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 but now Lu Su has returned bringing with him the Directing Instructor of Liu Bei's army; Zhuge Liang。 Zhuge Liang; desiring to avenge himself for the recent defeat; has talked our lord into a mind for war; and Lu Su persists in supporting that policy。 They only await your final decision。〃
〃Are you all unanimous in your opinions?〃
〃We are perfectly unanimous;〃 said Zhang Zhao。
Zhou Yu said; 〃The fact is I have also desired to submit for a long time。 I beg you to leave me now; and tomorrow we will see our master; and I shall make up his mind for him。〃
So they took their leave。 Very soon came the military party led by Cheng Pu; Huang Gai; and Han Dang。 They were admitted and duly inquired after their host's health。
Then the leader Cheng Pu said; 〃Have you heard that our country is about to pass under another's government?〃
〃No; I have heard nothing;〃 replied the host。
〃We helped General Sun Quan to establish his authority here and carve out this kingdom; and to gain that end we fought many a battle before we conquered the country。 Now our lord lends his ear to his civil officers and desires to submit himself to Cao Cao。 This is a most shameful and pitiful course; and we would rather die than follow it。 So we hope you will decide to fight; and you may depend upon our struggling to the last person。〃
〃And are you unanimous; Generals?〃 asked Zhou Yu。
Huang Gai suddenly started up and smote his forehead; saying; 〃They may take my head; but I swear never to surrender。〃
〃Not one of us is willing to surrender;〃 cried all the others。
〃My desire also is to decide matters with Cao Cao on the battlefield。 How could we think of submission? Now I pray you retire; Generals; and when I see our lord; I will settle his doubts。〃
So the war party left。 They were quickly succeeded by Zhuge Jin; Lu Fan; and their faction。
They were brought in and; after the usual courtesies; Zhuge Jin said; 〃My brother has e down the river saying that Liu Bei desires to ally himself with our lord against Cao Cao。 The civil and military hold different opinions as to the course to be pursued。 But as my brother is so deeply concerned; I am unwilling to say much on either side。 We are awaiting your decision。〃
〃And what do you think about it?〃 asked Zhou Yu。
〃Submission is an easy road to tranquillity; while the result of war is hard to foretell。〃
Zhou Yu smiled; 〃I shall have my mind made up。 e tomorrow to the palace; and the decision shall be announced。〃
The trimmers took their leave。 But soon after came Lu Meng; Gan Ning; and their supporters; also desirous of discussing the same thing; and they told him that opinions differed greatly; some being for peace and others for war。 One party constantly disputed with the other。
〃I must not say much now;〃 replied Zhou Yu; 〃but you will see tomorrow in the palace; when the matter will be fully debated。〃
They went away leaving Zhou Yu smiling cynically。
About eventide Lu Su and Zhuge Liang came; and Zhou Yu went out to the main gate to receive them。
When they had taken their proper seats; Lu Su spoke first; saying; 〃Cao Cao has e against the South Land with a huge army。 Our master cannot decide whether to submit or give battle and waits for your decision。 What is your opinion?〃
Zhou Yu replied; 〃We may not oppose Cao Cao when he acts at the mand of the Emperor。 Moreover; he is very strong; and to attack him is to take serious risks。 In my opinion; opposition would mean defeat and; since submission means peace; I have decided to advise our lord to write and offer surrender。〃
〃But you are wrong!〃 stammered Lu Su。 〃This country has been under the same rule for three generations and cannot be suddenly abandoned to some other。 Our late lord Sun Ce said that you were to be consulted on matters beyond the border; and we depended upon you to keep the country as secure and solid as the Taishan Mountains。 Now you adopt the view of the weaklings and propose to yield! I cannot believe you mean it。〃
Replied Zhou Yu; 〃The six territories contain countless people。 If I am the means of bringing upon them the misery of war; they will hate me。 So I have decided to advise submission。〃
〃But do you not realize our lord's might and the strength of our country? If Cao Cao does attack; it is very uncertain that he will realize his desire。〃
The two wrangled for a long time; while Zhuge Liang sat smiling with folded arms。
Presently Zhou Yu asked; 〃Why do you smile thus; Master?〃
And Zhuge Liang replied; 〃I am smiling at no other than your opponent Lu Su; who knows nothing of the affairs of the day。〃
〃Master;〃 said Lu Su; 〃what do you mean?〃
〃Why; this intention to submit is perfectly reasonable。 It is the one proper thing。〃
〃There!〃 exclaimed Zhou Yu。 〃Zhuge Liang knows the times perfectly well; and he agrees with me。〃
〃But; both of you; why do you say this?〃 said Lu Su。
Said Zhuge Liang; 〃Cao Cao is an excellent mander; so good that no one dares oppose him。 Only very few have ever attempted it; and they have been exterminated………the world knows them no more。 The only exception is Liu Bei; who did not understand the conditions and vigorously contended against him; with the result that he is now at Jiangxia in a very parlous state。 To submit is to secure the safety of wives and children; to be rich and honored。 But the dignity of the country would be left to chance and fate………however; that is not worth consideration。〃
Lu Su interrupted angrily; 〃Would you make our lord crook the knee to such a rebel as Cao Cao?〃
〃Well;〃 replied Zhuge Liang; 〃there is another way; and a cheaper。 There would be no need to 'lead the sheep and shoulder wine pots' for presents; nor any need to yield territory and surrender seals of office。 It would not even be necessary to cross the river yourselves。 All you would require is a simple messenger and a little boat to ferry a couple of persons across the river。 If Cao Cao only got these two under his hand; his hordes and legions would just drop their weapons; furl their banners; and silently vanish away。〃
〃What two persons could cause Cao Cao to go away as you say?〃 asked Zhou Yu。
〃Two persons who could be easily spared from this populous country。 They would not be missed any more than a leaf from a tree or a grain of millet from a granary。 But if Cao Cao could only get them; would he not go away rejoicing?〃
〃But who are the two?〃 asked Zhou Yu again。
〃When I was living in the country; they told me that Cao Cao was building a pavilion on the River Zhang。 It was to be named the Bronze Bird Tower。 It is an exceedingly handsome building; and he has sought throughout all the world for the most beautiful women to live in it。 For Cao Cao really is a sensualist。

'e' Fan Li was adviser of Gou Jian; the king of Yue。 Fan Li helped Gou Jian plot the 〃Beauty Ruse〃 in order to destroy Fu Zha; the king of Wu。 After Yue triumphed over Wu; Fan Li resigned from politics。 。。。。。
'e' Xi Shi was a beautiful lady who helped King Gou Jian of Yue defeat the powerful kingdom of Wu in the Spring and Autumn period。 Acting on Fan Li's counsel; Xi Shi made Fu Zha; the king of Wu; fall madly in love with her and dismiss or kill his loyal ministers。 After Wu had been thus weakened; Guo Jian attacked and conquered Wu。 Fu Zha died in the fight。 Legend has it that having pleted her task; Xi Shi went away with Fan Li; and they became wealthy merchants and did a lot of charity works。 Another story says that after Fu Zha died; Xi Shi discovered he truly loved her; and she mitted suicide to be with him。 。。。。。
〃Now there are two very famous beauties in Wu; born of the Qiao family。 So beautiful are they that birds alight and fishes drown; the moon hides her face and the flowers blush for shame at sight of them。 Cao Cao has declared with an oath that he only wants two things in this world: The imperial throne in peace and the sight of those two women on the Bronze Bird Terraces。 Given these two; he would go down to his grave without regret。 This expedition of his; his huge army that threatens this country; has for its real aim these two women。 Why do you not buy these two from their father; the State Patriarch Qiao; for any sum however large and send them over the river? The object of the army being attained; it will simply be marched away。 This is the use that Fan Li* of Yue made to the king of Wu of the famous beauty Xi Shi*。〃
〃How do you know Cao Cao so greatly desires these two?〃 said Zhou Yu。
〃Because his son Cao Zhi; who is an able writer; at the mand of his father wrote a poem 'An Ode to the Bronze Bird Terrace;' theme only allowing allusions to the family fitness for the throne。 He has sworn to possess these two women。 I think I can remember the poem; if you wish to hear it。 I admire it greatly。〃
〃Try;〃 said Zhou Yu。
So Zhuge Liang recited the poem:

〃Let me follow in the footsteps of the enlightened ruler that I may rejoice;
And ascend the storied terrace that I may gladden my heart;
That I may see the wide extent of the palace;
That I may gaze upon the plans of the virtuous one。
He has established the exalted gates high as the hills;
He has built the lofty towers piercing the blue vault;
He has set up the beautiful building in the midst of the heavens;
Whence the eye can range over the cities of the west。
On the banks of the rolling River Zhang he planned it;
Whence abundance of fruits could be looked for in his gardens。
The two towers rise; one on either flank;
This named Golden Phoenix; that Jade Dragon。
He would have the two Qiaos; these beautiful ladies of Wu;
That he might rejoice with them morning and evening。
Look down; there is the grand beauty of an imperial city;
And the rolling vapors lie floating beneath。
He will rejoice in the multitude of scholars that assemble;
Answering to the felicitous dream of King Wen。
Look up; and there is the gorgeous harmony of springtime;
And the singing of many birds delighting the ear;
The lofty sky stands over all。
The house desires success in its double undertaking;
That the humane influence may be poured out over all the world;
That the perfection of reverence may be offered to the Ruler。
Only the richly prosperous rule of Kings Wu and Huan
Could pare with that of the sacred understanding
That fortune! What beauty!
The gracious kindness spreads afar;
The imperial family is supported;
Peace reigns over all the empire;
Bounded only by the universe。
Bright as the glory of the sun and moon;
Ever honorable and ever enduring;
The Ruler shall live to the age of the eastern emperor;
The dragon banner shall wave to the farthest limit。
His glorious chariot shall be guided with perfect wisdom;
His thoughts shall reform all the world;
Felicitous produce shall be abundant;
And the people shall rest firm。
My desire is that these towers shall endure forever;
And that joy shall never cease through all the ages。

Zhou Yu listened to the end but then suddenly jumped up in a tremendous rage。
Turning to the north and pointing with his finger; he cried; 〃You old rebel; this insult is too deep!〃
Zhuge Liang hastily rose too and soothed him; saying; 〃But remember the Khan of the Xiongnu People。 The Han emperor gave him a princess of the family to wife although he had made many incursions into our territory。 That was the price of peace。 You surely would not grudge two
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