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 〃You're sure of yourself; aren't you?〃
 〃Damned sure;〃 Salsbury said。
 〃It makes no difference; you know; that I'm a general in the United States Army or that Leonard is a loyal and trusted citizen。 You've still broken the pledge。 Maybe they can't put you away for treason when you've only talked to the likes of us… but they can at least give you eighteen months for declassifying information without the authority to do so。〃
 Salsbury glanced at Dawson。
 Leaning forward in his chair; Dawson patted the general's knee。 〃Let Ogden finish。〃
 Klinger said; 〃This could be a setup。〃
 〃A what?〃
 〃A setup。 A trap。〃
 〃To get you?〃 Dawson asked。
 〃Could be。〃
 〃Why would I want to set you up?〃 Dawson asked。 He seemed genuinely hurt by the suggestion。
 In spite of the fact; Salsbury thought; that he has probably set up and destroyed hundreds of men over the last thirty years。
 Klinger seemed to be thinking the same thing; although he shrugged and pretended that he had no answer to Dawson's question。
 〃That's not the way I operate;〃 Dawson said; either unable or unwilling to conceal his bruised pride。 〃You know me better than that。 My whole career; my whole life; is based on Christian principles。〃
 〃I don't know anyone well enough to risk a charge of treason;〃 the general said gruffly。
 Feigning exasperation…it was a bit too obvious to be real… Dawson said; 〃Old friend; we've made a great deal of money together。 But all of it amounts to pocket change when pared to the money we can make if we cooperate with Ogden。
 There is literally unlimited wealth here…for all of us。〃 He watched the general for a moment; and when he could get no reaction he said; 〃Ernst; I have never misled you。 Never。 Not once。〃
 Unconvinced; Klinger said; 〃All you ever did before was pay me for advice…〃
 〃For your influence。〃
 〃For my advice;〃 Klinger insisted。 〃And even if I did sell my influence…which I didn't…that's a long way from treason。〃
 They stared at each other。
 Salsbury felt as if he were not in the room with them; as if he were watching them from the eyepiece of a mile…long telescope。
 With less of an edge to his voice than there had been a minute ago; Klinger finally said; 〃Leonard; I suppose you realize that I could be setting you up。〃
 〃Of course。〃
 〃I could agree to hear your man out; listen to everything he has to say…only to get evidence against you and him。〃
 〃String us along。〃
 〃Give you enough rope to hang yourselves;〃 Klinger said。 〃I only warn you because you're a friend。 I like you。 I don't want to see you in trouble。〃
 Dawson settled back in his chair。 〃Well; I've an offer to make you; and I need your cooperation。 So I'll just have to take that risk; won't I?〃
 〃That's your choice。〃
 Smiling; apparently pleased with the general; Dawson raised his brandy glass and silently proposed a toast。
 Grinning broadly; Klinger raised his own glass。
 What in the hell is going on here? Salsbury wondered。
 When he had sniffed and sipped his brandy; Dawson looked at Salsbury for the first time in several minutes and said; 〃You may proceed; Ogden。〃
 Suddenly; Salsbury grasped the underlying purpose of the conversation to which he had just listened。 In the unlikely event that Dawson actually was setting a trap for an old friend;
 on the off chance that the meeting was being taped; Klinger had deftly provided himself with at least some protection against successful prosecution。 He was now on record as having warned Dawson about the consequences of his actions。 In court or before a military review board; the general could argue that he had only been playing along with them in order to collect evidence against them; and even if no one believed him; he more than likely would manage to retain both his freedom and his rank。
 Ogden got up; leaving his brandy glass behind him; went to the window and stood with his back to the darkening lake。 He was too nervous to sit still while he talked。 Indeed; for a few seconds he was too nervous to speak at all。
 Like a pair of lizards perched half in warm sunlight and half in chilly shadows; waiting for the light balance to change enough to warrant movement; Dawson and Klinger watched him。 They were sitting in identical high…backed black leather easy chairs with burnished silvery buttons and studs。 A small round cocktail table with a dark oak top stood between them。 The only light in the richly furnished room came from two floor lamps that flanked the fireplace; twenty feet away。 The right side of each man's face was softened and somewhat concealed by shadows; while the left side was starkly detailed by amber light; and their eyes blinked with saurian patience。
 Whether or not the scheme was a success; Salsbury thought; both Dawson and Klinger would e through it unscathed。 They both wore effective armor: Dawson his wealth; Klinger his ruthlessness; cleverness; and experience。
 However; Salsbury didn't possess any armor of his own。 He hadn't even realized…as Klinger had when he protected himself with that spiel about secrecy pledges and treason…that he might need it。 He had assumed that his discovery would generate enough money and power to satisfy all three of them; but he had just begun to understand that greed could not be sated as easily as a hearty appetite or a demanding thirst。 If he had any defensive weapon at all; it was his intelligence; his lightning quick mind; but his intellect had been directed for so long into
 narrow channels of specialized scientific inquiry that it now served him far less well in the mon matters of life than it did in the laboratory。
 Be cautious; suspicious; and watchful; he reminded himself for the second time that day。 With men as aggressive as these; caution was a damned thin armor; but it was the only one he had。
 He said; 〃For ten years the Brockert Institute has been fully devoted to a Pentagon study of subliminal advertising。 We haven't been interested in the technical; theoretical; or sociological aspects of it; that work is being done elsewhere。 We've been concerned solely with the biological mechanisms of subliminal perception。 From the start we have been trying to develop a drug that will 'prime' the brain for subception; a drug that will make a man obey without question every subliminal directive that's given to him。〃 Scientists at another CDA laboratory in northern California were trying to engineer a viral or bacterial agent for the same purpose。 But they were on the wrong track。 He knew that for a fact because he was on the right one。 〃Currently; it's possible to use subliminals to influence people who have no unshakable opinions about a particular subject or product。 But the Pentagon wants to be able to use subliminal messages to alter the fundamental attitudes of people who do have very strong; stubbornly held opinions。〃
 〃Mind control;〃 Klinger said matter…of…factly。
 Dawson took another sip from his brandy glass。
 〃If such a drug can be synthesized;〃 Salsbury said; 〃it will change the course of history。 That's no exaggeration。 For one thing; there will never again be war; not in the traditional sense。 We will simply contaminate our enemies' water supplies with the drug; then inundate them; through their own。 media…television; radio; motion pictures; newspapers; and magazines… with a continuing series of carefully structured subliminals that will convince them to see things our way。 Gradually; subtly; we can transform our enemies into our allies…and let them think that the transformation was their own idea。〃
 They were silent for perhaps a minute; thinking about it。
 Klinger lit a cheroot。 Then he said; 〃There would also be a number of domestic uses for a drug like that。〃
 〃Of course;〃 Salsbury said。
 〃At long last;〃 Dawson said almost wistfully; 〃we could achieve national unity; put an end to all the bickering and protest and disagreement that's holding back this great country。〃
 Ogden turned away from them and stared through the window。 Night had fully claimed the lake。 He could hear the water lapping at the boat dock pilings a few feet below him; just beyond the glass。 He listened and allowed the rhythmic sound to calm him。 He was certain now that Klinger would cooperate; and he saw the incredible future that lay before him; and he was so excited by the vision that he did not trust himself to speak。
 To his back Klinger said; 〃You're primarily the director of research at Brockert。 But apparently you're not just a desk man。〃
 〃There are certain lines of study I've reserved for myself;〃 Salsbury admitted。
 〃And you've discovered a drug that works; a drug that primes the brain for subception。〃
 〃Three months ago;〃 Ogden said to the glass。
 〃Who knows about it?〃
 〃The three of us。〃
 〃No one at Brockert?〃
 〃No one。〃
 〃Even if you have; as you say; reserved some lines of study for yourself; you must have a lab assistant。〃
 〃He's not all that bright;〃 Salsbury said。 〃That's why I chose him。 Six years ago。〃
 Klinger said; 〃You were thinking about taking the discovery for yourself all that long ago?〃
 〃You've doctored your daily work record? The forms that go to Washington at the end of every week?〃
 〃I only had to falsify them for a few days。 As soon as I saw
 what I had e upon; I stopped working on it at once and changed the entire direction of my research。〃
 〃And your assistant didn't figure the switch?〃
 〃He thought I'd given up on that avenue of research and was ready to try another。 I told you; he's not terribly clever。〃
 Dawson said; 〃Ogden hasn't perfected this drug of his; Ernst。 There's still a great deal of work to be done。〃
 〃How much work?〃 the general asked。
 Turning from the window; Salsbury said; 〃I'm not absolutely certain。 Perhaps as little as six months…or as much as a year and a half。〃
 〃He can't work on it at Brockert;〃 Dawson said。 〃He couldn't possibly get away with falsifying his records for such a length of time。 Therefore; I'm putting together a pletely equipped laboratory for him in my house in Greenwich; forty minutes from the Brockert Institute。〃
 Raising his eyebrows; Klinger said; 〃You've got a house so big you can turn it into a lab?〃
 〃Ogden doesn't need a great deal of room; really。 A thousand square feet。 Eleven hundred at the outside。 And most of that will be taken up with puters。 Hideously expensive puters; I might add。 I'm backing Ogden with nearly two million of my own money; Ernst。 That's an indication of the tremendous faith I have in him。〃
 〃You really think he can develop; test; and perfect this drug in a jerry…built lab?〃
 〃Two million is hardly jerry…built;〃 Dawson said。 〃And don't forget that billions of dollars' worth of preliminary research has already been paid for by the government。 I'm financing just the final stage。〃
 〃How can you possibly maintain secrecy?〃
 〃There are thousands of uses for the puter system。 We won't be incriminating ourselves just by purchasing it。 Furthermore; we'll arrange for it through one of Futurex's subsidiaries。 There won't be any record that it was sold to us。 There won't be any questions asked;〃 Dawson said。
 〃You'll need lab technicians; assistants; clerks…〃
 〃No;〃 Dawson said。 〃So long as Ogden has the puter… and a plete data file of his past research…he can ha
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