famous; Sun Quan sent Lu Meng to capture Jingzhou by surprise。 What did Lu Meng do? He first won over the officers of Guan Yu by taking care of their families and thus broke the power of his enemy like a tile。 Now the families of all the officers in the South of River Huai are here in the Middle Land。 Treat them well; at the same time taking care that they do not get away; and you will be irresistible。〃
〃Your words are good;〃 said Sima Shi。 〃However; I cannot go out to war till I have recovered。 Yet; to send another is to take great risks; and I shall feel insecure。〃

'e' Chu was one of the most important of states contending for power in both Spring and Autumn and Warring States periods。 If other states wanted to be dominant; they had to fight and defeat Chu。 Located in the fertile valley of the Great River (Yangtze) in the south; corresponding to the surrounding territory of Jingzhou。
There was also present Secretary Zhong Hui; who here interposed; saying; 〃The forces of the South of River Huai and Chu* are very formidable。 If you send another; there is danger whatever happens; and if your leader makes a serious mistake; your whole policy will fail。〃
〃No one but myself can succeed;〃 cried Sima Shi; starting from his couch。 〃I must go。〃
So; in spite of illness; he resolved 
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