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rds。 Besides; we have no one to send。〃
〃Your elder brother Zhuge Jin is there as adviser and is longing to see you。 I am but a simple wight; but I should be pleased to discuss affairs with my master and you。〃
〃But Zhuge Liang is my Directing Instructor;〃 said Liu Bei; 〃and I cannot do without him。 He cannot go。〃
Lu Su pressed him。 Liu Bei pretended to refuse permission。
〃It is important。 I pray you give me leave to go;〃 said Zhuge Liang。
Then Liu Bei consented。 And they soon took leave and the two set out by boat for Sun Quan's headquarters。

A little boat sailed down the stream
With Zhuge Liang well content;
For he could see his enemies
To fiery perdition sent。

The result of this journey will appear in the following chapter。
 Main Next to Chapter 43 》》

   Romance of Three Kingdoms … by Luo Guanzhong … Chapter 43
 Chapter 43
Zhuge Liang Disputes With The Southern Scholars;
Lu Su Denounces The Majority Opinion。
In the boat on the way to Chaisang; the two travelers beguiled the time by discussing affairs。
Lu Su impressed upon his panion; saying; 〃When you see my master; do not reveal the truth about the magnitude of Cao Cao's army。〃
〃You do not have to remind me;〃 replied Zhuge Liang; 〃but I shall know how to reply。〃
When the boat arrived; Zhuge Liang was lodged in the guests' quarters; and Lu Su went alone to see his master。 Lu Su found Sun Quan actually at a council; assembled to consider the situation。 Lu Su was summoned thereto and questioned at once upon what he had discovered。
〃I know the general outline; but I want a little time to prepare my report;〃 replied Lu Su。
Then Sun Quan produced Cao Cao's letter and gave it to Lu Su。
〃That came yesterday。 I have sent the bearer of it back; and this gathering is to consider the reply;〃 said he。
Lu Su read the letter:
〃When I; the Prime Minister; received the imperial mand to punish a fault; my banners went south and Liu Zong became my prisoner; while the people of Jingzhou flocked to my side at the first rumor of my ing。 Under my hand are one million strong and a thousand able leaders。 My desire is; General; that we go on a great hunting expedition into Jiangxia and together attack Liu Bei。 We will share his land between us; and we will swear perpetual amity。 If happily you would not be a mere looker…on; I pray you reply quickly。〃
〃What have you decided upon; my lord?〃 asked Lu Su as he finished the letter。
〃I have not yet decided。〃
Then Zhang Zhao said; 〃It would be imprudent to withstand Cao Cao's hundred legions backed by the imperial authority。 Moreover; your most important defense against him is the Great River; and since Cao Cao has gained possession of Jingzhou; the river is his ally against us。 We cannot withstand him; and the only way to tranquillity; in my opinion; is submission。〃
〃The words of the speaker accord with the manifest decree of providence;〃 echoed all the assembly。
Sun Quan remaining silent and thoughtful。
Zhang Zhao again took up the argument; saying; 〃Do not hesitate; my lord。 Submission to Cao Cao means tranquillity to the people of the South Land and safety for the inhabitants of the six territories。〃
Sun Quan still remained silent。 His head bent in deep thought。 Presently he arose and paced slowly out at the door; and Lu Su followed him。
Outside he took Lu Su by the hand; saying; 〃What do you desire?〃
〃What they have all been saying is very derogatory to you。 A mon person might submit。 You cannot。〃
〃Why? How do you explain that?〃
〃If people like us servants submitted; we would just return to our village or continue holding our offices; and everything would go on as before。 If you submit; whither will you go? You will be created a lord of some humble fief; perhaps。 You will have one carriage; no more; one saddle horse; that is all。 Your retinue will be some ten。 Will you be able to sit facing the south and call yourself by the kingly title of 'The Solitary'? Each one in that crowd of hangers…on is thinking for himself; is purely selfish; and you should not listen to them; but take a line of your own and that quickly。 Determine to play a bold game!〃
Sun Quan sighed; 〃They all talk and talk: They miss my point of view。 Now you have just spoken of a bold game; and your view is the same as mine。 Surely God has expressly sent you to me。 Still Cao Cao is now the stronger by all Yuan Shao's and Liu Biao's armies; and he has possession of Jingzhou。 I fear he is almost too powerful to contend with。〃
〃I have brought back with me Zhuge Liang; the younger brother of our Zhuge Jin。 If you questioned him; he would explain clearly。〃
〃Is Master Sleeping Dragon really here?〃
〃Really here; in the guest…house。〃
〃It is too late to see him today。 But tomorrow I will assemble my officials; and you will introduce him to all my best。 After that we will debate the matter。〃
With these instructions Lu Su retired。
Next day he went to the guest…house and conveyed Sun Quan's mands to the guest; particularly saying; 〃When you see my master; say nothing of the magnitude of Cao Cao's army。〃
Zhuge Liang smiled; saying; 〃I shall act as circumstances dictate。 You may be sure I shall make no mistakes。〃
Zhuge Liang was then conducted to where the high officers; civil and military to the number of forty and more; were assembled。 They formed a dignified conclave as they sat in stately ranks with their tall headdresses and broad girdles。
Zhang Zhao sat at the head; and Zhuge Liang first saluted him。 Then; one by one; he exchange the formal courtesies with them all。 This done he took his seat in the guest's chair。
They; on their part; noted with interest Zhuge Liang's refined and elegant manner and his manding figure; thinking within themselves; 〃Here is a persuader fitted for discourse。〃
Zhang Zhao led the way in trying to bait the visitor。 He said; 〃You will pardon the most insignificant of our official circle; myself; if I mention that people say you pare yourself with those two famous men of talent; Guan Zhong and Yue Yi。 Is there any truth in this?〃
〃To a trifling extent I have pared myself with them;〃 replied Zhuge Liang。
〃I have heard that Liu Bei made three journeys to visit you when you lived in retirement in your simple dwelling in the Sleeping Dragon Ridge; and that when you consented to serve him; he said he was as lucky as a fish in getting home to the ocean。 Then he desired to possess the region about Jingzhou。 Yet today all that country belongs to Cao Cao。 I should like to hear your account of all that。〃
Zhuge Liang thought; 〃This Zhang Zhao is Sun Quan's first adviser。 Unless I can nonplus him; I shall never have a chance with his master。〃
So he replied; 〃In my opinion the taking of the region around the Han River was as simple as turning over one's hand。 But my master Liu Bei is both righteous and humane and would not stoop to filching the possession of a member of his own house。 So he refused the offer of succession。 But Liu Zong; a stupid lad; misled by specious words; submitted to Cao Cao and fell victim to his ferocity。 My master is in camp at Jiangxia; but what his future plans may be cannot be divulged at present。〃
Zhang Zhao said; 〃Be it so; but your words and your deeds are something discordant。 You say you are the equal of the two famous ones。 Well; Guan Zhong; as minister of Prince Huan; put his master at the very head of the feudal nobles; making his master's will supreme in all the land。 Under the able statesmanship of Yue Yi; the feeble state of Yan conquered Qi; reducing nearly seventy of its cities。 These two were men of most manding and conspicuous talent。
〃When you lived in retirement; you smiled scornfully at ordinary people; passed your days in idleness; nursing your knees and posing in a superior manner; implying that if you had control of affairs; Liu Bei would be more than human; he should bring good to everybody and remove all evil; rebellion and robbery would be no more。 Poor Liu Bei; before he obtained your help; was an outcast and a vagabond; stealing a city here and there where he could。 With you to help him; he was to bee the cynosure of every eye; and every lisping school child was to say that he was a tiger who had grown wings; the Hans were to be restored and Cao Cao and his faction exterminated; the good old days would be restored; and all the people who had been driven into retirement by the corruption of political life would wake up; rub the sleep out of their eyes; and be in readiness to lift the cloud of darkness that covered the sky and gaze up at the glorious brilliancy of the sun and moon; to pull the people out of fire and water and put all the world to rest on a couch of fort。 That was all supposed to happen forthwith。
〃Why then; when you went to Xinye; did not Cao Cao's army throw aside their arms and armors and flee like rats? Why could you not have told Liu Biao how to give tranquillity to his people? Why could you not aid his orphan son to protect his frontiers? Instead you abandoned Xinye and fled to Fancheng; you were defeated at Dangyang and fled to Xiakou with no place to rest in。 Thus; after you had joined Liu Bei; he was worse off than before。 Was it thus with Guan Zhong and Yue Yi? I trust you do not mind my blunt speech。〃
Zhuge Liang waited till Zhang Zhao had closed his oration; then laughed and said; 〃How can the mon birds understand the long flight of the cranes? Let me use an illustration。 A man has fallen into a terrible malady。 First the physician must administer hashish; then soothing drugs until his viscera shall be calmed into harmonious action。 When the sick man's body shall have been reduced to quietude; then may he be given strong meats to strengthen him and powerful drugs to correct the disorder。 Thus the disease will be quite expelled; and the man restored to health。 If the physician does not wait till the humors and pulse are in harmony; but throws in his strong drugs too early; it will be difficult to restore the patient。
〃My master suffered defeat at Runan and went to Liu Biao。 He had then less than one thousand soldiers and only three generals………Guan Yu; Zhang Fei; and Zhao Yun。 That was indeed a time of extreme weakness。 Xinye was a secluded; rustic town with few inhabitants and scanty supplies; and my master only retired there as a temporary refuge。 How could he even think of occupying and holding it? Yet; with insufficient force; in a weak city; with untrained men and inadequate supplies; we burned Xiahou Dun at Bowang Slope; drowned Cao Ren and Cao Hong and their army in the White River; and set them in terror as they fled。 I doubt whether the two ancient heroes would have done any better。 As to the surrender of Liu Zong; Liu Bei knew nothing of it。 And he was too noble and too righteous to take advantage of a kinsman's straits to seize his inheritance。 As for the defeat at Dangyang; it must be remembered that Liu Bei was hampered with a huge voluntary following of mon people; with their aged relatives and their children; whom he was too humane to abandon。 He never thought of taking Jiangling; but willingly suffered with his people。 This is a striking instance of his magnanimity。

'e' Han Xin was a general of Liu Bang。 Before serving Han; Han Xin had been an officer under Xiang Yu。 Disappointed because his plans were rejected; Han Xin left Xiang Yu and joined Li
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