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cb.coldheart canyon-第53部分

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 The instant he made contact; the illusion of the painters' trompe l'oeil was broken。 He could not believe he had been so easily deceived。 What had looked like infinite; penetrable reality two strides before now looked absurdly fake: stylish marks on pieces of antiquated tile; plastered on a wall。 How could his eyes have been misled for an instant?
  Then he looked back over his shoulder; to call Katya over; and the illusion in which she stood was still pletely intact…the expanse of open ground between where they stood and the galloping horsemen apparently a quarter mile or more; the trees beyond them twice that; the sky limitless above。 Illusion; he told himself; all illusion。 But it meant nothing in the face of the trick before him; which refused to bow to his doubt。 He gave up trying to make it concede; and instead turned back to the wall。 His hands were still upon it; the tiles still laid out under his palms。 Which direction did the door lie in?
  〃Right or left?〃 he called to Katya。
  〃The door! Is it to the right or left?〃
  She took her eyes off the riders; and scanned the wall he was clinging to。 〃Left;〃 she said; casually。
  〃Hurry then…〃
  〃They didn't find the child。〃
  〃Forget about them!〃 he told her。
  If she was attempting to impress him with her fearlessness she was doing a poor job。 He was simply irritated。 She'd shown him the way the room worked for God's sake; now it was time to get out。
  〃e on!〃 he cried。
  As he called to her he moved along the wall; a step to his left; then another step; keeping his palms flat to the tiles every inch of the way; as though defying them to play some new trick or other。 But it seemed that as long as he had his hands on the tiles…as long as he could keep uppermost in his mind the idea that this was a painted world; it could not start its trickeries afresh。 And on the third; or was it fourth? step along the wall his extended hand found the door…jamb。 He breathed out a little sigh of relief。 The door…jamb was right there under his hand。 He moved his palm over it onto the door itself which; like the jamb; was tiled so that there was no break in the illusion。 He fumbled for the handle; found it and tried to turn it。
  On the other side; Tammy had found her way along the passageway and chosen that precise moment to turn the handle in the opposite direction。
  〃Oh Jesus…〃 Todd said。 〃It's locked。〃
  〃You hear that?〃 Tammy gasped。 〃That's Todd? Todd!〃
  〃Yeah it's me。 Who's this?〃
  〃Tammy。 It's Tammy Lauper。 Are you turning the handle?〃
  〃Well let go of it。 Let me try。〃
  Todd let go。 Tammy turned the handle。 Before she opened the door she glanced back at Zeffer。 He was still one flight up the stairs; staring out of the window。
  〃The dead。。。〃 she heard him say。
  〃What about them?〃
  〃They're all around the house。 I've never seen them this close before。 They know there are people passing back and forth through the door; that's why。〃
  〃Do I open the door? Todd's on the other side。〃
  〃Are you sure it's Todd?〃
  〃Yes it's Todd。〃
  Hearing his name called; Todd impatiently yelled from the other side。 〃Yes; it's me。 And Katya。 Will you please open the fucking door?〃
  Tammy's hands were sweaty; and her muscles weary; the handle slid through her palm。 〃I can't open it。 You try。〃
  Todd struggled with the handle from his side; but what had seemed as though it was going to be the easiest part of the procedure (opening the door) was proving the most intractable。 It was almost as though the room didn't want him to leave; as though it wanted to hold on to him for as long as possible; to exercise the greatest amount of influence over him; to addict him; second by second; sight by sight。
  He glanced back over his shoulder。 Katya was staring up at the sky; moving her hands down over her body; as though she was luxuriating in the curious luminosity of this enraptured world。 For a moment he imagined her naked; cradled in the heavenly luminescence; but he caught himself in the midst of the fantasy。 It was surely just another of the room's tricks to keep him from departing。 The damn place probably had a thousand such sleights…of…mind: sexual; philosophical; murderous。
  He closed his eyes hard against the seductions of the Country and put his head against the door。 The tile was clammy; like a living thing。 〃Tammy?〃 he said。 〃Are you still here?〃
  〃When I count three; I want you to push。 Got it?〃
  〃Got it。〃
  〃Okay。 Ready?〃
  〃One。 Two。 Three!〃
  She pushed。 He pulled。 And the door fell open; presenting Todd with one of the odder juxtapositions he'd witnessed in his life。 In the hallway on the other side of the door stood a woman who looked as though she'd gone several rounds with a heavy…weight boxer。 There were bloody scratches on her face; neck and arms; her hair and clothes were in disarray。 In her eyes she had a distinctly panicked look。
  He recognized her instantly。 She was the leader of his Fan Club; a woman called Tammy Lauper。 Yes! The missing Tammy Lauper! How the hell had she got up here? Never mind。 She was here; thank God。
  〃I thought something terrible had happened to you;〃 Lauper said。
  〃Give it time;〃 he quipped。
  Behind him; he heard the horsemen approaching。 He glanced around; calling again to Katya。
  〃Hurry up; will you?〃
  When he returned his gaze to Tammy it was clear that she'd taken in; as best her disbelief would allow; the incredible sight over his shoulder。 Her eyes were wide with astonishment; her jaw slack。
  〃So this is what it looks like。〃
  〃Yes;〃 he said to her。 〃This is it。〃
  Tammy threw a look back at a stooped; older man standing on the stairs behind her。 He looked almost incapacitated with fear。 But unlike Tammy; whose expression was that of someone who had never seen anything like this before; it was Todd's sense that her panion knew exactly what he was seeing; and would have liked nothing better than to have turned right there and fled。
  Then Todd heard Katya calling from behind him; naming the man。
  〃Zeffer;〃 she said; the word freezing the man where he stood。
  〃Katya。。。〃 he said; inclining his head。
  Katya came up behind Todd; pressing him aside in order to cross over the threshold。 She pointed at the trespasser as she did so。
  〃I told you never to e back into this house!〃 she yelled at Zeffer。 〃Didn't I?〃
  He flinched at this; though it was difficult to believe she posed much physical threat to him。
  She summoned him down the stairs。 〃e here;〃 she said。 〃You worthless piece of shit! I said: e here!〃
  Before he could obey her; Tammy intervened。 〃It's not his fault;〃 she said。 〃I was the one who asked him to bring me down here。〃
  Katya have her a look of plete contempt; as though anything she might have to contribute to the conversation was worthless。
  〃Whoever the hell you are;〃 she said; 〃this is none of your business。〃
  She pushed Tammy aside and reached out to catch hold of Zeffer。 He had dutifully approached at her summons; but now avoided her grasp。 She came after him anyway; striking his chest with the back of her hand; a solid blow; and another; and another。 As she struck him she said: 〃I told you to stay outside; didn't I?〃
  The blows were relatively light; but they carried strength out of all proportion to their size。 They knocked the breath out of him; for one thing; and she'd e back with a second blow before he'd drawn breath from the first; which quickly weakened him。 Tammy was horrified; but she didn't want to interfere; in case she simply made the matter worse。 Nor was her attention entirely devoted to the sight of Todd; or to the assault upon Zeffer。 Her gaze was increasingly claimed by the sight visible through the open door。 It was astonishing。 Despite the fact that Zeffer had told her the place was an illusion; her eyes and her mind were wholly enamoured by what she saw: the rolling forest; the rocks with their thickets of thorn bushes; the delta and the distant sea。 It all looked so real。 And what was that?
  Some creature that looked like a feathered lizard; its coxb yellow and black; scuttled into view; and out again。
  It halted; seeming to look back through the door at her: a beast that belonged in some book of medieval monsters than in such proximity to her。
  She glanced back at Zeffer; who was still being lectured by Katya。 With the door open; and the visions beyond presented to her; she saw no reason not to step over the threshold; just for a moment; and see the place more plainly。 After all; she was protected against its beguilements。 She knew it was a beautiful lie; and as long as she remembered that; then it couldn't do her any harm; could it?
  The only thing in the landscape that was real was Todd; and it was to him that she now went; crossing the dirt and the windblown grass to go to him。 The feathered reptile lowered its coxb as she crossed the ground; and slunk away; disappearing into a crack between two boulders。 But Todd wasn't watching animal…life。 He had his eyes on several horsemen who were approaching along a road that wound through a dense stand of trees。 They were approaching at speed; kicking up clods of earth as they came。 Were they real; Tammy wondered; or just part of the landscape? She wasn't sure; nor was she particularly eager to put the question to the test。
  Yet with every passing second she was standing in this world the more she felt the power of the room to unknit her doubts。 She felt its influence seeping through her sight and her skin into her mind and marrow。 Her head grew giddy; as though she'd downed two or three glasses of wine in quick succession。
  It wasn't an unpleasant sensation by any means; especially given the extreme disfort of the last few hours。 She felt almost forted by the room; as though it understood how she'd suffered of late; and was ready to soothe her hurts and humiliations away。 It would distract her with its beauty and its strangeness; if she would only trust it for a while。
  〃Tammy。。。〃 she heard Zeffer say behind her。 His voice was weak; and the effect his summons had on her was inconsequential。 She didn't even acknowledge it。 She just let her eyes graze contentedly on the scene before her; the trees; the horsemen; the road; the rocks。
  Soon; she knew; the riders would make a turn in that road; and it would be interesting to see how their image changed when they were no longer moving in profile; but were ing towards her。
  She glanced back over her shoulder。 It wasn't far to the door: just a few yards。 Her eyes didn't even focus on whatever was going on in the passageway。 It seemed very remote from her at that moment。
  She looked back towards the horsemen。 They had turned the corner in the road; and were now ing directly towards the spot where Todd and she stood。 It was the oddest visual spectacle she'd ever witnessed; to see them growing larger as they approached; like illustrations emerging from a book。 The landscape around them seemed to both recede and advance at the same moment as they approached; its motion throwing them forward as the ground beneath their horses drew back like a retreating wave。 It was an utterly bewildering spectacle; but its paradoxical beauty enthralled her。 All thought
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