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 My tomb is a quiet place。 It stands alone in a rocky declivity; shielded on three sides against the elements; surrounded by transported soil wherein a pair of scrubby trees; miscellaneous shrubs; weeds; and great ropes of mountain ivy are rooted; about two miles down; in back of the crest of Kolvir。 It is a long; low building with two benches in front; and the ivy has contrived to cover it to a great extent; mercifully masking most of a bombastic statement graven on its face beneath my name。 It is; understandably; vacant most of the time。
 That evening; however; Ganelon and I repaired thither; acpanied by a good supply of wine and some loaves and cold cuts。
 〃You weren't joking!〃 he said; having dismounted; crossed over; and parted the ivy; able to read by the moon's light the words that were rendered there。
 〃Of course not;〃 I said; climbing down and taking charge of the horses。 〃It's mine all right。〃
 Tethering our mounts to a nearby shrub; I unslung our bags of provisions and carried them to the nearest bench。 Ganelon joined me as I opened the first bottle and poured us a dark; deep pair。
 〃I still don't understand;〃 he said; accepting his。
 〃What's there to understand? I'm dead and buried there;〃 I said。 〃It's my cenotaph; is what it is … the monument that gets set up when the body has not been recovered。 I only just learned about mine recently。 It was raised several centuries ago; when it was decided I wasn't ing back。〃
 〃Kind of spooky;〃 he said。 〃What's inside then?〃
 〃Nothing。 Though they did thoughtfully provide a niche and a casket; just in case my remains put in an appearance。 You cover both bets that way。〃
 Ganelon made himself a sandwich。
 〃Whose idea was it?〃 he asked。
 〃Random thinks it was Brand's or Eric's。 No one remembers for sure。 They all seemed to feel it was a good idea at the time。〃
 He chuckled; an evil noise that perfectly suited his creased; scarred; and red…bearded self。
 〃What's to bee of it now?〃
 I shrugged。
 〃I suppose some of them think it's a shame to waste it this way and would like to see me fill it。 In the meantime; though; it's a good place to e and get drunk。 I hadn't really paid my respects yet。〃
 I put together a pair of sandwiches and ate them both。 This was the first real breather I had had since my return; and perhaps the last for some time to e。 It was impossible to say。 But I had not really had a chance to speak with Ganelon at any length during the past week; and he was one of the few persons I trusted。 I wanted to tell him everything。 I had to。 I had to talk with someone who was not a part of it in the same way as the rest of us。 So I did。
 The moon moved a considerable distance and the shards of broken glass multiplied within my crypt。
 〃So how did the others take it?〃 he asked me。
 〃Predictably;〃 I answered。 〃I could tell that Julian did not believe a word of it even though he said that he did。 He knows how I feel about him; and he is in no position to challenge me。 I don't think Benedict believes me either; but he is a lot harder to read。 He is biding his time; and I hope giving me the benefit of the doubt while he is about it。 As for Gerard; I have the feeling that this was the final weight; and whatever trust he had left for me has just collapsed。 Still; he will be returning to Amber early tomorrow; to acpany me to the grove to recover Caine's body。 No sense in turning it into a safari; but I did want another family member present。 Deirdre now … she seemed happy about it。 Didn't believe a word; I'm sure。 But no matter。 She has always been on my side; and she has never liked Caine。 I'd say she is glad that I seem to be consolidating my position。 I can't really tell whether Llewella believed me or not。 She doesn't much give a damn what the rest of us do to one another; so far as I can see。 As to Fiona; she simply seemed amused at the whole business。 But then; she has always had this detached; superior way of regarding things。 You can never be certain what represents her real thinking。〃
 〃Did you tell them the business about Brand yet?〃
 〃No。 I told them about Caine and I told them I wanted them all to be in Amber by tomorrow evening。 That is when the subject of Brand will be raised。 I've an idea I want to try out。〃
 〃You contacted all of them by means of the Trumps?〃
 〃That's right。〃
 〃There is something I have been meaning to ask you about that。 Back on the shadow world we visited to obtain the weapons; there are telephones。。。〃
 〃I learned about wiretaps and such while we were there。 Is it possible; do you think; that the Trumps could be bugged?〃
 I began to laugh; then caught myself as some of the implications of his suggestion sank in。 Finally; 〃I don't really know;〃 I said。 〃So much concerning Dworkin's work remains a mystery … the thought just never occurred to me。 I've never tried it myself。 I wonder; though。。。〃
 〃Do you know how many sets there are?〃
 〃Well; everyone in the family has a pack or two and there were a dozen or so spares in the library。 I don't really know whether there are any others。〃
 〃It seems to me that a lot could be learned just by listening in。〃
 〃Yes。 Dad's deck。 Brand's; my original pack; the one Random lost … Hell! There are quite a number unaccounted for these days。 I don't know what to do about it。 Start an inventory and try some experiments; I guess。 Thanks for mentioning it。〃
 He nodded and we both sipped for a while in silence。
 Then; 〃What are you going to do; Corwin?〃 he asked。
 〃About what?〃
 〃About everything。 What do we attack now; and in what order?〃
 〃My original intention was to begin tracing the black road toward its origin as soon as things were more settled here in Amber;〃 I said。 〃Now; though; I have shifted my priorities。 I want Brand returned as soon as possible; if he is still living。 If not; I want to find out what happened to him。〃
 〃But will the enemy give you the breathing time? He might be preparing a new offensive right now。〃
 〃Yes; of course。 I have considered that。 I feel we have some time; since they were defeated so recently。 They will have to pull themselves together again; beef up their forces; reassess the situation in light of our new weapons。 What I have in mind for the moment is to establish a series of lookout stations along the road to give us advance warning of any new movements on their part。 Benedict has already agreed to take charge of the operation。〃
 〃I wonder how much time we have。〃
 I poured him another drink; as it was the only answer I could think of。
 〃Things were never this plicated back in Avalon … our Avalon; I mean。〃
 〃True;〃 I said。 〃You are not the only one who misses those days。 At least; they seem simpler now。〃
 He nodded。 I offered him a cigarette; but he declined in favor of his pipe。 In the flamelight; he studied the Jewel of Judgment which still hung about my neck。
 〃You say you can really control the weather with that thing?〃 he asked。
 〃Yes;〃 I said。
 〃How do you know?〃
 〃I've tried it。 It works。〃
 〃What did you do?〃
 〃That storm this afternoon。 It was mine。〃
 〃I wonder。。。〃
 〃I wonder what I would have done with that sort of power。 What I would do with it。〃
 〃The first thing that crossed my mind;〃 I said; slapping the wall of my tomb; 〃was to destroy this place by lightning … strike it repeatedly and reduce it to rubble。 Leave no doubt in anyone's mind as to my feelings; my power。〃
 〃Why didn't you?〃
 〃Got to thinking about it a bit more then。 Decided … Hell! They might really have a use for the place before too long; if I'm not smart enough or tough enough or lucky enough。 Such being the case; I tried to decide where I would like them to dump my bones。 It caught me then that this is really a pretty good spot … up high; clean; where the elements still walk naked。 Nothing in sight but rock and sky。 Stars; clouds; sun; moon; wind; rain。。。 better pany than a lot of other stiffs。 Don't know why I should have to lie beside anyone I wouldn't want next to me now; and there aren't many。〃
 〃You're getting morbid; Corwin。 Or drunk。 Or both。 Bitter; too。 You don't need that。〃
 〃Who the hell are you to say what I need?〃
 I felt him stiffen beside me; then relax。
 〃I don't know;〃 he finally said。 〃Just saying what I see。〃
 〃How are the troops holding up?〃 I asked。
 〃I think they are still bewildered; Corwin。 They came to fight a holy war on the slopes of heaven。 They think that's what the shooting was all about last week。 So they are happy on that count; seeing as we won。 But now this waiting; in the city。。。 They don't understand the place。 Some of the ones they thought to be enemies are now friends。 They are confused。 They know they are being kept ready for bat; but they have no idea against whom; or when。 As they have been restricted to the billets the whole time; they have not yet realized the extent to which their presence is resented by the regulars and the population at large。 They will probably be catching on fairly soon; though。 I had been waiting to raise the subject; but you've been so busy lately。。。〃
 I sat smoking for a time。
 Then; 〃I guess I had better have a talk with them;〃 I said。 〃Won't have a chance tomorrow; though; and something should be done soon。 I think they should be moved … to a bivouac area in the Forest of Arden。 Tomorrow; yes。 I'll locate it for you on the map when we get back。 Tell them it is to keep them close to the black road。 Tell them that another attack could e that way at any time … which is no less than the truth。 Drill them; maintain their fighting edge。 I'll e down as soon as I can and talk to them。〃
 〃That will leave you without a personal force in Amber。〃
 〃True。 It may prove a useful risk; though; both as a demonstration of confidence and a gesture of consideration。 Yes; I think it will turn out to be a good move。 If not。。。〃 I shrugged。
 I poured and tossed another empty into my tomb。
 〃By the way;〃 I said; 〃I'm sorry。〃
 〃What for?〃
 〃I just noticed that I am morbid and drunk and bitter。 I don't need that。〃
 He chuckled and clicked his glass against my own。
 〃I know;〃 he said。 〃I know。〃
 So we sat there while the moon fell; till the last bottle was interred among its fellows。 We talked for a time of days gone by。 At length we fell silent and my eyes drifted to the stars above Amber。 It was good that we had e to this place; but now the city was calling me back。 Knowing my thoughts; Ganelon rose and stretched; headed for the horses。 I relieved myself beside my tomb and followed him。
 Chapter 5
 The Grove of the Unicorn lies in Arden to the southwest of Kolvir; near to that jutting place where the land begins its final descent into the valley called Garnath。 While Garnath had been cursed; burned; invaded; and fought through in recent years; the adjacent highlands stood unmolested。 The grove where Dad claimed to have seen the unicorn ages before and to have experienced the peculiar events which led to his adopting the beast as the patron of Amber and placing it on his coat of arms; was; as near as we could tell; a spot now but slightly screened from the long view across Garnath to the sea … twenty or thirty paces in from the upper edge of things: an asymmetrical glade where a small spring tr
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