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new moon(暮光之城-新月英文版)-第21部分

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two remaining divers。 〃It must 
be a hundred feet。〃 
〃Well; yeah; most of us jump from lower down; that rock that juts out from the 
cliff about halfway。〃 He 
pointed out his window。 The place he indicated did seem much more reasonable。 
〃Those guys are insane。 
Probably showing off how tough they are。 I mean; really; it's freezing today。 
That water can't feel good。〃 
He made a disgruntled face; as if the stunt personally offended him。 It 
surprised me a little。 I would have 
thought Jacob was nearly impossible to upset。 
〃You jump off the cliff?〃 I hadn't missed the 〃us。〃 
〃Sure; sure。〃 He shrugged and grinned。 〃It's fun。 A little scary; kind of a 
I looked back at the cliffs; where the third figure was pacing the edge。 I'd 
never witnessed anything so 
reckless in all my life。 My eyes widened; and I smiled。 〃Jake; you have to 
take me cliff diving。〃 
He frowned back at me; his face disapproving。 〃Bella; you just wanted to call 
an ambulance for Sam;〃 he 
reminded me。 I was surprised that he could tell who it was from this distance。 
〃I want to try;〃 I insisted; start ing to get out of the car again。 
Jacob grabbed my wrist。 〃Not today; all right? Can we at least wait for a 
warmer day?〃 
〃Okay; fine;〃 I agreed。 With the door open; the glacial breeze was raising 
goose bumps on my arm。 〃But 
I want to go soon。〃 
〃Soon。〃 He rolled his eyes。 〃Sometimes you're a little strange; Bella。 Do you 
know that?〃 
I sighed。 〃Yes。〃 
〃And we're not jumping off the top。〃 
I watched; fascinated; as the third boy made a running start and flung himself 
farther into the empty air 
than the other two。 He twisted and cartwheeled through space as he fell; like 
he was skydiving。 He 
looked absolutely free—unthinking and utterly irresponsible。 
〃Fine;〃 I agreed。 〃Not the first time; anyway。〃 
Now Jacob sighed。 
〃Are we going to try out the bikes or not?〃 he demanded。 
〃Okay; okay;〃 I said; tearing my eyes away from the last person waiting on the 
cliff。 I put my seat belt 
back on and closed the door。 The engine was still running; roaring as it 
idled。 We started down the road 
〃So who were those guys—the crazy ones?〃 I wondered。 
He made a disgusted sound in the back of his throat。 〃The La Push gang。〃 
〃You have a gang?〃 I asked。 I realized that I sounded impressed。 
He laughed once at my reaction。 〃Not like that。 I swear; they're like hall 
monitors gone bad。 They don't 
start fights; they keep the peace。〃 He snorted。 〃There was this guy from up 
somewhere by the Makah 
rez; big guy too; scary…looking。 Well; word got around that he was selling 
meth to kids; and Sam Uley 
and his disciples ran him off our land。 They're all about our land; and tribe 
pride it's getting 
ridiculous。 The worst part is that the council takes them seriously。 Embry 
said that the council actually 
meets with Sam。〃 He shook his head; face full of resentment。 〃Embry also heard 
from Leah Clearwater 
that they call themselves 'protectors' or something like that。〃 
Jacob's hands were clenched into fists; as if he'd like to hit something。 I'd 
never seen this side of him。 
I was surprised to hear Sam Uley's name。 I didn't want it to bring back the 
images from my nightmare; so 
I made a quick observation to distract myself。 〃You don't like them very 
〃Does it show?〃 he asked sarcastically。 
〃Well It doesn't sound like they're doing anything bad。〃 I tried to soothe 
him; to make him cheerful 
again。 〃Just sort of annoyingly goody…two…shoes for a gang。〃 
〃Yeah。 Annoying is a good word。 They're always showing off—like the cliff 
thing。 They act like like; I 
don't know。 Like tough guys。 I was hanging out at the store with Embry and 
Quil once; last semester; and 
Sam came by with his followers; Jared and Paul。 Quil said something; you know 
how he's got a big 
mouth; and it pissed Paul off。 His eyes got all dark; and he sort of smiled—
no; he showed his teeth but 
he didn't smile—and it was like he was so mad he was shaking or something。 
But Sam put his hand 
against Paul's chest and shook his head。 Paul looked at him for a minute and 
calmed down。 Honestly; it 
was like Sam was holding him back—like Paul was going to tear us up if Sam 
didn't stop him。〃 He 
groaned。 〃Like a bad western。 You know; Sam's a pretty big guy; he's twenty。 
But Paul's just sixteen; 
too; shorter than me and not as beefy as Quil。 I think any one of us could 
take him。〃 
〃Tough guys;〃 I agreed。 I could see it in my head as he described it; and it 
reminded me of something a 
trio of tall; dark men standing very still and close together in my father's 
living room。 The picture was 
sideways; because my head was lying against the couch while Dr。 Gerandy and 
Charlie leaned over 
me Had that been Sam's gang? 
I spoke quickly again to divert myself from the bleak memories。 〃Isn't Sam a 
little too old for this kind of 
〃Yeah。 He was supposed to go to college; but he stayed。 And no one gave him 
any crap about it; either。 
The whole council pitched a fit when my sister turned down a partial 
scholarship and got married。 But; oh 
no; Sam Uley can do no wrong。〃 
His face was set in unfamiliar lines of outrage—outrage and something else I 
didn't recognize at first。 
〃It all sounds really annoying and strange。 But I don't get why you're 
taking it so personally。〃 I peeked 
over at his face; hoping I hadn't offended him。 He was suddenly calm; staring 
out the side window。 
〃You just missed the turn;〃 he said in an even voice。 
I executed a very wide U…turn; nearly hitting a tree as my circle ran the 
truck halfway off the road。 
〃Thanks for the heads…up;〃 I muttered as I started up the side road。 
〃Sorry; I wasn't paying attention。〃 
It was quiet for a brief minute。 
〃You can stop anywhere along here;〃 he said softly。 
I pulled over and cut the engine。 My ears rang in the silence that followed。 
We both got out; and Jacob 
headed around to the back to get the bikes。 I tried to read his expression。 
Something more was bothering 
him。 I'd hit a nerve。 
He smiled halfheartedly as he pushed the red bike to my side。 〃Happy late 
birthday。 Are you ready for 
〃I think so。〃 The bike suddenly looked intimidating; frightening; as I 
realized I would soon be astride it。 
〃We'll take it slow;〃 he promised。 I gingerly leaned the motorcycle against 
the truck's fender while he 
went to get his。 
〃Jake〃I hesitated as he came back around the truck。 
〃What's really bothering you? About the Sam thing; I mean? Is there something 
else?〃 I watched his face。 
He grimaced; but he didn't seem angry。 He looked at the dirt and kicked his 
shoe against the front tire of 
his bike again and again; like he was keeping time。 
He sighed。 〃It's just the way they treat me。 It creeps me out。〃 The words 
started to rush out now。 〃You 
know; the council is supposed to be made up of equals; but if there was a 
leader; it would be my dad。 
I've never been able to figure out why people treat him the way they do。 Why 
his opinion counts the 
most。 It's got something to do with his father and his father's father。 My 
great…grandpa; Ephraim Black; 
was sort of the last chief we had; and they still listen to Billy; maybe 
because of that。 
〃But I'm just like everyone else。 Nobody treats me special until now。〃 
That caught me off guard。 〃Sam treats you special?〃 
〃Yeah;〃 he agreed; looking up at me with troubled eyes。 〃He looks at me like 
he's waiting for 
something like I'm going to join his stupid gang someday。 He pays more 
attention to me than any of the 
other guys。 I hate it。〃 
〃You don't have to join anything。〃 My voice was angry。 This was really 
upsetting Jacob; and that 
infuriated me。 Who did these 〃protectors〃 think they were? 
〃Yeah。〃 His foot kept up its rhythm against the tire。 
〃What?〃 I could tell there was more。 
He frowned; his eyebrows pulling up in a way that looked sad and worried 
rather than angry。 〃It's 
Embry。 He's been avoiding me lately。〃 
The thoughts didn't seem connected; but I wondered if I was to blame for the 
problems with his friend。 
〃You've been hanging out with me a lot;〃 I reminded him; feeling selfish。 I'd 
been monopolizing him。 
〃No; that's not it。 It's not just me—it's Quil; too; and everyone。 Embry 
missed a week of school; but he 
was never home when we tried to see him。 And when he came back; he looked he 
looked freaked 
out。 Terrified。 Quil and I both tried to get him to tell us what was wrong; 
but he wouldn't talk to either 
one of us。〃 
I stared at Jacob; biting my lip anxiously—he was really frightened。 But he 
didn't look at me。 He watched 
his own foot kicking the rubber as if it belonged to someone else。 The tempo 
〃Then this week; out of nowhere; Embry's hanging out with Sam and the rest of 
them。 He was out on the 
cliffs today。〃 His voice was low and tense。 
He finally looked at me。 〃Bella; they bugged him even more than they bother 
me。 He didn't want anything 
to do with them。 And now Embry's following Sam around like he's joined a cult。 
〃And that's the way it was with Paul。 Just exactly the same。 He wasn't friends 
with Sam at all。 Then he 
stopped ing to school for a few weeks; and; when he came back; suddenly Sam 
owned him。 I don't 
know what it means。 I can't figure it out; and I feel like I have to; because 
Embry's my friend and 
Sam's looking at me funny 。 。 and〃 He trailed off。 
〃Have you talked to Billy about this?〃 I asked。 His horror was spreading to 
me。 I had chills running on the 
back of my neck。 
Now there was anger on his face。 〃Yes;〃 he snorted。 〃That was helpful。〃 
〃What did he say?〃 
Jacob's expression was sarcastic; and when he spoke; his voice mocked the deep 
tones of his father's 
voice。 〃It's nothing you need to worry about now; Jacob。 In a few years; if 
you don't well; I'll explain 
later。〃 And then his voice was his own。 〃What am I supposed to get from that? 
Is he trying to say it's 
some stupid puberty; ing…of…age thing? This is something else。 Something 
He was biting his lower lip and clenching his hands。 He looked like he was 
about to cry。 
I threw my arms around him instinctively; wrapping them around his waist and 
pressing my face against 
his chest。 He was so big; I felt like I was a child hugging a grown…up。 
〃Oh; Jake; it'll be okay!〃 I promised。 〃If it gets worse you can e live 
with me and Charlie。 Don't be 
scared; we'll think of something!〃 
He was frozen for a second; and then his long arms wrapped hesitantly around 
me。 〃Thanks; Bella。〃 His 
voice was huskier than usual。 
We stood like that for a moment; and it didn't upset me; in fact; I felt 
forted by the contact。 This 
didn't feel anything like the last time someone had embraced me this way。 This 
was friendship。 And Jacob 
was very warm。 
It was strange for me; being this close—emotionally rather than physically; 
though the physical was 
strange for me; too—to another human being。 It wasn't my usual style。 I 
didn't normally relate to people 
so easily; on such a basic level。 
Not human beings。 
〃If this is how you're going to react; I'll freak out more often。〃 Jacob's 
voice was light; normal again; and
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