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is decision was announced by Jack Marriott; 〃the voice of Andros;〃 in a press conference at the Manned Spaceflight Center in Houston。 A partial transcript of the conference follows:
   Q: Jack; when does this postponement go into effect?
   A: Immediately。 Right as I talk to you; we are shutting down。 Q: How long do you anticipate this delay will last?
   A: I'm afraid that's impossible to say。 Q: Could it be a matter of months? A: It could。 Q: Jack; could it be as long as a year9
   A: It's just impossible for me to say。 We must wait for the findings of the investigative mittee。
   Q: Does this postponement have anything to do with the Russian decision to curtail their space program after the crash of Zond 19?
   A: You'd have to ask the Russians about that。
   Q: I see that Jeremy Stone is on the list of the investigative mittee。 How did you happen to include a bacteriologist?
   A: Professor Stone has served on many scientific advisory councils in the past。 We value his opinion on a broad range of subjects。
   Q: What will this delay do to the Mars…landing target date?
   A: It will certainly set the scheduling back。
   Q: Jack; how far?
   A: I'll tell you frankly; it's something that all of us here would like to know。 We regard the failure of Andros V as a scientific error; a breakdown in systems technology; and not as a specifically human error。 The scientists are going over the problem now; and we'll have to wait for their findings。 The decision is really out of our hands。
   Q: Jack; would you repeat that?
   A: The decision is out of our hands。
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