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Liao Hua presented the enemy's helmet as proof of his prowess in the field; and received a reward of the first grade of merit。 Wei Yan went away angry and discontented; Zhuge Liang noticed this; but he said nothing。
Very sadly Sima Yi returned to his own camp。 Bad news followed; for a messenger brought letters telling of an invasion by three armies of Wu。 The letters said that forces had been sent against them; and the Ruler of Wei again enjoined upon his mander…in…Chief a waiting and defensive policy。 So Sima Yi deepened his moats and raised his ramparts。
Meanwhile; when the South Land marched against the Middle Land; Cao Rui sent three armies against the invaders: Liu Shao led that to save Jiangxia; Tian Du led the Xiangyang force; Cao Rui himself; with Man Chong; went into Hefei。 This last was the main army。
Man Chong led the leading division toward Lake Chaohu。 Thence; looking across to the eastern shore; he saw a forest of battleships; and flags and banners crowded the sky。 So he returned to the main army and proposed an attack without loss of time。
〃The enemy think we shall be fatigued after a long march; and so they have not troubled to prepare any defense。 We should attack this night; and we shall overe them。〃
〃What you say accords with my own ideas;〃 said the Ruler of Wei。
Then the Ruler of Wei told off the cavalry leader; Zhang Qiu; to take five thousand troops and try to burn out the enemy with bustibles。 Man Chong was also to attack from the eastern bank。
In the second watch of that night; the two forces set out and gradually approached the entrance to the lake。 They reached the marine camp unobserved; burst upon it with a yell; and the soldiers of Wu fled without striking a blow。 The troops of Wei set fires going in every direction and thus destroyed all the ships together with much grain and many weapons。
Zhuge Jin; who was in mand; led his beaten troops to Miankou; and the attackers returned to their camp much elated。
When the report came to Lu Xun; he called together his officers and said; 〃I must write to the Emperor to abandon the siege of Xincheng; that the army may be employed to cut off the retreat of the Wei army while I will attack them in front。 They will be harassed by the double danger; and we shall break them。〃
All agreed that this was a good plan; and the memorial was drafted。 It was sent by the hand of a junior officer; who was told to convey it secretly。 But this messenger was captured at the ferry and taken before the Ruler of Wei。
Cao Rui read the dispatch; then said with a sigh; 〃This Lu Xun of Wu is really very resourceful。〃
The captive was put into prison; and Liu Shao was told off to defend the rear and keep off Sun Quan's army。
Now Zhuge Jin's defeated soldiers were suffering from hot weather illnesses; and at length he was pelled to write and tell Lu Xun; and ask that his army be relieved and sent home。
Having read this dispatch; Lu Xun said to the messenger; 〃Make my obeisance to the General; and say that I will decide。〃
When the messenger returned with this reply; Zhuge Jin asked what was doing in the mander…in…Chief's camp。
The messenger replied; 〃The soldiers were all outside planting beans; and the officers were amusing themselves at the gates。 They were playing a game of skill; throwing arrows into narrow…necked vases。〃
Alarmed; Zhuge Jin himself went to his chief's camp。
Said he; 〃Cao Rui himself leads the expedition; and the enemy is very strong。 How do you; O mander; meet this pressing danger?〃
Lu Xun replied; 〃My messenger to the Emperor was captured; and thus my plans were discovered。 Now it is useless to prepare to fight; and so we had better retreat。 I have sent in a memorial to engage the Emperor to retire gradually。〃
Zhuge Jin replied; 〃Why delay? If you think it best to retire; it had better be done quickly。〃
〃My army must retreat slowly; or the enemy will e in pursuit; which will mean defeat and loss。 Now you must first prepare your ships as if you meant to resist; while I make a semblance of an attack toward Xiangyang。 Under cover of these operations we shall withdraw into the South Land; and the enemy will not dare to follow。〃
So Zhuge Jin returned to his own camp and began to fit out his ships as if for an immediate expedition; while Lu Xun made all preparations to march; giving out that he intended to advance upon Xiangyang。
The news of these movements were duly reported in the Wei camps。 When the leaders heard it; they wished to go out and fight。 But the Ruler of Wei knew his opponent better than they and would not bring about a battle。
So he called his officers together and said to them; 〃This Lu Xun is very crafty。 Keep careful guard; but do not risk a battle。〃
The officers obeyed。
A few days later the scouts brought in news: 〃The three armies of Wu have retired!〃
The Ruler of Wei doubted and sent out some of his own spies; who confirmed the report。

'e' Sun Zi (aka Sun Wu; Sunzi; Suntzu; Sun…tzu; Sun tzu) the author of the famed treatise The Art of War。 A general of Wu in the Spring and Autumn period; Sun Zi made her the mightiest state during his lifetime by defeating Chu and conquering Yue。 His treatise the Art of War is still avidly read today by many。 。。。。。
'e' Wu Qi; aka Wu Zi; a famous general in the Warring States period。 He first served Lu; then went to Wei; his native; and led Wei army against Qin。 He made enemies in Wei; so he fled to Chu; where King Dao made him prime minister。 Wu Qi made Chu a powerful state; expanded her territory; defended her against Wei; Zhao; and Han; and attacked Qin。 Wu Qi is the author of a military treatise named 〃Wu Qi's Art of War〃。 。。。。。
When he thus knew it was true; he consoled himself with the words; 〃Lu Xun knows the art of war even as did Sun Zi* and Wu Qi*。 The subjugation of the southeast is not for me this time。〃
Thereupon Cao Rui distributed his generals among the various vantage points and led the main army back into Hefei; where he camped ready to take advantage of any change of conditions that might promise success。
Meanwhile Zhuge Liang was at Qishan; where he intended to make a long sojourn。 He made his soldiers mix with the people in Wei and share in the labor of the fields; and the crops………the soldiers one…third; the people two…third。 He gave strict orders against any encroachment on the property of the farmers; and so they and the soldiers lived together very amicably。
Then Sima Yi's son; Sima Shi; went to his father and said; 〃These soldiers of Shu have despoiled us of much grain; and now they are mingling with the people of Qishan and tilling the fields along the banks of River Wei as if they intended to remain there。 This would be a calamity for us。 Why do you not appoint a time to fight a decisive battle with Zhuge Liang?〃
His father replied; 〃I have the Emperor's orders to act on the defensive and may not do as you suggest。〃
While they were thus talking; one reported that Wei Yan had e near and was insulting the army and reminding them that he had the helmet of their leader。 And he was challenging them。 The generals were greatly incensed and desired to accept the challenge; but the mander…in…Chief was immovable in his decision to obey his orders。
〃The Holy One says: 'If one cannot suffer small things; great matters are imperiled。' Our plan is to defend。〃
So the challenge was not accepted; and there was no battle。 After reviling them for some time; Wei Yan went away。
Seeing that his enemy was not to be provoked into fighting; Zhuge Liang gave orders to Ma Dai to build a strong stockade in the Gourd Valley and therein to excavate pits and to collect large quantities of inflammables。 So on the hill they piled wood and straw in the shape of sheds; and all about they dug pits and buried mines。 When these preparations were plete; Ma Dai received instructions to block the road in rear of Gourd Valley and to lay an ambush at the entrance。
〃If Sima Yi es; let him enter the valley; and then explode the mines and set fire to the straw and the wood;〃 said Zhuge Liang。 〃Also; set up seven star flags at the mouth of the valley and arrange a night signal of seven lamps on the hill。〃
After Ma Dai had gone; Wei Yan was called in; and Zhuge Liang said to him; 〃Go to the camp of Wei with five hundred troops and provoke them to battle。 The important matter is to entice Sima Yi out of his stronghold。 You will be unable to obtain a victory; so retreat that he may pursue。 You are to make for the signal; the seven star flags by day or the seven lamps at night。 Thus you will lead him into the Gourd Valley; where I have a plan prepared for him。〃
When Wei Yan had gone; Gao Xiang was summoned。
〃Take small herds; forty or fifty at a time; of the wooden oxen and running horses; load them up with grain and lead them to and fro on the mountains。 If you can succeed in getting the enemy to capture them; you will render a service。〃
So the transport wooden cattle were sent forth to play their part in the scheme; and the remainder of the Qishan soldiers were sent to work in the fields。
He gave orders to his generals; saying; 〃If the enemy under other leaders e to attack; you are to flee the field。 Only in the case Sima Yi es in person; you are to attack most vigorously the south bank of the river and cut off the retreat。〃
Then Zhuge Liang led his army away to camp next to the Gourd Valley。
Xiahou Hui and Xiahou He went to their chief; Sima Yi; and said; 〃The enemy have set out camps and are engaged in field work as though they intended to remain。 If they are not destroyed now; but are allowed to consolidate their position; they will be hard to dislodge。〃
〃This certainly is one of Zhuge Liang's ruses;〃 said the chief。
〃You seem very afraid of him; mander;〃 retorted they。 〃When do you think you can destroy him? At least let us two brothers fight one battle that we may prove our gratitude for the Emperor's kindness。〃
〃If it must be so; then you may go in two divisions;〃 said Sima Yi。
As the two divisions; five thousand troops each; were marching along; they saw ing toward them a number of the transport wooden animals of the enemy。 They attacked at once; drove off the escort; captured them; and sent them back to camp。 Next day they captured more; with soldiers and horses as well; and sent them also to camp。
Sima Yi called up the prisoners and questioned them。
They told him; saying; 〃The Prime Minister understood that you would not fight; and so had told off the soldiers to various places to work in the fields; and therefore provide for future needs。 We had been unwittingly captured。〃
Sima Yi set them free and bade them begone。
〃Why spare them?〃 asked Xiahou He。
〃There is nothing to be gained by the slaughter of a few mon soldiers。 Let them go back to their own and praise the kindliness of the Wei leaders。 That will slacken the desire of their rades to fight against us。 That was the plan by which Lu Meng captured Jingzhou。〃
Then he issued general orders that all Shu prisoners should be well treated and sent away free。 However; he kept rewarding those of his army who had done well。
As has been said; Gao Xiang was ordered to keep pretended convoys on the move; and the soldiers of Wei attacked and captured them whenever they saw them。 In half a month they had scored many successes of this sort; and Sima Yi's h
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