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new moon(暮光之城-新月英文版)-第1部分

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I FELT LIKE I WAS TRAPPED IN ONE OF THOSE TERRIFYING nightmares; the one where you have to run; run till your lungs burst; but you can't make your body move fast enough。 My legs seemed to 
move slower and slower as I fought my way through the callous crowd; but the 
hands on the huge clock 
tower didn't slow。 With relentless; uncaring force; they turned inexorably 
toward the end—the end of 
But this was no dream; and; unlike the nightmare; I wasn't running for my 
life; I was racing to save 
something infinitely more precious。 My own life meant little to me today。 
Alice had said there was a good chance we would both die here。 Perhaps the 
oute would be 
different if she weren't trapped by the brilliant sunlight; only I was free to 
run across this bright; crowded 
And I couldn't run fast enough。 
So it didn't matter to me that we were surrounded by our extraordinarily 
dangerous enemies。 As the 
clock began to toll out the hour; vibrating under the soles of my sluggish 
feet; I knew I was too late—and 
I was glad something bloodthirsty waited in the wings。 For in failing at this; 
I forfeited any desire to live。 
The clock tolled again; and the sun beat down from the exact center point of 
the sky。 
The reasons I was so certain were that; first; I was standing in a bright 
shaft of sunlight—the kind of 
blinding clear sun that never shone on my drizzly new hometown in Forks; 
Washington—and second; I 
was looking at my Grandma Marie。 Gran had been dead for six years now; so that 
was solid evidence 
toward the dream theory。 
Gran hadn't changed much; her face looked just the same as I remembered it。 
The skin was soft and 
withered; bent into a thousand tiny creases that clung gently to the bone 
underneath。 Like a dried apricot; 
but with a puff of thick white hair standing out in a cloud around it。 
Our mouths—hers a wizened picker—spread into the same surprised half…smile 
at just the same time。 
Apparently; she hadn't been expecting to see me; either。 
I was about to ask her a question; I had so many—What was she doing here in 
my cream? What had 
she been up to in the past six years? Was Pop okay; and had they found each 
other; wherever they 
were?—but she opened her mouth when I did; so I stopped to let her go first。 
She paused; too; and then 
we Goth smiled at the little awkwardness。 
It wasn't Gran who called my name; and we both turned to see the addition to 
our small reunion。 I didn't 
have to look to know who it was; this was a voice I would know anywhere—know; 
and respond to; 
whether I was awake or asleep or even dead; I'd bet。 The voice I'd walk 
through fire for—or; less 
dramatically; slosh every day through the cold and endless rain for。 
Even though I was always thrilled to see him—conscious or otherwise—and even 
though I was almost 
positive that I was dreaming; I panicked as Edward walked toward us through 
the glaring sunlight。 
I panicked because Gran didn't know that I was in love with a vampire—nobody 
knew that—so how 
was I supposed to explain the fact that the brilliant sunbeams were shattering 
off his skin into a thousand 
rainbow shards like he was made of crystal or diamond? 
Well; Gran; yon might have noticed that my boyfriend glitters。 It's just 
something he does in the 
sun。 Don't worry about it 
What was he doing? The whole reason he lived in Forks; the rainiest place in 
the world; was so that he 
could be outside in the daytime without exposing his family's secret。 Yet here 
he was; strolling gracefully 
toward me—with the most beautiful smile on his angel's face—as if I were the 
only one here。 
In that second; I wished that I was not the one exception to his mysterious 
talent; I usually felt grateful 
that I was the only person whose thoughts he couldn't hear just as clearly as 
if they were spoken aloud。 
But now I wished he could hear me; too; so that he could hear the warning I 
was screaming in my head。 
I shot a panicked glance back at Gran; and saw that it was too late。 She was 
just turning to stare back at 
me; her eyes as alarmed as mine。 
Edward—still smiling so beautifully that my heart felt like it was going to 
swell up and burst through my 
chest—put his arm around my shoulder and turned to face my grandmother。 
Gran's expression surprised me。 Instead of looking horrified; she was staring 
at me sheepishly; as if 
waiting for a scolding。 And she was standing in such a strange position—one 
arm held awkwardly away 
from her body; stretched out and then curled around the air。 Like she had her 
arm around someone I 
couldn't see; someone invisible 
Only then; as I looked at the bigger picture; did I notice the huge gilt frame 
that enclosed my 
grandmother's form。 Unprehending; I raised the hand that wasn't wrapped 
around Edward's waist 
and reached out to touch her。 She mimicked the movement exactly; mirrored it。 
But where our fingers 
should have met; there was nothing but cold glass 
With a dizzying jolt; my dream abruptly became a nightmare。 
There was no Gran。 
That was me。 Me in a mirror。 Me—ancient; creased; and withered。 
Edward stood beside me; casting no reflection; excruciatingly lovely and 
forever seventeen。 
He pressed his icy; perfect lips against my wasted cheek。 
〃Happy birthday;〃 he whispered。 
I woke with a start—my eyelids popping open wide—and gasped。 Dull gray 
light; the familiar light of an 
overcast morning; took the place of the blinding sun in my dream。 
Just a dream; I told myself。 It was only a dream。 I took a deep breath; and 
then jumped again when 
my alarm went off。 The little calendar in the corner of the clock's display 
informed me that today was 
September thirteenth。 
Only a dream; but prophetic enough in one way; at least。 Today was my 
birthday。 I was officially 
eighteen years old。 
I'd been dreading this day for months。 
All through the perfect summer—the happiest summer I had ever had; the 
happiest summer anyone 
anywhere had ever had; and the rainiest summer in the history of the Olympic 
Peninsula—this bleak date 
had lurked in ambush; waiting to spring。 
And now that it had hit; it was even worse than I'd feared it would be。 I 
could feel it—I was older。 Every 
day I got older; but this was different; worse; quantifiable。 I was eighteen。 
And Edward never would be。 
When I went to brush my teeth; I was almost surprised that the face in the 
mirror hadn't changed。 I stared 
at myself; looking for some sign of impending wrinkles in my ivory skin。 The 
only creases were the ones 
on my forehead; though; and I knew that if I could manage to relax; they would 
disappear。 I couldn't。 My 
eyebrows stayed lodged in a worried line over my anxious brown eyes。 
It was just a dream; I reminded myself again。 Just a dream but also my worst 
I skipped breakfast; in a hurry to get out of the house as quickly as 
possible。 I wasn't entirely able to 
avoid my dad; and so I had to spend a few minutes acting cheerful。 I honestly 
tried to be excited about 
the gifts I'd asked him not to get me; but every time I had to smile; it felt 
like I might start crying。 
I struggled to get a grip on myself as I drove to school。 The vision of Gran—
I would not think of it as 
me—was hard to get out of my head。 I couldn't feel anything but despair until 
I pulled into the familiar 
parking lot behind Forks High School and spotted Edward leaning motionlessly 
against his polished silver 
Volvo; like a marble tribute to some forgotten pagan god of beauty。 The dream 
had not done him justice。 
And he was waiting there for me; just the same as every other day。 
Despair momentarily vanished; wonder took its place。 Even after half a year 
with him; I still couldn't 
believe that I deserved this degree of good fortune。 
His sister Alice was standing by his side; waiting for me; too。 
Of course Edward and Alice weren't really related (in Forks the story was that 
all the Cullen siblings 
were adopted by Dr。 Carlisle Culler and his wife; Esme; both plainly too young 
to have teenage children); 
but their skin was precisely the same pale shade; their eyes had the same 
strange golden tint; with the 
same deep; bruise…like shadows beneath them。 Her face; like his; was also 
startlingly beautiful。 To 
someone in the know—someone like me—these similarities marked them for what 
they were。 
The sight of Alice waiting there—her tawny eyes brilliant with excitement; 
and a small silver…wrapped 
square in her hands—made me frown。 I'd told Alice I didn't want anything; 
anything; not gifts or even 
attention; for my birthday。 Obviously; my wishes were being ignored。 
I slammed the door of my '53 Chevy truck—a shower of rust specks fluttered 
down to the wet 
blacktop—and walked slowly toward where they waited。 Alice skipped forward to 
meet me; her pixie 
face glowing under her spiky black hair。 
〃Happy birthday; Bella!〃 
〃Shh!〃 I hissed; glancing around the lot to make sure no one had heard her。 
The last thing I wanted was 
some kind of celebration of the black event。 
She ignored me。 〃Do you want to open your present now or later?〃 she asked 
eagerly as we made our 
way to where Edward still waited。 
〃No presents;〃 I protested in a mumble。 
She finally seemed to process my mood。 〃Okay later; then。 Did you like the 
scrapbook your mom sent 
you? And the camera from Charlie?〃 
I sighed。 Of course she would know what my birthday presents were。 Edward 
wasn't the only member 
of his family with unusual skills。 Alice would have 〃seen〃 what my parents 
were planning as soon as they'd 
decided that themselves。 
〃Yeah。 They're great。〃 
〃I think it's a nice idea。 You're only a senior once。 Might as well document 
the experience。〃 
〃How many times have you been a senior?〃 
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