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Betrayed a former lord;
Soon after; as was very met。
Both fell beneath the sword。

The death of these two naval manders caused much consternation in the camp; and all their colleagues asked the reason for their sudden execution。 Though Cao Cao knew they had been victimized; he would not acknowledge it。
So he said; 〃These two had been remiss; and so had been put to death。〃
The others were aghast; but nothing could be done。 Two other officers; Mao Jie and Yu Jin; were put in mand of the naval camp。
Spies took the news to Zhou Yu; who was delighted at the success of his ruse。
〃Those two Cai Mao and Zhang Yun were my only source of anxiety;〃 said he。 〃Now they are gone: I am quite happy。〃
Lu Su said; 〃General; if you can continue like this; you need not fear Cao Cao。〃
〃I do not think any of them saw my game;〃 said Zhou Yu; 〃except Zhuge Liang。 He beats me; and I do not think this ruse was hidden from him。 You go and sound him。 See if he knew。〃

Zhou Yu's treacherous plot succeeded well;
Dissension sown; his rivals fell。
Drunk with success was he; but sought
To know what cynic Zhuge Liang thought。

What passed between Lu Su and Zhuge Liang will next be related。
 Main Next to Chapter 46 》》

   Romance of Three Kingdoms … by Luo Guanzhong … Chapter 46
 Chapter 46
Using Strategy; Zhuge Liang Borrows Arrows;
Joining A Ruse; Huang Gai Accepts Punishment。
Lu Su departed on his mission and found Zhuge Liang seated in his little craft。
〃There has been so much to do that I have not been able to e to listen to your instructions;〃 said Lu Su。
〃That is truly so;〃 said Zhuge Liang; 〃and I have not yet congratulated the mander…in…Chief。〃
〃What have you wished to congratulate him upon?〃
〃Why Sir; the matter upon which he sent you to find out whether I knew about it or not。 Indeed I can congratulate him on that。〃
Lu Su turned pale and gasped; saying; 〃But how did you know; Master?〃
〃The ruse succeeded well thus played off on Jiang Gan。 Cao Cao has been taken in this once; but he will soon rise to it。 Only he will not confess his mistake。 However; the two men are gone; and the South Land is freed from a grave anxiety。 Do you not think that is a matter for congratulation? I hear Mao Jie and Yu Jin are the new admirals; and in their hands lie both good and evil for the fate of the northern fleet。〃
Lu Su was quite dumbfounded。 He stayed a little time longer passing the time in making empty remarks; and then took his leave。
As he was going away; Zhuge Liang cautioned him; saying; 〃Do not let Zhou Yu know that I know his ruse。 If you let him know; he will seek some chance to do me harm。〃
Lu Su promised。 Nevertheless he went straight to his chief and related the whole thing just as it happened。
〃Really he must be got rid of;〃 said Zhou Yu。 〃I have quite decided to put the man out of the way。〃
〃If you slay him; will not Cao Cao laugh at you?〃
〃Oh; no; I will find a legitimate way of getting rid of him so that he shall go to his death without resentment。〃
〃But how can you find a legitimate way of assassinating him?〃
〃Do not ask too much。 You will see presently。〃
Soon after all the officers were summoned to the main tent; and Zhuge Liang's presence was desired。 He went contentedly enough。
When all were seated; Zhou Yu suddenly addressed Zhuge Liang; saying; 〃I am going to fight a battle with the enemy soon on the water。 What weapons are the best?〃
〃On a great river arrows are the best;〃 said Zhuge Liang。
〃Your opinion and mine agree。 But at the moment we are short of them。 I wish you would undertake to supply about a hundred thousand arrows for the naval fight。 As it is for the public service; you will not decline; I hope。〃
〃Whatever task the mander…in…Chief lays upon me; I must certainly try to perform;〃 replied Zhuge Liang。 〃May I inquire by what date you require the hundred thousand arrows?〃
〃Could you have them ready in ten days?〃
〃The enemy will be here very soon。 Ten days will be too late;〃 said Zhuge Liang。
〃In how many days do you estimate the arrows can be ready?〃
〃Let me have three days。 Then you may send for your hundred thousand。〃
〃No joking; remember!〃 said Zhou Yu。 〃There is no joking in war time。〃
〃Dare I joke with the mander…in…Chief? Give me a formal military order。 If I have not pleted the task in three days; I will take my punishment。〃
Zhou Yu; secretly delighted; sent for the secretaries and prepared the mission then and there。
Then he drank to the success of the undertaking and said; 〃I shall have to congratulate you most heartily when this is acplished。〃
〃This day is too late to count;〃 said Zhuge Liang。 〃On the third from tomorrow morning send five hundred small boats to the river side to convey the arrows。〃
They drank a few more cups together; and then Zhuge Liang took his leave。
After he had gone; Lu Su said; 〃Do you not think there is some deceit about this?〃
〃Clearly it is not I! It is he who has signed his own death warrant;〃 said Zhou Yu。 〃Without being pressed in the least; he asked for a formal order in the face of the whole assembly。 Even if he grew a pair of wings; he could not escape。 Only I will just order the workers to delay him as much as they can; and not supply him with materials; so that he is sure to fail。 And then; when the certain penalty is incurred; who can criticize? You can go and inquire about it all and keep me informed。〃
So off went Lu Su to seek Zhuge Liang; who at once reproached him with having blabbed about the former business。
Zhuge Liang said; 〃He wants to hurt me; as you know; and I did not think you could not keep my secret。 And now there is what you saw today; and how do you think I can get a hundred thousand arrows made in three days? You will simply have to rescue me。〃
〃You brought the misfortune on yourself; and how can I rescue you?〃 said Lu Su。
〃I look to you for the loan of twenty vessels; manned each by thirty people。 I want blue cotton screens and bundles of straw lashed to the sides of the boats。 I have good use for them。 On the third day; I shall undertake to deliver the fixed number of arrows。 But on no account must you let Zhou Yu know; or my scheme will be wrecked。〃
Lu Su consented; and this time he kept his word。 He went to report to his chief as usual; but he said nothing about the boats。
He only said; 〃Zhuge Liang is not using bamboo or feathers or glue or varnish; but has some other way of getting arrows。〃
〃Let us await the three days' limit;〃 said Zhou Yu; puzzled though confident。
On his side Lu Su quietly prepared a score of light swift boats; each with its crew and the blue screens and bundles of grass plete and; when these were ready; he placed them at Zhuge Liang's disposal。
Zhuge Liang did nothing on the first day; nor on the second。 On the third day at the middle of the fourth watch; Zhuge Liang sent a private message asking Lu Su to e to his boat。
〃Why have you sent for me; Sir?〃 asked Lu Su。
〃I want you to go with me to get those arrows。〃
〃Whither are you going?〃
〃Do not ask。 You will see。〃
Then the twenty boats were fastened together by long ropes and moved over to the north bank。 The night proved very foggy and the mist was very dense along the river; so that one person could scarcely see another。 In spite of the fog; Zhuge Liang urged the boats forward as if into the vast fairy kingdom。
There is a poem on these river fogs:

Mighty indeed is the Great River!
Rising far in the west; in the Emei and Min Mountains;
Plowing its way through Wu; east flowing; resistless;
Swelled by its nine tributary streams; rolling down from the far north;
Aided and helped by a hundred rivulets swirling and foaming;
Ocean receives it at last weling; joyful; its waters。
Therein abide sea nymphs and water gods;
Enormous whales a thousand fathoms long;
Nine…headed monstrous beasts; reptiles and octopi;
Demons and uncouth creatures wondrous strange。
In faith it is the home and safe retreat
Of devils and sprites; and wondrous growths;
And eke the battle ground of valiant humans。
At times occur strange strife of elements;
When darkness strives on light's domains that encroach;
Whereat arises in the vaulted dome of blue
White wreaths of fog that toward the center roll。
Then darkness falls; too dense for any torch
Illumine; only clanging sounds can pass。
The fog at first appears; a vaporous wreath
Scarce visible。 But thickening fast; it veils
The Southern Hills; the painted leopard's home。
And spreads afar; until the northern sea
Leviathans are amazed and lose their course。
And denser yet it touches on the sky。
And spreads a heavy mantle over the earth。
Then; wide as is the high pitched arch of heaven;
Therein appears no single rift of blue。
Now mighty whales lead up their spouses to sport
Upon the waves; the sinuous dragons dive
Deep down and; breathing; swell the heaving sea;
The earth is moist as with the early rains;
And spring's creative energy is chilled。
Both far and wide and high the damp fog spreads;
Great cities on the eastern bank are hid;
Wide ports and mountains in the south are lost;
Whole fleets of battle ships; a thousand keels;
Hide in the misty depths; frail fishing boats
High riding on a wave are seen………and lost。
The gloom increases and the domed sky
Grows dark and darker as the sun's light fails。
The daylight dies; dim twilight's reign begins;
The ruddy hills dissolve and lose their hue。
The skill of matchless King Yu would fail to sound
The depth and height; and Li Lou's eye; though keen;
Could never pierce this gloom。
Now is the time; O sea and river gods; to use your powers。
The gliding fish and creeping water folk
Are lost; there is no track for bird or beast。
Fair Penglai Isles are hidden from our sight;
The lofty gates of heaven have disappeared。
Nature is blurred and indistinct; as when
A driving rain storm hurries over the earth。
And then; perhaps; within the heavy haze;
A noisome serpent vents his venom foul
And plagues descend; or impish demons work
Their wicked wills。
Ills fall on humans but do not stay;
Heaven's cleansing breath sweeps them sway;
But while they last the mean ones cry;
The nobler suffer silently。
The greatest turmoil is a sign
Of quick return to state benign。

The little fleet reached Cao Cao's naval camp about the fifth watch; and Zhuge Liang gave orders to form line lying prows west; and then to beat the drums and shout。
〃But what shall we do if they attack us?〃 exclaimed Lu Su。
Zhuge Liang replied with a smile; 〃I think their fleet will not venture out in this fog。 Go on with your wine; and let us be happy。 We will go back when the fog lifts。〃
As soon as the shouting from the river was heard by those in the camp; the two admirals; Mao Jie and Yu Jin; ran off to report to Cao Cao; who said; 〃ing up in a fog like this means that they have prepared an ambush for us。 Do not go out; but get all the force together and shoot at them。〃
He also sent orders to the ground camps to dispatch six thousand of archers and crossbowmen to aid the marines。
The naval forces were then lined up shooting on the bank to prevent a landing。 Presently the soldiers arrived; and ten thousand and more soldiers were shooting down into the river; where the arrows fell like rain。 By and bye Zhuge Liang ordered the boats to turn round so that their prows pointed 
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