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cb.coldheart canyon-第52部分

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s so vivid they were more real than real。 And it addicted the soul; because you didn't want any other kind of fort; once you'd been in the room。 Prayer was no use to you; laughter was no use to you; friends; ideals; ambitions。。。they all seemed inconsequential in that perpetual twilight。 When you were here; you thought all the time about being there。〃
  Again Tammy shook her head。 There was so much here to try and make sense of。 Her mind was reeling。
  〃Do you see now why you must leave; and forget about Todd? He's seen the room。 That's where she took him。〃
  〃Are you sure?〃
  〃He's down there right now;〃 Zeffer said。 〃I guarantee it。 Where else would she take him?〃
  Tammy got up from the table。 The food had done her good。 Though she still felt a little light…headed; she was considerably stronger。
  〃There's nothing heroic about sacrificing yourself for him;〃 Zeffer pointed out。 〃He wouldn't do it for you。〃
  〃I know that。〃
  Zeffer followed her to the kitchen door。 〃So don't。 Leave; while you can。 Tammy; I beg you。 Leave。 I'll lead you out of the Canyon and you can go home。〃
  〃Home;〃 Tammy said。 The word; the idea; seemed hollow; valueless。
  There was no home for her after this。 Or if there was; it wasn't the one she'd had。 Arnie; the little house in Sacramento。 How could she even think of going back to that?
  〃I have to find Todd;〃 she said。 〃That's what I came here to do。〃 Without waiting for Zeffer to lead her or escort her; she left the kitchen and went to the top of the stairs。 He called after her。 Another attempt at persuasion; no doubt; or some more fancy story…telling。 But she ignored him this time; and started down the stairs。
  Katya had a little more of her story still to tell。
  〃'My life is worth nothing;' the Duke had told the Devil's wife。 He; who had led armies; and triumphed in his crusades against the infidel; now found his life was at an end。 And why? Because he chased and killed what he took to be a goat?〃
  〃'It was an accident!' he said; his fury at the injustice of this suddenly getting the better of him。 'I demand to be seen by some higher judge than you。'〃
  〃'There is only one higher;' Lilith replied。 'And that's my husband。'〃
  〃The Duke met her cold gaze; the profundity of his terror paradoxically making him brave。〃
  〃'There is a God in Heaven;' he said。〃
  〃'Is there now?' said Lilith。 'Are you certain? I saw him only once; the day He made me。 Since then He has never shown his face。 This is the Devil's Country; Goga。 My Lord Lucifer rules here。 Or in his absence; me。 I doubt your God will stretch out his hand to save your soul。'〃
  〃'Then I shall ride out of here;' the Duke replied。〃
  〃'You saw what happened to your rade。 I'll do the same to you; before you reach your horse。 I'll have you wailing like a baby at my feet。'〃
  〃Goga wasn't a stupid man。 He knew there was no use in contradicting the woman。 He'd already seen one of his men horribly slaughtered by her。 He would surely follow if he attempted to escape。 All he could do was throw himself upon Lilith's mercy。〃
  〃He went down on his knees; and posing himself as best he could; he addressed her:〃
  〃'Please; gentle lady; listen to me。'〃
  〃I'm listening。'〃
  〃'I have lost children of my own; all six of them dead by the plague。 And my wife the same way。 I know the pain you are suffering; and I'm sick that I was its cause。 But what's done is done。 I made a mistake; that I bitterly regret。 But how can I take it back? Had I known I was on your husband's land I would not even have hunted here。'〃
  〃Lilith looked at him for a long while; assessing the worth of his appeal。 〃'Well; hereafter; my lord;' she said finally; 'it is my pleasure that you and your men will hunt here always。'〃
  〃Another bitter breath up out of Hell to acpany these words。 The woman's long hair rose up around her body; a few of its strands grazing Goga's upturned face。〃
  〃'Get back on your horses; hunters;' Lilith said。 'Return to your hunt。 There are boar in the thicket; waiting to be driven out。 There are birds in the trees; ready to be shot while they sing。 Kill them at will; as it pleases you to do so。 There will be no charge for your sport。'〃
  〃The Duke was astonished to hear this mild invitation; after all that had just taken place; and thinking perhaps his plea for clemency had carried some weight with Lilith; he very slowly got to his feet; thanking her。〃
  〃'It's most kind of you;' he said; 'to invite me to hunt。 And perhaps another day I will e back here and accept your invitation。 But today my heart is heavy…'〃
  〃'As well it might be;'〃 the woman replied。 〃'So I think instead I will return to the Fortress and…'〃
  〃'No;' she said; raising her hand。 'You will not return to the fortress。 You will hunt。'〃
  〃'I could not; madam。 Really; I could not。'〃
  〃'Sir;' she replied; with a little inclination of her head。 'You misunderstood me。 You have no choice。 You will hunt; and you will go on hunting; until you find my son a second time; and bring him back to me。'〃
  〃'I don't understand。'〃
  〃'A second time。'〃
  〃She pointed to the corpse of the goat…child; which lay in its cooling blood。 Her hair drifted over the sprawled cadaver; lightly touching the boy's chest and stomach and private parts。 Much to the Duke's astonishment the child responded to his mother's caresses。 As the hair touched his chest his lungs drew a little breath; and his penis…which was disproportionately large for one his age…grew steely。〃
  〃'Take your sword out of him;' Lilith instructed the Duke。〃
  〃But the Duke was too terrified at this scene of infernal resurrection to go near the boy。 He kept his distance; filling his breeches in fear。〃
  〃'You men are all the same!' Lilith said contemptuously。 〃'You find it easy enough to drive the sword in; but when it es to taking it out you can't bring yourself to do it。'〃
  〃She stepped into the puddle of her son's blood; and reached to take hold of the sword。 The boy's eyes flickered open as he felt his mother's hand upon the pommel。 Then he lifted his hands and caught hold of the blade with his bare palms; almost as though he were attempting to keep her from extracting it。 Still she pulled; and it slowly came out of him。〃
  〃'Slowly; mama;' the goat…boy said; his tone almost lascivious。 'It hurts mightily。'〃
  〃'Does it; child?' Lilith said; twisting the blade in the wound as though to perversely increase her child's distress。 He threw back his head; still looking at her from the bottom of his eyes; his lips drawn back from his little; pointed teeth。 And this?' she said; turning the blade the other way。 'Does this bring you agony?'〃
  〃'Yes; Mama!'〃
  〃She twisted it the other way。 And this?'〃
  〃Finally; it was too much for the child。 He let out a hissing sound; and spat from his erection several spouts of semens…Its sharp stink made the Duke's eyes sting。〃
  〃Lilith waited until the boy had finished ejaculating; then she drew out the sword。 The goat…boy sank back on the wet earth; with a look of satisfaction on his face。〃
  〃'Thank you; mama;' he said; as though well pleasured by what had just happened。
  〃The wound on his belly was already closing up; the Duke saw。 It was as though it were being knitted by agile and invisible fingers。 So too the wounds on his hands; incurred when he had seized the blade。 In a matter of perhaps half a minute the goat…boy was whole again。〃
  〃So if the child wasn't dead;〃 Todd said; 〃why was the Duke guilty of murdering him?〃
  Katya shook her head。 〃He'd mitted the crime。 The fact that the boy was an immortal was academic。 He'd murdered the child; and had to be punished for it。〃
  Todd's gaze went again to the trees where the Duke and his men had disappeared; picturing the look of hope that had appeared on the men's faces when they'd heard the sound of the child's cries。 Now all that made sense。 No wonder they'd ridden off so eagerly。 They were still hoping to find the boy; and earn their release from the Devil's Country。
  A wave of claustrophobia came up over Todd。 This was not the limitless landscape it had first appeared to be: it was a prison; and he wanted to be free of it。 He turned; and turned again; looking for some crack in the illusion; however small。 But he could find none。 Despite the immensity of the vistas in all directions; and the height of heavens above him; he might as well have been locked in a cell。
  His breath had quickened; his hands were suddenly clammy。 〃Which way's the door?〃 he asked Katya。
  〃You want to leave? Now?〃
  〃Yes; now。〃
  〃It's just a story;〃 she said。 〃No it's not。 I saw the Duke。 We both saw him。〃
  〃It's all part of the show;〃 Katya said; with a dismissive little shrug。 〃Calm down。 There's no harm going to e to us。 I've been down here hundreds of times and nothing ever happened to me。〃
  〃You saw the Duke here before?〃
  〃Sometimes。 Never as close as we saw today; but there are always hunters。〃
  〃Well ask yourself: why are there always hunters? Why is there always an eclipse?〃
  〃I don't know。 Why do you always do the same thing in a movie every time it runs…〃
  〃So things are exactly the same; every time you e here; like a movie?〃
  〃Not exactly the same; no。 But the sun's always like that: three…quarters covered。 And the trees; the rocks。。。even the ships out there。〃 She pointed to the ships。 〃It's always the same ships。 They never seem to get very far。〃
  〃So it's not like a movie;〃 Todd said。 〃It's more like time's been frozen。〃
  She nodded。 〃I suppose it is;〃 she said。 〃Frozen in the walls。〃
  〃I don't see any walls。〃
  〃They're there;〃 Katya said; 〃it's just a question of where to look。 How to look。 Trust me。〃
  〃You want me to trust you;〃 Todd said; 〃then get me out of here。〃
  〃I thought you were enjoying yourself。〃
  〃The pleasure went out of it a while back;〃 Todd said。 He grabbed her arm; hard。 〃e on;〃 he said。 〃I want to get out。〃
  She shook herself free of him。 〃Don't touch me that way;〃 she said; her expression suddenly fierce。 〃I don't like it。〃 She pointed past him; over his right shoulder。 〃The door's over there。〃
  He looked back He could see no sign of an opening。 Just more of the Devil's Country。
  And now; to make matters worse; he once again heard the sound of hooves。
  〃Oh Christ。。。〃
  He glanced back towards the trees。 The Duke and his men were riding towards them; empty…handed。
  〃They're ing back to interrogate us;〃 Todd said。 〃Katya! Did you hear me? We need to get the hell out of here。〃
  Katya had seen the horsemen; but she didn't seem overly unnerved。 She watched them approaching without moving。 Todd; meanwhile; made his way in the general direction of the door; or at least where she had indicated it stood。 He scanned the place; looking for some fragment…the corner of the doorframe; the handle; the keyhole…to help him locate it。 But there was nothing。
  Having no other choice he simply walked across the stony ground; his hands extended in front of him。 After proceeding perhaps six strides; the empty air in front of him suddenly became solid; and his hands flattened against cold; hard tile。 The instant he made contact; the illusion of the painters' trompe l'oeil was broken。 He could not b
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