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new moon(暮光之城-新月英文版)-第34部分

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grin that I knew and loved—it was a new grin; one that was a bitter mockery 
of his old sincerity; on the 
new face that belonged to Sam。 
That was a bit much for me。 
I'd cried myself to sleep over this boy。 His harsh rejection had punched a 
painful new hole in what was 
left of my chest。 He'd left a new nightmare behind him; like an infection in a 
sore—the insult after the 
injury。 And now he was here in my room; smirking at me as if none of that had 
passed。 Worse than that; 
even though his arrival had been noisy and awkward; it reminded me of when 
Edward used to sneak in 
through my window at night; and the reminder picked viciously at the unhealed 
All of this; coupled with the fact that I was dog…tired; did not put me in a 
friendly mood。 
〃Get out!〃 I hissed; putting as much venom into the whisper as I could。 
He blinked; his face going blank with surprise。 
〃No;〃 he protested。 〃I came to apologize。〃 
〃I don't accept!〃 
I tried to shove him back out the window—after all; if this was a dream; it 
wouldn't really hurt him。 It was 
useless; though。 I didn't budge him an inch。 I dropped my hands quickly; and 
stepped away from him。 
He wasn't wearing a shirt; though the air blowing in the window was cold 
enough to make me shiver; and 
it made me unfortable to have my hands on his bare chest。 His skin was 
burning hot; like his head 
had been the last time I'd touched him。 Like he was still sick with the fever。 
He didn't look sick。 He looked huge。 He leaned over me; so big that he blacked 
out the window; 
tongue…tied by my furious reaction。 
Suddenly; it was just more than I could handle—it felt as if all of my 
sleepless nights were crashing down 
on me en masse。 I was so brutally tired that I thought I might collapse right 
there on the floor。 I swayed 
unsteadily; and struggled to keep my eyes open。 
〃Bella?〃 Jacob whispered anxiously。 He caught my elbow as I swayed again; and 
steered me back to the 
bed。 My legs gave out when I reached the edge; and I plopped into a limp heap 
on the mattress。 
〃Hey; are you okay?〃 Jacob asked; worry creasing his forehead。 
I looked up at him; the tears not yet dried on my cheeks。 〃Why in the world 
would I be okay; Jacob?〃 
Anguish replaced some of the bitterness in his face。 〃Right;〃 he agreed; and 
took a deep breath。 〃Crap。 
Well I—I'm so sorry; Bella。〃 The apology was sincere; no doubt about it; 
though there was still an 
angry twist to his features。 
〃Why did you e here? I don't want apologies from you; Jake。〃 
〃I know;〃 he whispered。 〃But I couldn't leave things the way I did this 
afternoon。 Thar was horrible。 I'm 
I shook my head wearily。 〃I don't understand anything。〃 
〃I know。 I want to explain—〃 He broke off suddenly; his mouth open; almost 
like something had cut off 
his air。 Then he sucked in a deep breath。 〃But I can't explain;〃 he said; 
still angry。 〃I wish I could。〃 
I let my head fall into my hands。 My question came out muffled by my arm。 
He was quiet for a moment。 I twisted my head to the side—too tired to hold it 
up—to see his expression。 
It surprised me。 His eyes were squinted; his teeth clenched; his forehead 
wrinkled in effort。 
〃What's wrong?〃 I asked。 
He exhaled heavily; and I realized he'd been holding his breath; too。 〃I can't 
do it;〃 he muttered; 
〃Do what?〃 
He ignored my question。 〃Look; Bella; haven't you ever had a secret that you 
couldn't tell anyone?〃 
He looked at me with knowing eyes; and my thoughts jumped immediately to the 
Cullens。 I hoped my 
expression didn't look guilty。 
〃Something you felt like you had to keep from Charlie; from your mom ?〃 he 
pressed。 〃Something you 
won't even talk about with me? Not even now?〃 
I felt my eyes tighten。 I didn't answer his question; though I knew he would 
take that as a confirmation。 
〃Can you understand that I might have the same kind of situation?〃 He was 
struggling again; seeming to 
fight for the right words。 〃Sometimes; loyalty gets in the way of what you 
want to do。 Sometimes; it's not 
your secret to tell。〃 
So; I couldn't argue with that。 He was exactly right—I had a secret that 
wasn't mine to tell; yet a secret I 
felt bound to protect。 A secret that; suddenly; he seemed to know all about。 
I still didn't see how it applied to him; or Sam; or Billy。 What was it to 
them; now that the Cullens were 
〃I don't know why you came here; Jacob; if you were just going to give me 
riddles instead of answers。〃 
〃I'm sorry;〃 he whispered。 〃This is so frustrating。〃 
We looked at each other for a long moment in the dark room; both our faces 
〃The part that kills me;〃 he said abruptly; 〃is that you already know。 I 
already told yon everything!〃 
〃What are you talking about?〃 
He sucked in a startled breath; and then leaned toward me; his face shifting 
from hopelessness to blazing 
intensity in a second。 He stared fiercely into my eyes; and his voice was fast 
and eager。 He spoke the 
words right into my face; his breath was as hot as his skin。 
〃I think I see a way to make this work out—because you know this; Bella! I 
can't tell you; but if you 
guessed it! That would let me right off the hook!〃 
〃You want me to guess? Guess what?〃 
〃My secret! You can do it—you know the answer!〃 
I blinked twice; trying to clear my head。 I was so tired。 Nothing he said made 
He took in my blank expression; and then his face tensed with effort again。 
〃Hole on; let me see if I give 
you some help;〃 he said。 Whatever he was trying to do; it was so hard he was 
〃Help?〃 I asked; trying to keep up。 My lids wanted to slip closed; but I 
forced them open。 
〃Yeah;〃 he said; breathing hard。 〃Like clues。〃 
He took my face in his enormous; too…warm hands and held it just a few inches 
from his。 He stared into 
my eyes while he whispered; as if to municate something besides the words 
he spoke。 
〃Remember the first day we met—on the beach in La Push?〃 
〃Of course I do。〃 
〃Tell me about it。〃 
I took a deep breath and tried to concentrate。 〃You asked about my truck〃 
He nodded; urging me on。 
〃We talked about the Rabbit〃 
〃Keep going。〃 
〃We went for a walk down the beach〃 My cheeks were growing warm under his 
palms as I 
remembered; but he wouldn't notice; hot as his skin was。 I'd asked him to walk 
with me; flirting ineptly 
but successfully; in order to pump him for information。 
He was nodding; anxious for more。 
My voice was nearly soundless。 〃You told me scary stories Quileute legends。〃 
He closed his eyes and opened them again。 〃Yes。〃 The word was tense; fervent; 
like he was on the edge 
of something vital。 He spoke slowly; making each word distinct。 〃Do you 
remember what I said?〃 
Even in the dark; he must be able to see the change in the color of my face。 
How could I ever forget 
that? Without realizing what he was doing; Jacob had told me exactly what I 
needed to know that 
day—that Edward was a vampire。 
He looked at me with eyes that knew too much。 〃Think hard;〃 he told me。 
〃Yes; I remember;〃 I breathed。 
He inhaled deeply; struggling。 〃Do you remember all the stor—〃 He couldn't 
finish the question。 His 
mouth popped open like something had stuck in his throat。 
〃All the stories?〃 I asked。 
He nodded mutely。 
My head churned。 Only one story really mattered。 I knew he'd begun with 
others; but I couldn't 
remember the inconsequential prelude; especially not while my brain was so 
clouded with exhaustion。 I 
started to shake my head。 
Jacob groaned and jumped off the bed。 He pressed his fists against his 
forehead and breathed fast and 
angry。 〃You know this; you know this;〃 he muttered to himself。 
〃Jake? Jake; please; I'm exhausted。 I'm no good at this right now。 Maybe in 
the morning〃 
He took a steadying breath and nodded。 〃Maybe it will e back to you。 I 
guess I understand why you 
only remember the one story;〃 he added in a sarcastic; bitter tone。 He plunked 
back onto the mattress 
beside me。 〃Do you mind if I ask you a question about that?〃 he asked; still 
sarcastic。 〃I've been dying ro 
〃A question about what?〃 I asked warily。 
〃About the vampire story I told you。〃 
I stared at him with guarded eyes; unable to answer。 He asked his question 
〃Did you honestly not know?〃 he asked me; his voice turning husky。 〃Was I the 
one who told you what 
he was?〃 
How did he know this? Why did he decide to believe; why now? My teeth clenched 
together。 I stared 
back at him; no intention of speaking。 He could see that。 
〃See what I mean about loyalty?〃 he murmured; even huskier now。 〃It's the same 
for me; only worse。 
You can't imagine how tight I'm bound〃 
I didn't like that—didn't like the way his eyes closed as if he were in pain 
when he spoke of being bound。 
More than dislike—I realized I hated it; hated anything that caused him pain。 
Hated it fiercely。 
Sam's face filled my mind。 
For me; this was all essentially voluntary。 I protected the Cullens' secret 
out of love; unrequited; but true。 
For Jacob; it didn't seem to be that way。 
〃Isn't there any way for you to get free?〃 I whispered; touching the rough 
edge at the back of his shorn 
His hands began to tremble; but he didn't open his eyes。 〃No。 I'm in this for 
life。 A life sentence。〃 A bleak 
laugh。 〃Longer; maybe。〃 
〃No; Jake;〃 I moaned。 〃What if we ran away? Just you and me。 What if we left 
home; and left Sam 
〃It's not something I can run away from; Bella;〃 he whispered。 〃I would run 
with you; though; if I could。〃 
His shoulders were shaking now; too。 He took a deep breath。 〃Look; I've got to 
〃For one thing; you look like you're going to pass out at any second。 You need 
your sleep—I need you 
firing on all pistons。 You're going to figure this out; you have to。〃 
〃And why else?〃 
He frowned。 〃I had to sneak out—I'm not supposed to see you。 They've got to 
be wondering where I 
am。〃 His mouth twisted。 〃I suppose I should go let them know。〃 
〃You don't have to tell them anything;〃 I hissed。 
〃All the same; I will。〃 
The anger flashed hot inside me。 〃I hate them!〃 
Jacob looked at me with wide eyes; surprised。 〃No; Bella。 Don't hate the guys。 
It's not Sam's or any of 
the others' faults。 I told you before—it's me。 Sam is actually well; 
incredibly cool。 Jared and Paul are 
great; too; though Paul is kind of And Embry's always been my friend。 
Nothing's changed there—the 
only thing that hasn't changed。 I feel really bad abour the things I used to 
think about Sam〃 
〃Sam was incredibly cool。〃 I glared at him in disbelief; but let it go。 
〃Then why aren't you supposed to see me?〃 I demanded。 
〃It's not safe;〃 he mumbled looking down。 
His words sent a thrill of fear through me。 
Did he know that; too? Nobody knew that besides me。 But he was right—it was 
the middle of the night; 
the perfect time for hunting。 Jacob shouldn't be here in my room。 If someone 
came for me; I had :o be 
〃If I thought it was too too risky;〃 he whispered; 〃I wouldn't have e。 
But Bella;〃 he looked at me 
again; 〃I made you a promise。 I had no idea it would be so hard to keep; but 
that doesn't mean I'm n
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