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tone wall。 He doubled over in the chair and; for the first time since he'd e across the pathetic body in the freezer; he wept。
 6:00 P。M。
 When he got out of the car; Sam stood for a while; looking at the general store。
 Jenny said; 〃What's the matter; Dad?〃
 〃Just deciding how much I can get for it。〃
 〃For the store? You're selling?〃
 〃I'm selling。〃
 〃But 。 。 。 it's your life。〃
 〃I'm getting out of Black River;〃 he said。 〃I can't stay here knowing that any time I want。 … 。 I can just open these
 people with the phrase。 。 。 use them 。 。
 〃You wouldn't use them;〃 she said; taking him by the arm as Rya took his other arm。
 〃But knowing that I could。 。 。 That sort of thing can eat at the soul; rot a man up inside。。 。〃 Flanked by them; he went up the porch steps。 For the first time in his life; he felt like an old man。
 The following headline appeared at the bottom of the front page of The New York Times:
 Two bellhops showed them to the honeymoon suite。 On the desk in the parlor; there was an arrangement of carnations and roses; pliments of the management。 Jenny made him savor the fragrances: first a rose by itself; then a carnation; then a rose and a carnation together。
 Later; they made love; taking their time about it; doing what most pleased each other。 He seemed to float on her and she on him; he in her and she in him。 It was a rich; full experience; and they were sated afterwards。
 For a while they were silent; lying on their backs; holding hands; eyes closed。
 At last she said; 〃It was different that time。〃
 〃Not bad; though;〃 he said。 〃At least not for me。〃
 〃Oh; no。 Not bad。 Not for me either。〃
 〃What then?〃
 〃Just。 。 。 different。 I don't know。 Maybe。 。 。 We've gained something…intensity; I think。 But we've also lost something。 There wasn't any innocence to it this time。〃
 〃We're not innocent people anymore。〃
 〃I guess we aren't;〃 she said。
 We're killers; he thought。 Children of the 1970s; sons and daughters of the great machine age; survivalists。
 All right; he told himself angrily。 Enough。 We're killers。 But even killers can grab hold of a little happiness。 More important; even killers can give a little happiness。 And isn't that the most anyone can do in this life? Give a little happiness?
 He thought of Mark: the faked death certificate; the small grave next to Annie's casket。。。
 He turned to Jenny again and took her in his arms and let the world shrink until it was no larger than their two bodies。
 Arnheim; Rudolph。 Art and Visual Perception: A Psychology of the Creative Eye。 (Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California; 1964)。
 Berelson; Bernard; and Steiner; Gary A。 Human Behavior: An Inventory of Scientific Findings。 (New York: Harcourt; Brace and World; 1964)。
 Carpenter; Edmund; and Hayman; Ken。 They Became What They Beheld。 (New York: Outerbridge and Lazard; 1970)。
 De Bono; Edward。 The Mechanism of the Mind。 (New York:
 Simon and Schuster; 1969)。
 Dixon; N。 F。 Subliminal Perception: The Nature of the Controversy。 (New York: McGraw…Hill; 1971)。
 Farr; Robert。 The Electronic Criminals。 (New York: McGraw…Hill; 1975)。
 Freud; Sigmund。 On Creativity and the Unconscious。 (New York:
 Harper Bros。; 1958)。
 Jung; C。 G。 Psyche and Symbol。 (New York: Doubleday; 1958)。 Key; Wilson Bryan。 Subliminal Seduction: Ad Media's Manipulation of a Not So Innocent America。 (Englewood Cliffs; N。J。:
 Prentice…Hall; 1973)。
 Morris; Charles。 Language and munication。 (New York: McGraw…Hill; 1951)。
 Mussen; P。 H。; and Rosenzweig; M。 R。 Psychology: An Introduction。 (Lexington; Mass。: D。 C。 Heath and pany; 1974)。
 Packard; Vance。 The Hidden Persuaders。 (New York: David McKay; 1957)。
 …。 The Sexual Wilderness。 (New York: David McKay; 1968)。 Piaget; Jean。 The Mechanisms of Perception。 (London: Routledge
 and Kegan Paul; 1969)。
 Pines; Maya。 The Brain Changers: Scientists and the New Mind Control。 (New York: Harcourt; Brace; Jovanovich; 1973)。
 Reinert; Jeanne。 〃Brain Control: Tomorrow's Curse or Blessing?〃 Science Digest; November; 1969。
 Storr; Anthony。 Human Aggression。 (New York: Atheneum; 1968)。
 Swath; Robert J。 Perceiving; Sensing and Knowing。 (New York:
 Doubleday; 1965)。
 Taylor; John。 The Shape of Minds to e。 (New York: Weybright and Talley; 1971)。
 Young; John Z。 Doubt and Certainty in Science: A Biologist's Reflections on the Brain。 (New York: Oxford University Press;
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