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 〃No;〃 Dawson said。 〃So long as Ogden has the puter… and a plete data file of his past research…he can handle everything himself。 For ten years he's had a full lab staff to do the drudgery; but most of that kind of work is behind him now。;'
 〃If he quits at Brockert;〃 Klinger said; 〃there will be an exhaustive security investigation。 They'll want to know why he quit…and they'll find out。〃
 They were talking about Salsbury as if he were somewhere else and unable to hear them; and he didn't like that。 He moved away from the window; took two steps toward the general and said; 〃I'm not leaving my position at Brockert。 I'll report for work as usual; five days a week; from nine to four。 While I'm there I'll labor diligently on a useless research project。〃
 〃When will you find time to work at this lab Leonard's setting up for you?〃
 〃In the evenings;〃 Salsbury said。 〃And on weekends。 Besides that; I've accumulated a lot of sick leave and vacation time。 I'll take most of it…but I'll spread it out evenly over the next year or so。〃
 Klinger stood up and went to the elegant copper and glass bar cart that a servant had left a few feet from the easy chairs。 His thick and hairy arms made the crystal decanters look more delicate than they actually were。 As he poured another double shot of brandy for himself; he said; 〃And what role do you see me playing in all of this?〃
 Salsbury said; 〃Leonard can get the puter system I need。 But he can't provide me with a magnetic tape file of all the research I've done for CDA or a set of master program tapes designed for my research。 I'll need both of those before Leonard's puters are worth a penny to me。 Now; given three or four weeks; I could make duplicates of those tapes at Brockert without much risk of being caught。 But once I've got eighty or ninety cumbersome mag tapes and five…hundred…yard print…outs; how do I get them out of Brockert? There's just no way。 Security procedures; entering and leaving; are tight; too tight for my purpose。 Unless 。 。
 〃I see;〃 Klinger said。 He returned to his chair and sipped at his brandy。
 Sliding forward to the edge of his seat; Dawson said; 〃Ernst; you're the ultimate authority for security at Brockert。 You know more about that system than anyone else。 If there's a weak spot in their security; you're the man to find it…or make it。〃
 Studying Salsbury as if he were assessing the danger and questioning the wisdom of being associated with someone of such obviously inferior character; Klinger said; 〃I'm supposed to let you smuggle out nearly one hundred magnetic tapes full of top…secret data and sophisticated puter programs?〃
 Ogden nodded slowly。
 〃Can you do it?〃 Dawson asked。
 〃That's all you can say?〃
 〃There's a better than even chance it can be done。〃
 〃That's not sufficient; Ernst。〃
 〃All right;〃 Klinger said; slightly exasperated。 〃I can do it。 I can find a way。〃
 Smiling; Dawson said; 〃I knew you could。〃
 〃But if I did find a way and was caught either during or after the operation…I'd be dumped into Leavenworth and left to rot。 Earlier; when I used the word 'treason;' I wasn't tossing it around lightly。〃
 〃I didn't suppose you were;〃 Dawson said。 〃But you wouldn't be required ever to see these mag tapes; let alone touch them。 That would be a risk that only Ogden would have to take。 They could convict you of nothing more serious than negligence for permitting or overlooking the gap in security。〃
 〃Even so; I'd be forced into early retirement or drummed out of the service with only a partial pension。〃
 Amazed; Dawson shook his head and said; 〃I'm offering him one…third of a partnership that will earn millions; and Ernst is worrying about a government pension。〃
 Salsbury was perspiring heavily。 The back of his shirt was soaked and felt like a cold press against his skin。 To Klinger
 he said; 〃You've told us that you can do it。 But the big question is whether you will do it。〃
 Klinger stared into his brandy glass for a while; then finally looked up at Salsbury and said; 〃Once you've perfected the drug…what's our first step?〃
 Getting to his feet; Dawson said; 〃We'll establish a front corporation in Liechtenstein。〃
 〃Why there?〃
 Liechtenstein did not require that a corporation list its true owners。 Dawson could hire lawyers in Vaduz and appoint them as corporate officers…and they could not be forced by law to reveal the identities of their clients。
 〃Furthermore;〃 Dawson said; 〃I will acquire for each of us a set of forged papers; plete with passports; so that we can travel and do business under assumed names。 If the lawyers in Vadnz are forced by extralegal means to reveal the names of their clients; they still won't endanger us because they won't know our real names。〃
 Dawson's caution was not excessive。 The corporation would quite rapidly bee an incredibly successful venture; so successful that a great many powerful people in both business and government would eventually be prying at it quietly; trying to find out who lay behind the phony officers in Vaduz。 With Salsbury's drug and extensive programs of carefully structured subliminals; the three of them could establish a hundred different businesses and literally demand that customers; associates; and even rivals produce a substantial profit for them。 Every dollar they earned would seem to be spotlessly clean; produced by a legitimate form of merce。 But; of course; a great many people would feel that it was not at all legitimate to manipulate the petition and the buying public by means of a powerful new drug。 In the event that the corporation got caught using the drug…stolen; as it was; from a U。S。 weapons research project…what had once appeared to be excessive caution might well prove no more than adequate。
 〃And once we've got the corporation?〃 Klinger asked。
 Money and business arrangements were Dawson's vocation
 and his avocation。 He began to declaim almost in the manner of a Baptist preacher; full of vigor and fierce intent; thoroughly enjoying himself。 〃The corporation will purchase a walled estate somewhere in Germany or France。 At least one hundred acres。 On the surface it will appear to be an executive retreat。 But in reality it will be used for the indoctrination of mercenary soldiers。〃
 〃Mercenaries?〃 Klinger's hard; broad face expressed the institutional soldier's disdain for the free…lancer。
 The corporation; Dawson explained; would hire perhaps a dozen of the very best mercenaries available; men who had fought in Asia and Africa。 They would be brought to the pany estate; ostensibly to be briefed on their assignments and to meet their superiors。 The water supply and all bottled beverages on the estate would be used as media for the drug。 Twenty…four hours after the mercenaries had taken their first few drinks; when they were primed for total subliminal brainwashing; they would be shown four hours of films on each of three successive days…travelogues; industrial studies; and technical documentaries detailing the use of a variety of weapons and electronic devices…which would be presented as essential background material for their assignments。 Unknowingly; of course; they would be watching twelve hours of sophisticated subliminals telling them to obey without question any order prefaced by a certain code phrase; and when those three days had passed; all twelve men would cease to be merely hired hands and would bee something quite like programmed robots。
 Outwardly; they would not appear to have changed。 They would look and behave as they always had done。 Nevertheless; they would obey any order to lie; steal; or kill anyone; obey without hesitation; so long as that order was preceded by the proper code phrase。
 〃As mercenary soldiers; they would be professional killers to begin with;〃 Klinger said。
 〃That's true;〃 Dawson said。 〃But the glory lies in their unconditional; unquestioning obedience。 As hired mercenaries; they would be able to reject any order or assignment that they
 didn't like。 But as our programmed staff; they will do precisely what they are told to do。〃
 〃There are other advantages; too;〃 Salsbury said; not unaware that Dawson; now that he was in a proselytizing mood; resented being nudged from the pulpit。 〃For one thing; you can order a man to kill and then to erase all memory of the murder from both his conscious and subconscious mind。 He would never be able to testify against the corporation or against us; and he would pass any polygraph examination。〃
 Klinger's Neanderthal face brightened a bit。 He appreciated the importance of what Salsbury had said。 〃Even if they used pentothal or hypnotic regression…he still couldn't remember?〃
 〃Sodium pentothal is much overrated as a truth serum;〃 Salsbury said。 〃As for the other。 。 … Well; they could put him in a trance and regress him to the time of the murder。 But he would only draw a blank。 Once he has been told to erase the event from his mind; it is beyond his recall just as surely as obsolete data is beyond the recall of a puter that has had its memory banks wiped clean。〃
 Having finished his second brandy; Klinger returned to the bar cart。 This time he filled a twelve…ounce tumbler with ice and Seven…Up。
 Salsbury thought; He's right about that: any man who doesn't keep a clear head here; tonight; is plainly suicidal。
 To Dawson; Klinger said; 〃Once we've got these twelve 'robots' what do we do with them?〃
 Because he had spent the last three months thinking about that while he and Saisbury worked out the details of their approach to the general; Dawson had a quick answer。 〃We can do anything we want with them。 Anything at all。 But as a first step…I thought we might use them to introduce the drug into the water supplies of every major city in Kuwait。 Then we could saturate that country with a multimedia subliminal campaign specially structured for the Arab psyche; and within a month we could quietly seize control without anyone; even the government of Kuwait; knowing what we've done。〃
 〃Take over an entire country as a first step?〃 Klinger asked incredulously。
 Preaching again; striding back and forth between Salsbury and the general; gesturing expansively; Dawson said; 〃The population of Kuwait is less than eight hundred thousand。 The greatest part of that is concentrated in a few urban areas; chiefly in Hawaii and the capital city。 Furthermore; all of the members of the government and virtually all of the wealthy reside in those metropolitan centers。 The handful of super…rich families who own desert enclaves get their water by truck from the cities。 In short; we could take control of everyone of influence within the country…giving us a behind…the…scenes managerial dictatorship over the Kuwait oil reserves; which pose twenty percent of the entire world supply。 That done; Kuwait would bee our base of operations; from which we could subvert Saudi Arabia; Iraq; Yemen; and every other oil…exporting nation in the Mid…East。〃
 〃We could smash the OPEC cartel;〃 Klinger said thoughtfully。
 〃Or strengthen it;〃 Dawson said。 〃Or alternately weaken and strengthen it in order to cause major fluctuations in the value of oil stocks。 Indeed; we could affect the entire stock market。 And because we'd know about each fluctuation well in advance; we could take ra
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