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Zhang Lu could not decide which to do。 His brother; Zhang Wei; maintained that burning everything and flight was the only course。
Zhang Lu said; 〃I have been always loyal at heart and desired to return to allegiance when circumstances would permit。 I have been unable to attain my desire; but now fight seems the only course open to me。 However; the granaries and treasures; the public offices; and the government property of all kinds must be kept safe。〃
So the public buildings were all carefully barred and sealed。 The same night; in the late evening; Zhang Lu and his family went out through the south gate and found their way through。 Cao Cao let them go unpursued。 When Cao Cao entered the city and saw the proofs of Zhang Lu's care of the government property; he passionated the Governor's misfortunes。 He then sent a messenger into Bazhong to induce Zhang Lu to surrender。 Zhang Lu was disposed to do so; but his brother would not hear of it。 Yang Song wrote a secret letter to Cao Cao urging him to attack and promising treacherous aid。
Cao Cao presently attacked; and Zhang Wei came out to meet him。 But his opponent was the mighty Xu Chu; who made short work of him。 The beaten soldiers fled back into the city; which Zhang Lu then decided to defend。
As this would not give Yang Song the chance to carry out his treacherous scheme; he persuaded his master; saying; 〃If we stay passive; death will surely e。 My lord should go out and fight the enemy to the conclusion; leaving me to defend the city。〃
Zhang Lu took this advice; although it was opposed by Yan Pu; and went out。 But before his van got near the enemy; his rear ranks began to desert; and Zhang Lu retreated。 Cao Cao pursued him to the city walls; where Zhang Lu found the gates shut against him。
〃Surrender; O Zhang Lu!〃 cried Cao Cao。
There being now no way open; Zhang Lu dismounted; prostrated himself; and gave in。 Because of this and his care of the public property; Cao Cao treated him with great kindness and consoled him with the title of General Who Guards the South。 Yan Pu and many others also were enrolled among the nobles。 To each county was appointed a Military mander; in addition to the Governor。 All the soldiers were feasted and rewarded。
Then Yang Song; who had sold his master; came and sued for honors。 He was condemned to public execution and exposure。

Selling one's lord may make great service;
But the gains thereof are vanity;
No glory clings to his house but a shameful death;
Wherefore Yang Song is an object of contempt forever。

When the East River Land was quite subdued; First Secretary Sima Yi said; 〃The people of Shu are not loyal to Liu Bei because of his uprooting the late ruler; Liu Zhang。 If on the strength of your present success you press forward; Liu Bei will bee as a shattered tile。 The wise person takes the occasion when it serves; and this should not be missed。〃
Cao Cao sighed; 〃There is no end………as human want has no limit: Now that I have Hanzhong; I am forced into taking Yizhou。〃
Liu Ye supported his colleague; saying; 〃Sima Yi spoke well。 If you delay; Zhuge Liang will have bee top minister; while Guan Yu; Zhang Fei; and the other bold warriors will be at the head of the army。 If the people of Shu once settle down; and the points of vantage are held; you will not be able to overe them。〃
Cao Cao replied; 〃My soldiers have marched far and suffered much。 Beside we must show pity。〃
Wherefore he rested his army for a time。
Meanwhile the populace of Yizhou; having heard of Cao Cao's success in the East River Land; concluded that the West River Land would suffer next; and fear spread among them。 Whereupon Liu Bei called in the Directing Instructor and asked his advice。
Zhuge Liang replied; 〃I can make Cao Cao retreat of his own accord。〃
〃What is that plan?〃
〃A part of Cao Cao's army is camped at Hefei because of the fear of Sun Quan。 If now we restore three territories of Jingzhou………Changsha; Jiangxia; and Guiyang………; and send a specious person to talk; we can make Sun Quan attack Hefei; which will lead to Cao Cao going southward and not looking to the west。〃
〃Who is a fit person for the messenger?〃 said Liu Bei。
And Yi Ji replied; 〃I will go。〃
Liu Bei; well…satisfied; wrote letters and prepared gifts; with which Yi Ji went; calling in at Jingzhou City on the way to tell Guan Yu。 Then he went on to the capital city of Jianye and saw Sun Quan。
After the greetings; Sun Quan asked; 〃On what business do you e?〃
Yi Ji replied; 〃On a former occasion Zhuge Jin would have had the three territories of Changsha; Lingling; and Guiyang; but for the absence of the Directing Instructor; which prevented the actual transfer。 Now I am the bearer of letters giving Changsha; Guiyang; and Jiangxia back to you。 Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang wanted to restore all the territories of Jingzhou; including those of Xiangyang; Nanjun; and Lingling。 But now that Cao Cao has got possession of East River Land; there is no place for General Guan Yu。 Hefei is weak; and we hope you will attack it so as to make Cao Cao withdraw to the south and let my master take the East River Land; when he will restore the whole of the Jingzhou Region。〃
〃Go back to the guest…house; and let me take counsel in this matter;〃 said Sun Quan。
As soon as Yi Ji had gone; the Marquis of Wu turned to his officers and asked what should be done。
Zhang Zhao said; 〃All this is because Liu Bei fears that Cao Cao will attack him。 However; since Cao Cao is absent in Hanzhong; it would be well to seize the opportunity and attack Hefei。〃
Sun Quan accepted the advice。 After he had sent the messenger away; he began to prepare for the expedition。 He left Lu Su in mand over the three territories of Changsha; Jiangxia; and Guiyang。 Then Sun Quan encamped at Lukou; withdrew Generals Lu Meng and Gan Ning; and sent to Yuhang for General Ling Tong。
In a few days; Lu Meng and Gan Ning returned。
Lu Meng suggested a plan; saying; 〃Cao Cao has sent Zhu Guang; Governor of Lujiang; to camp at the city of Huancheng and plant grain for the supply of Hefei。 Let us first take Huancheng first; and then attack Hefei。〃
〃This scheme is just after my own heart;〃 said Sun Quan。
So Sun Quan appointed Lu Meng and Gan Ning as Van Leaders; Jiang Qin and Pan Zhang as Rear Guards; he himself with Zhou Tai; Chen Wu; Dong Xi; and Xu Sheng manded the center。 But the manders Cheng Pu; Huang Gai; and Han Dang were not called to take part in this expedition as they were guarding certain especial places。
The army crossed the river and captured Hezhou on the way。 Governor Zhu Guang sent an urgent message to Hefei for help and set himself to strengthen his fortifications for a siege。 Sun Quan went very near the city walls of Huancheng to observe its defense; and a flight of arrows greeted him; some striking his great official parasol。 He went back to camp and asked his officers to offer plans of attack。
Then Dong Xi said; 〃Pile up great hills of earth and attack from the summits。〃
Said Xu Sheng; 〃Set up long ladders and construct platforms whence you can look over the city walls and thus attack。〃
But Lu Meng said; 〃All such plans need a long time to prepare; and in the meantime the soldiers of Cao Cao will arrive from Hefei。 Do not try such long…drawn…out schemes; but take advantage of the fine; fresh spirit of our newly arrived troops and attack impetuously。 Their elan will carry the wall。 If you attack tomorrow at dawn; the city will fall before noon。〃
So the early meal was taken at the fifth watch; and the army went to the attack。 The defenders sent down showers of arrows and stones。 Gan Ning took an iron chain in his hand and climbed up the wall。 They shot at him with bows and crossbows; but he turned aside the arrows and bolts; and he threw the chain round Governor Zhu Guang to pull him down。 Lu Meng beat the drum for the attack。 The soldiers made a rush forward to climb the wall; and they slew Zhu Guang。 His officers and soldiers gave in; and so Huancheng fell to Sun Quan。 It was still a long time to noon。
In the meantime Zhang Liao was marching to the aid of the city。 Half…way he heard that the city had fallen; and so he returned to Hefei。
Soon after the conqueror's entry into Huancheng; Ling Tong came there with his army。 The next few days were devoted to feasting the army。 Special rewards were given to the two generals who had done such good work at the capture; and at the banquet to the officers; Gan Ning was seated in the seat of honor; which his colleague; Lu Meng; readily yielded to him for his late prowess。
But as the cup of felicitation was passing round; Ling Tong's thoughts turned to the enmity he bore Gan Ning for having slain his father; and the praises which Lu Meng now heaped upon Gan Ning filled Ling Tong's heart with bitterness。 For some time he glared savagely at Gan Ning; and then he determined on revenge。
Drawing his sword; Ling Tong suddenly rose to his feet and cried; 〃There is nothing to amuse the assembly。 I will give them a display of swordsmanship!〃
Gan Ning quickly saw his real intention。 He pushed back his table and laid hold of a halberd in each hand; crying; 〃And you may also watch an adept in the use of this weapon!〃
Lu Meng saw the evil meaning of both; and assuming his sword and shield; he hastily stepped between the two warriors; saying; 〃Neither of you gentlemen is so dexterous as I。〃
So he forced the two batants asunder; while someone ran to tell Sun Quan。 The Marquis hastily jumped into the saddle and rode to the banquet hall。 At sight of their lord; they all three lowered their weapons。
〃I have bidden you two to forget this old enmity;〃 said Sun Quan。 〃Why do you revive it today?〃
Ling Tong prostrated himself in tears。 Sun Quan exhorted him to forget his quarrel; and once again there was peace。
The next day the army set out for Hefei。
Because of the loss of Huancheng; Zhang Liao grieved greatly。 Cao Cao had sent by the hands of Xue Ti a small casket sealed with his own seal and bearing outside the words; 〃If rebels e; open this。〃
So when he received the news of the ing of a powerful army; Zhang Liao opened the casket and read the letter therein:
〃If Sun Quan es to attack Hefei; the two Generals Li Dian and Zhang Liao are to go out to oppose him; and Yue Jing is to be left to guard the walls。〃
Zhang Liao sent the letter to the two men named therein。
〃What do you think to do?〃 said Yue Jing。
Zhang Liao replied; 〃Our lord is away; and Wu is ing to attack for certain。 We must go out to repel them and exert ourselves to the utmost to inflict defeat upon their advanced guard。 Thus we shall appease the fears of the populace; and then we can hold as best we may。〃
But Li Dian was silent; for he was ever unfriendly to Zhang Liao。
Then seeing his colleague inclined to hold off; Yue Jing said; 〃I am for remaining on the defensive; since the enemy is so much more numerous than we。〃
〃Gentlemen; it seems you are selfish and not devoted to the mon weal;〃 said Zhang Liao。 〃You may have your private reasons for what you do; but I intend to go out and try to repel the enemy。 I will fight them to the death。〃
Thereupon Zhang Liao bade his servants saddle his steed。
At this; Li Dian's better feelings were aroused; and he rose; saying; 〃How can I be careless of the mon weal and indulge my private feelings? I 
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