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new moon(暮光之城-新月英文版)-第16部分

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tried to tell me not to hurry。 He wanted to join me in La Push; and I wasn't 
having that。 
So it was with a deadline that I drove too quickly through the storm…darkened 
streets out of town。 I 
hoped I could get Jacob alone。 Billy would probably tell on me if he knew what 
I was up to。 
While I drove; I worried a little bit about Billy's reaction to seeing me。 He 
would be too pleased。 In 
Billy's mind; no doubt; this had all worked out better than he had dared to 
hope。 His pleasure and relief 
would only remind me of the one I couldn't bear to be reminded of。 Not again 
today; I pleaded silently。 
I was spent。 
The Blacks' house was vaguely familiar; a small wooden place with narrow 
windows; the dull red paint 
making it resemble a tiny barn。 Jacob's head peered out of the window before I 
could even get out of the 
truck。 No doubt the familiar roar of the engine had tipped him off to my 
approach。 Jacob had been very 
grateful when Charlie bought Billy's truck for me; saving Jacob from having to 
drive it when he came of 
age。 I liked my truck very much; but Jacob seemed to consider the speed 
restrictions a shorting。 
He met me halfway to the house。 
〃Bella!〃 His excited grin stretched wide across his face; the bright teeth 
standing in vivid contrast to the 
deep russet color of his skin。 I'd never seen his hair out of its usual 
ponytail before。 It fell like black satin 
curtains on either side of his broad face。 
Jacob had grown into some of his potential in the last eight months。 He'd 
passed that point where the soft 
muscles of childhood hardened into the solid; lanky build of a teenager; the 
tendons and veins had 
bee prominent under the red…brown skin of his arms; his hands。 His face was 
still sweet like I 
remembered it; though it had hardened; too—the planes of his cheekbones 
sharper; his jaw squared off; 
all childish roundness gone。 
〃Hey; Jacob!〃 I felt an unfamiliar surge of enthusiasm at his smile。 I 
realized that I was pleased to see him。 
This knowledge surprised me。 
I smiled back; and something clicked silently into place; like two 
corresponding puzzle pieces。 I'd 
forgotten how much I really liked Jacob Black。 
He stopped a few feet away from me; and I stared up at him in surprise; 
leaning my head back though 
the rain pelted my face。 
〃You grew again!〃 I accused in amazement。 
He laughed; his smile widening impossibly。 〃Six five;〃 he announced with self
…satisfaction。 His voice was 
deeper; but it had the husky tone I remembered。 
〃Is it ever going to stop?〃 I shook my head in disbelief。 〃You're huge。〃 
〃Still a beanpole; though。〃 He grimaced。 〃e inside! You're getting all 
He led the way; twisting his hair in his big hands as he walked。 He pulled a 
rubber band from his hip 
pocket and wound it around the bundle。 
〃Hey; Dad;〃 he called as he ducked to get through the front door。 〃Look who 
stopped by。〃 
Billy was in the tiny square living room; a book in his hands。 He set the book 
in his lap and wheeled 
himself forward when he saw me。 
〃Well; what do you know! It's good to see you; Bella。〃 
We shook hands。 Mine was lost in his wide grasp。 
〃What brings you out here? Everything okay with Charlie?〃 
〃Yes; absolutely。 I just wanted to see Jacob—I haven't seen him in forever。〃 
Jacob's eyes brightened at my words。 He was smiling so big it looked like it 
would hurt his cheeks。 
〃Can you stay for dinner?〃 Billy was eager; too。 
〃No; I've got to feed Charlie; you know。〃 
〃I'll call him now;〃 Billy suggested。 〃He's always invited。〃 
I laughed to hide my disfort。 〃It's not like you'll never see me again。 I 
promise I'll be back again 
soon—so much you'll get sick of me。〃 After all; if Jacob could fix the bike; 
someone had to teach me 
how to ride it。 
Billy chuckled in response。 〃Okay; maybe next time。〃 
〃So; Bella; what do you want to do?〃 Jacob asked。 
〃Whatever。 What were you doing before I interrupted?〃 I was strangely 
fortable here。 It was familiar; 
but only distantly。 There were no painful reminders of the recent past。 
Jacob hesitated。 〃I was just heading out to work on my car; but we can do 
something else〃 
〃No; that's perfect!〃 I interrupted。 〃I'd love to see your car。〃 
〃Okay;〃 he said; not convinced。 〃It's out back; in the garage。〃 
Even better; I thought to myself。 I waved at Billy。 〃See you later。〃 
A thick stand of trees and shrubbery concealed his garage from the house。 The 
garage was no more than 
a couple of big preformed sheds that had been bolted together with their 
interior walls knocked out。 
Under this shelter; raised on cinder blocks; was what looked to me like a 
pleted automobile。 I 
recognized the symbol on the grille; at least。 
〃What kind of Volkswagen is that?〃 I asked。 
〃It's an old Rabbit—1986; a classic。〃 
〃How's it going?〃 
〃Almost finished;〃 he said cheerfully。 And then his voice dropped into a lower 
key。 〃My dad made good 
on his promise last spring。〃 
〃Ah;〃 I said。 
He seemed to understand my reluctance to open the subject。 I tried not to 
remember last May at the 
prom。 Jacob had been bribed by his father with money and car parts to deliver 
a message there。 Billy 
wanted me to stay a safe distance from the most important person in my life。 
It turned out that his 
concern was; in the end; unnecessary。 I was all too safe now。 
But I was going to see what I could do to change that。 
〃Jacob; what do you know about motorcycles?〃 I asked。 
He shrugged。 〃Some。 My friend Embry has a dirt bike。 We work on it together 
sometimes。 Why?〃 
〃Well〃 I pursed my lips as I considered。 I wasn't sure if he could keep his 
mouth shut; but I didn't have 
many other options。 〃I recently acquired a couple of bikes; and they're not in 
the greatest condition。 I 
wonder if you could get them running?〃 
〃Cool。〃 He seemed truly pleased by the challenge。 His face glowed。 〃I'll give 
it a try。〃 
I held up one finger in warning。 〃The thing is;〃 I explained; 〃Charlie doesn't 
approve of motorcycles。 
Honestly; he'd probably bust a vein in his forehead if he knew about this。 So 
you can't tell Billy。〃 
〃Sure; sure。〃 Jacob smiled。 〃I understand。〃 
〃I'll pay you;〃 I continued。 
This offended him。 〃No。 I want to help。 You can't pay me。〃 
〃Well how about a trade; then?〃 I was making this up as I went; but it 
seemed reasonable enough。 〃I 
only need one bike—and I'll need lessons; too。 So how about this? I'll give 
you the other bike; and then 
you can teach me。〃 
〃Swee…eet。〃 He made the word into two syllables。 
〃Wait a sec—are you legal yet? When's your birthday?〃 
〃You missed it;〃 he teased; narrowing his eyes in mock resentment。 〃I'm 
〃Not that your age ever stopped you before;〃 I muttered。 〃Sorry about your 
〃Don't worry about it。 I missed yours。 What are you; forty?〃 
I sniffed。 〃Close。〃 
〃We'll have a joint party to make up for it。〃 
〃Sounds like a date。〃 
His eyes sparkled at the word。 
I needed to reign in the enthusiasm before I gave him the wrong idea—it was 
just that it had been a long 
time since I'd felt so light and buoyant。 The rarity of the feeling made it 
more difficult to manage。 
〃Maybe when the bikes are finished—our present to ourselves;〃 I added。 
〃Deal。 When will you bring them down?〃 
I bit my lip; embarrassed。 〃They're in my truck now;〃 I admitted。 
〃Great。〃 He seemed to mean it。 
〃Will Billy see if we bring them around?〃 
He winked at me。 〃We'll be sneaky。〃 
We eased around from the east; sticking to the trees when we were in view of 
the windows; affecting a 
casual…looking stroll; just in case。 Jacob unloaded the bikes swiftly from the 
truck bed; wheeling them 
one by one into the shrubbery where I hid。 It looked too easy for him—I'd 
remembered the bikes being 
much; much heavier than that。 
〃These aren't half bad;〃 Jacob appraised as we pushed them through the cover 
of the trees。 〃This one 
here will actually be worth something when I'm done—it's an old Harley 
〃That one's yours; then。〃 
〃Are you sure?〃 
〃These are going to take some cash; though;〃 he said; frowning down at the 
blackened metal。 〃We'll have 
to save up for parts first。〃 
〃We nothing;〃 I disagreed。 〃If you're doing this for free; I'll pay for the 
〃I don't know〃 he muttered。 
〃I've got some money saved。 College fund; you know。〃 College; schmollege; I 
thought to myself。 It 
wasn't like I'd saved up enough to go anywhere special—and besides; I had no 
desire to leave Forks 
anyway。 What difference would it make if I skimmed a little bit off the top? 
Jacob just nodded。 This all made perfect sense to him。 
As we skulked back to the makeshift garage; I contemplated my luck。 Only a 
teenage boy would agree 
to this: deceiving both our parents while repairing dangerous vehicles using 
money meant for my college 
education。 He didn't see anything wrong with that picture。 Jacob was a gift 
from the gods。 
THE MOTORCYCLES DIDN'T NEED TO BE HIDDEN ANY further than simply placing them 
Jacob's shed。 Billy's wheelchair couldn't maneuver the uneven ground 
separating it from the house。 
Jacob started pulling the first bike—the red one; which was destined for me—
to pieces immediately。 He 
opened up the passenger door of the Rabbit so I could sit on the seat instead 
of the ground。 While he 
worked; Jacob chattered happily; needing only the lightest of nudges from me 
to keep the conversation 
rolling。 He updated me on the progress of his sophomore year of school; 
running on about his classes and 
his two best friends。 
〃Quil and Embry?〃 I interrupted。 〃Those are unusual names。〃 
Jacob chuckled。 〃Quil's is a hand…me…down; and I think Embry got named after a 
soap opera star。 I can't 
say anything; though。 They fight dirty if you start on their names—they'll 
tag team you。〃 
〃Good friends。〃 I raised one eyebrow。 
〃No; they are。 Just don't mess with their names。〃 
Just then a call echoed in the distance。 〃Jacob?〃 someone shouted。 
〃Is that Billy?〃 I asked。 
〃No。〃 Jacob ducked his head; and it looked like he was blushing under his 
brown skin。 〃Speak of the 
devil;〃 he mumbled; 〃and the devil shall appear。〃 
〃Jake? Are you out here?〃 The shouting voice was closer now。 
〃Yeah!〃 Jacob shouted back; and sighed。 
We waited through the short silence until two tall; dark…skinned boys strolled 
around the corner into the 
One was slender; and almost as tall as Jacob。 His black hair was chin…length 
and parted down the 
middle; one side tucked behind his left ear while the right side swung free。 
The shorter boy was more 
burly。 His white T…shirt strained over his well…developed chest; and he seemed 
gleefully conscious of that 
fact。 His hair was so short it was almost a buzz。 
Both boys stopped short when they saw me。 The thin boy glanced swiftly back 
and forth between Jacob 
and me; while the brawny boy kept his eyes on me; a slow smile spreading 
across his face。 
〃Hey; guys;〃 Jacob greeted them halfheartedly。 
〃Hey; Jake;〃 the short one said without looking away from me。 I had to smile 
in response; his grin was so 
impish。 When I did; he winked at me。 〃Hi; there。〃 
〃Quil; Embry—this is my friend; Bella
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