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new moon(暮光之城-新月英文版)-第29部分

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didn't miss that the step 
brought him closer to me。 In my head; the voice responded with a low snarl。 
〃So how are things working out in Denali? Carlisle said you were staying with 
Tanya?〃 My voice was too 
The question made him pause。 〃I like Tanya very much;〃 he mused。 〃And her 
sister Irina even more 
I've never stayed in one place for so long before; and I enjoy the advantages; 
the novelty of it。 But; the 
restrictions are difficult I'm surprised that any of them can keep it up for 
long。〃 He smiled at me 
conspiratorially。 〃Sometimes I cheat。〃 
I couldn't swallow。 My foot started to ease back; but I froze when his red 
eyes flickered down to catch 
the movement。 
〃Oh;〃 I said in a faint voice。 〃Jasper has problems with that; too。〃 
〃Don't move;〃 the voice whispered。 I tried to do what he instructed。 It was 
hard; the instinct to take flight 
was nearly uncontrollable。 
〃Really?〃 Laurent seemed interested。 〃Is that why they left?〃 
〃No;〃 I answered honestly。 〃Jasper is more careful at home。〃 
〃Yes;〃 Laurent agreed。 〃I am; too。〃 
The step forward he took now was quite deliberate。 
〃Did Victoria ever find you?〃 I asked; breathless; desperate to distract him。 
It was the first question that 
popped into my head; and I regretted it as soon as the words were spoken。 
Victoria—who had hunted 
me with James; and then disappeared—was not someone I wanted to think of at 
this particular moment。 
But the question did stop him。 
〃Yes;〃 he said; hesitating on that step。 〃I actually came here as a favor to 
her。〃 He made a face。 〃She 
won't be happy about this。〃 
〃About what?〃 I said eagerly; inviting him to continue。 He was glaring into 
the trees; away from me。 I 
took advantage of his diversion; taking a furtive step back。 
He looked back at me and smiled—the expression made him look like a black…
haired angel。 
〃About me killing you;〃 he answered in a seductive purr。 
I staggered back another step。 The frantic growling in my head made it hard to 
〃She wanted to save that part for herself;〃 he went on blithely。 〃She's sort 
of put out with you; Bella。〃 
〃Me?〃 I squeaked。 
He shook his head and chuckled。 〃I know; it seems a little backward to me; 
too。 But James was her 
mate; and your Edward killed him。〃 
Even here; on the point of death; his name tore against my unhealed wounds 
like a serrated edge。 
Laurent was oblivious to my reaction。 〃She thought it more appropriate to kill 
you than Edward—fair 
turnabout; mate for mate。 She asked me to get the lay of the land for her; so 
to speak。 I didn't imagine 
you would be so easy to get to。 So maybe her plan was flawed—apparently it 
wouldn't be the revenge 
she imagined; since you must not mean very much to him if he left you here 
Another blow; another tear through my chest。 
Laurent's weight shifted slightly; and I stumbled another step back。 
He frowned。 〃I suppose she'll be angry; all the same。〃 
〃Then why not wait for her?〃 I choked out。 
A mischievous grin rearranged his features。 〃Well; you've caught me at a bad 
time; Bella。 I didn't e 
to this place on Victoria's mission—I was hunting。 I'm quite thirsty; and you 
do smell simply 
Laurent looked at me with approval; as if he meant it as a pliment。 
〃Threaten him;〃 the beautiful delusion ordered; his voice distorted with 
〃He'll know it was you;〃 I whispered obediently。 〃You won't get away with 
〃And why not?〃 Laurent's smile widened。 He gazed around the small opening in 
the trees。 〃The scent will 
wash away with the next rain。 No one will find your body—you'll simply go 
missing; like so many; many 
other humans。 There's no reason for Edward to think of me; if he cares enough 
to investigate。 This is 
nothing personal; let me assure you; Bella。 Just thirst。〃 
〃Beg;〃 my hallucination begged。 
〃Please;〃 I gasped。 
Laurent shook his head; his face kind。 〃Look at it this way; Bella。 You're 
very lucky I was the one to find 
〃Am I?〃 I mouthed; faltering another step back。 
Laurent followed; lithe and graceful。 
〃Yes;〃 he assured me。 〃I'll be very quick。 You won't feel a thing; I promise。 
Oh; I'll lie to Victoria about 
that later; naturally; just to placate her。 But if you knew what she had 
planned for you; Bella〃 He shook 
his head with a slow movement; almost as if in disgust。 〃I swear you'd be 
thanking me for this。〃 
I stared at him in horror。 
He sniffed at the breeze that blew threads of my hair in his direction。 
〃Mouthwatering;〃 he repeated; 
inhaling deeply。 
I tensed for the spring; my eyes squinting as I cringed away; and the sound of 
Edward's furious roar 
echoed distantly in the back of my head。 His name burst through all the walls 
I'd built to contain it。 
Edward; Edward; Edward。 I was going to die。 It shouldn't matter if I thought 
of him now。 Edward; I 
love you。 
Through my narrowed eyes; I watched as Laurent paused in the act of inhaling 
and whipped his head 
abruptly to the left。 I was afraid to look away from him; to follow his 
glance; though he hardly needed a 
distraction or any other trick to overpower me。 I was too amazed to feel 
relief when he started slowly 
backing away from me。 
〃I don't believe it;〃 he said; his voice so low that I barely heard it。 
I had to look then。 My eyes scanned the meadow; searching for the interruption 
that had extended my life 
by a few seconds。 At first I saw nothing; and my gaze flickered back to 
Laurent。 He was retreating more 
quickly now; his eyes boring into the forest。 
Then I saw it; a huge black shape eased out of the trees; quiet as a shadow; 
and stalked deliberately 
toward the vampire。 It was enormous—as tall as a horse; but thicker; much 
more muscular。 The long 
muzzle grimaced; revealing a line of dagger…like incisors。 A grisly snarl 
rolled out from between the teeth; 
rumbling across the clearing like a prolonged crack of thunder。 
The bear。 Only; it wasn't a bear at all。 Still; this gigantic black monster 
had to be the creature causing all 
the alarm。 From a distance; anyone would assume it was a bear。 What else could 
be so vast; so 
powerfully built? 
I wished I were lucky enough to see it from a distance。 Instead; it padded 
silently through the grass a 
mere ten feet from where I stood。 
〃Don't move an inch;〃 Edward's voice whispered。 
I stared at the monstrous creature; my mind boggling as I tried to put a name 
to it。 There was a distinctly 
canine cast to the shape of it; the way it moved。 I could only think of one 
possibility; locked in horror as I 
was。 Yet I'd never imagined that a wolf could get so big。 
Another growl rumbled in its throat; and I shuddered away from the sound。 
Laurent was backing toward the edge of the trees; and; under the freezing 
terror; confusion swept 
through me。 Why was Laurent retreating? Granted; the wolf was monstrous in 
size; but it was just an 
animal。 What reason would a vampire have for fearing an animal? And Laurent 
was afraid。 His eyes were 
wide with horror; just like mine。 
As if in answer to my question; suddenly the mammoth wolf was not alone。 
Flanking it on either side; 
another two gigantic beasts prowled silently into the meadow。 One was a deep 
gray; the other brown; 
neither one quite as tall as the first。 The gray wolf came through the trees 
only a few feet from me; its 
eyes locked on Laurent。 
Before I could even react; two more wolves followed; lined up in a V; like 
geese flying south。 Which 
meant that the rusty brown monster that shrugged through the brush last was 
close enough for me to 
I gave an involuntary gasp and jumped back—which was the stupidest thing I 
could have done。 I froze 
again; waiting for the wolves to turn on me; the much weaker of the available 
prey。 I wished briefly that 
Laurent would get on with it and crush the wolf pack—it should be so simple 
for him。 I guessed that; 
between the two choices before me; being eaten by wolves was almost certainly 
the worse option。 
The wolf closest to me; the reddish brown one; turned its head slightly at the 
sound of my gasp。 
The wolf's eyes were dark; nearly black。 It gazed at me for a fraction of a 
second; the deep eyes seeming 
too intelligent for a wild animal。 
As it stared at me; I suddenly thought of Jacob—again; with gratitude。 At 
least I'd e here alone; to 
this fairytale meadow filled with dark monsters。 At least Jacob wasn't going 
to die; too。 At least I 
wouldn't have his death on my hands。 
Then another low growl from the leader caused the russet wolf to whip his head 
around; back toward 
Laurent was staring at the pack of monster wolves with unconcealed shock and 
fear。 The first I could 
understand。 But I was stunned when; without warning; he spun and disappeared 
into the trees。 
He ran away。 
The wolves were after him in a second; sprinting across the open grass with a 
few powerful bounds; 
snarling and snapping so loudly that my hands flew up instinctively to cover 
my ears。 The sound faded 
with surprising swiftness once they disappeared into the woods。 
And then I was alone again。 
My knees buckled under me; and I fell onto my hands; sobs building in my 
I knew I needed to leave; and leave now。 How long would the wolves chase 
Laurent before they 
doubled back for me? Or would Laurent turn on them? Would he be the one that 
came looking? 
I couldn't move at first; though; my arms and legs were shaking; and I didn't 
know how to get back to 
my feet。 
My mind couldn't move past the fear; the horror or the confusion。 I didn't 
understand what I'd just 
A vampire should not have run from overgrown dogs like that。 What good would 
their teeth be against 
his granite skin? 
And the wolves should have given Laurent a wide berth。 Even if their 
extraordinary size had taught them 
to fear nothing; it still made no sense that they would pursue him。 I doubted 
his icy marble skin would 
smell anything like food。 Why would they pass up something warmblooded and 
weak like me to chase 
after Laurent? 
I couldn't make it add up。 
A cold breeze whipped through the meadow; swaying the grass like something was 
moving through it。 
I scrambled to my feet; backing away even though the wind brushed harmlessly 
past me。 Stumbling in 
panic; I turned and ran headlong into the trees。 
The next few hours were agony。 It took me three times as long to escape the 
trees as it had to get to the 
At first I paid no attention to where I was headed; focused only on what I was 
running from By the time I 
collected myself enough to remember the pass; I was deep in the unfamiliar 
and menacing forest。 My 
hands were shaking so violently that I had to set the pass on the muddy 
ground to be able to read it。 
Every few minutes I would stop to put the pass dowr and check that I was 
still heading northwest; 
hearing—when the sounds weren't hidden behind the frantic squelching of my 
footsteps—the quiet 
whisper of unseen things moving in the leaves。 
The call of a jaybird made me leap back and fall into a thick stand of young 
spruce; scraping up my arms 
and tangling my hair with sap。 The
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