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〃How are you; General?〃 said Lu Su。
〃My heart pains me。 Every now and again I feel faint and dizzy。〃
〃Have you taken any remedies?〃
〃My gorge rises at the thought。 I could not。〃
〃I saw Zhuge Liang just now; and he says he could heal you。 He is just outside; and I will call him if you like。〃
〃Ask him to e in。〃
Zhou Yu bade his servants help him to a sitting position; and Zhuge Liang entered。
〃I have not seen you for days;〃 said Zhuge Liang。 〃How could I guess that you were unwell?〃
〃How can anyone feel secure? We are constantly the playthings of luck; good or bad。〃
〃Yes。 Heaven's winds and clouds are not to be measured。 No one can reckon their ings and goings; can they?〃
Zhou Yu turned pale and a low groan escaped him; while his visitor went on; 〃You feel depressed; do you not? As though troubles were piling up in your heart?〃
〃That is exactly how I feel;〃 said Zhou Yu。
〃You need cooling medicine to dissipate this sense of oppression。〃
〃I have taken a cooling draught; but it has done no good。〃
〃You must get the humors into good order before the drugs will have any effect。〃
Zhou Yu began to think Zhuge Liang knew what was really the matter and resolved to test him。
〃What should be taken to produce a favorable temper?〃 said Zhou Yu。
〃I know one means of producing a favorable temper;〃 replied Zhuge Liang。
〃I wish you would tell me。〃
Zhuge Liang got out writing materials; sent away the servants; and then wrote a few words:

〃To defeat Cao Cao
You have to use fire;
All are in your wish;
But wind from the east。〃

This he gave to the sick general; saying; 〃That is the origin of your illness。〃
Zhou Yu read the words with great surprise; and it confirmed his secret opinion that Zhuge Liang really was rather more than human。 He decided that the only course was to be open and tell him all。
So he said; 〃Since you know the cause of the disease; what do you remend as treatment? The need of a remedy is very urgent。〃
〃I have no great talent;〃 said Zhuge Liang; 〃but I have had to do with humans of no ordinary gifts from whom I have received certain magical books called 'Concealing Method'。 I can call the winds and summon the rains。 Since you need a southeast breeze; General; you must build an altar on the Southern Hills; the Altar of the Seven Stars。 It must be nine spans high; with three steps; surrounded by a guard of one hundred and twenty humans bearing flags。 On this altar I will work a spell to procure a strong southeast gale for three days and three nights。 Do you approve?〃
〃Never mind three whole days;〃 said Zhou Yu。 〃One day of strong wind will serve my purpose。 But it must be done at once and without delay。〃
〃I will sacrifice for a wind for three days from the twentieth day of the moon。 Will that suit you?〃
Zhou Yu was delighted and hastily rose from his couch to give the necessary orders。 He manded that five hundred men should be sent to the mountains to build the altar; and he told off the guard of one hundred and twenty to bear the flags and be at the orders of Zhuge Liang。
Zhuge Liang took his leave; went forth; and rode off with Lu Su to the mountains where they measured out the ground。 He bade the soldiers build the altar of red earth from the southeast quarter。 It was two hundred and forty spans in circuit; square in shape; and of three tiers; each of three spans; in all nine spans high。
On the lowest tier he placed the flags of the twenty…eight 〃houses〃 of the heavens and four constellations: On the east seven; with blue flags; on the north seven; with black flags; on the west seven; with white flags; and on the south seven; with red flags。
Around the second tier he placed sixty…four yellow flags; corresponding to the number of the diagrams of the Book of Divination; in eight groups of eight。
Four men were stationed on the highest platform; each wearing a Taoist headdress and a black silk robe embroidered with the phoenix and confined with wide sashes。 They wore scarlet boots and square…cut skirts。 On the left front stood a man supporting a tall pole bearing at its top a plume of light feathers to show by their least movement the wind's first breathing。 On the right front was a man holding a tall pole whereon was a flag with the symbol of the seven stars to show the direction and force of the wind。 On the left rear stood a man with a sword; and on the right rear a man with a censer。
Below the altar were forty…four men holding flags; umbrellas; spears; lances; yellow banners; white axes; red banderoles; and black ensigns。 And these were spaced about the altar。
On the appointed day Zhuge Liang; having chosen a propitious moment; bathed his body and purified himself。 Then he robed himself as a Taoist; loosened his locks; and approached the altar。
He bade Lu Su retire; saying; 〃Return to the camp and assist the General in setting out his forces。 Should my prayers avail not; do not wonder。〃
So Lu Su left him。 Then Zhuge Liang manded the guards on no account to absent themselves; to maintain strict silence; and to be reverent。 Death would be the penalty of disobedience。
Next; with solemn steps he ascended the altar; faced the proper quarter; lighted the incense; and sprinkled the water in the basins。 This done he gazed into the heavens and prayed silently。 The prayer ended he descended and returned to his tent。 After a brief rest he allowed the soldiers by turns to go away to eat。
Thrice that day he ascended the altar and thrice descended; but there was no sign of the wind。
During that time; Zhou Yu; with Cheng Pu and Lu Su and other military officials on duty; sat waiting in the tent till the wished…for wind should blow and the attack could be launched。 Messengers were also sent to Sun Quan to prepare to support the forward movement。
Huang Gai had his fire ships ready; twenty of them。 The fore parts of the ships were thickly studded with large nails; and they were loaded with dry reeds; wood soaked in fish oil; and covered with sulfur; saltpeter; and other inflammables。 The ships were covered in with black oiled cloth。 In the prow of each was a black dragon flag with indentations。 A fighting ship was attached to the stern of each to propel it forward。 All were ready and awaited orders to move。
Meanwhile Cao Cao's two spies; Cai He and Cai Zhong; were being guarded carefully in an outer camp far from the river bank and daily entertained with feasting。 They were not allowed to know of the preparations。 The watch was so close that not a trickle of information reached the prisoners。
Presently; while Zhou Yu was anxiously awaiting in his tent for the desired wind; a messenger came to say that Sun Quan had anchored at a place thirty miles from the camp; where he awaited news from the mander…in…Chief。
Lu Su was sent to warn all the various manders to be ready; the ships and their weapons; sails and oars; all for instant use; and to impress upon them the penalties of being caught unprepared。 The soldiers were indeed ready for the fight and yearning for the fray。
But the sky remained obstinately clear; and as night drew nigh no breath of air stirred。
〃We have been cajoled;〃 said Zhou Yu。 〃Indeed what possibility is there of a southeast wind in midwinter?〃
〃Zhuge Liang would not use vain and deceitful words;〃 replied Lu Su。
Towards the third watch; the sound of a movement arose in the air。 Soon the flags fluttered out。 And when the mander…in…Chief went out to make sure; he saw they were flowing toward the northwest。 In a very short time the southeast wind was in full force。
Zhou Yu was; however; frightened at the power of the man whose help he had invoked。
He said; 〃Really the man has power over the heavens and authority over the earth。 His methods are incalculable; beyond the ken of god or devil。 He cannot be allowed to live to be a danger to our land of the south。 We must slay him soon to fend off later evils。〃
So Zhou Yu resolved to mit a crime to remove his dangerous rival。
He called two of the generals of his guard; Ding Feng and Xu Sheng; and said to them; 〃Each of you take a party of one hundred troops; one along the river; the other along the road; to the altar on the mountains。 As soon as you get there; without asking questions or giving reasons; you are to seize and behead Zhuge Liang。 Rich reward will be given when you bring his head back。〃
Xu Sheng and Ding Feng went off on their errand; the former leading dagger and ax…men going as fast as oars could propel them along the river; the latter at the head of archers and bowmen on horseback。 The southeast wind buffeted them as they went on their way。

High was raised the Seven Stars Altar;
On it prayed the Sleeping Dragon
For an eastern wind; and straightway
Blew the wind。 Had not the wizard
Exercised his mighty magic
Nought had Zhou Yu's skill availed。

Ding Feng first arrived。 He saw the guards with their flags; dropped off his steed; and marched to the altar; sword in hand。 But he found no Zhuge Liang。
When he asked the guards; they told him; saying; 〃He has just gone down。〃
Ding Feng ran down the hill to search。 There he met his fellow Xu Sheng; and they joined forces。
Presently a simple soldier told them; saying; 〃The evening before a small; fast boat anchored there near a sand spit; and Zhuge Liang was seen to go on board。 Then the boat went up river。〃
So Xu Sheng and Ding Feng divided their party into two; one to go by water; the other by land。
Xu Sheng bade his boatmen put on all sail and take every advantage of the wind。 Before very long he saw the fugitive's boat ahead; and when near enough; stood in the prow of his own and shouted; 〃Do not flee; O Instructor of the Army! The General requests your presence。〃
Zhuge Liang; who was seated in the stern of his boat; just laughed aloud; saying; 〃Return and tell the General to make good use of his soldiers。 Tell him I am going up river for a spell and will see him again another day。〃
〃Pray wait a little while;〃 cried Xu Sheng。 〃I have something most important to tell you!〃
〃I knew all about it; that Zhou Yu would not let me go and that he wanted to kill me。 That is why Zhao Yun was waiting for me。 You had better not approach nearer。〃
Seeing the other ship had no sail; Xu Sheng thought he would assuredly e up with it and so maintained the pursuit。
Then when he got too close; Zhao Yun fitted an arrow to the bowstring and; standing up in the stern of his boat; cried; 〃You know who I am; and I came expressly to escort the Directing Instructor。 Why are you pursuing him? One arrow would kill you; only that would cause a breach of the peace between two houses。 I will shoot and just give you a specimen of my skill。〃
With that he shot; and the arrow whizzed overhead cutting the rope that held up the sail。 Down came the sail trailing in the water and the boat swung round。 Then Zhao Yun's boat hoisted its sail; and the fair wind speedily carried it out of sight。
On the bank stood Ding Feng。 He bade his rade e to the shore and said; 〃Zhuge Liang is too clever for anyone; and Zhao Yun is bravest of the brave。 You remember what he did at Dangyang; at the Long Slope Bridge。 All we can do is to return and report。〃
So they returned to camp and told their master about the preparations that Zhuge Liang had made to ensure safety。 Zhou Yu was indeed puzzled at the depth of his rival's insight。
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