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cb.coldheart canyon-第5部分

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 Though Sandru spoke slowly enough; there was something mildly chaotic about his thought processes。 One minute he was talking about furniture; the next about the mad Duke and his hunter's habits; the next about the fact that they couldn't make a hospital here because the Devil's wife had cursed the place。
  When he opened his eyes his gaze moved back and forth over the furniture and the boxes without lingering on anything in particular。 The bare bulbs were stark; of course; and their lights far from flattering; but even taking that fact into account there was nothing in the room that caught Zeffer's eye。 There were some finely…wrought things; no question; but nothing extraordinary。
  And then; as he stood there; waiting for Sandru to return; his gaze moved beyond the objects that filled the chamber; and came to rest instead on the walls beyond。
  The chamber was not; he saw; made of bare stone。 It was covered with tile。 In every sense; this was an understatement; for these were no ordinary tiles。 Even by so ungenerous a light as the bare bulbs threw upon them; and viewed by Zeffer's weary eyes; it was clear they were of incredible sophistication and beauty。
  He didn't wait for Father Sandru to return; rather; he began to push through the piles of furniture towards the designs that covered the walls。 They covered the floor; too; he saw; and ceiling。 In fact; the chamber was a single masterpiece of tile; every single inch of it decorated。
  In all his years of traveling and collecting he'd never seen anything quite like this。 Careless of the dirt and dust laden webs which covered every surface; he pushed on through until he reached the nearest wall。 It was filthy; of course; but he pulled a large silk handkerchief out of his pocket; and used it to scrub away some of the filth on the tile。 It had been plain even from a distance that the tiles were elaborately designed; but now; as he cleared a swathe across four or five; he realized that this was not an abstract pattern but a representation。 There was part of a tree there; on one of the tiles; and on another; adjacent to it; a man on a white horse。 The detail was astonishing。 The horse was so finely painted; it looked about ready to prance off around the room。
  〃It's a hunt。〃
  Sandru's voice startled him; Willem jerked back from the wall; so suddenly that it was as though he'd had his face in a vacuum; and was pulling it free。 He felt a drop of moisture plucked from the rim of his eye; saw it flying towards the cleaned tile; defying gravity as it broke on the flank of the painted horse。
  It was a strange moment; an illusion surely。 It took him a little time to shake off the oddness of it。 When he looked round at Sandru; the man was slightly out of focus。 He stared at the Father's shape until his eyes corrected the problem。 When they did he saw that Sandru had the brandy bottle back in his hand。 Apparently its contents had been more potent than Zeffer had thought。 The alcohol; along with the intensity of his stare; had left him feeling strangely dislocated; as though the world he'd been looking at…the painted man on his painted horse; riding past a painted tree…was more real than the old priest standing there in the doorway。
  〃A hunt?〃 he asked at last。 〃What kind of hunt?〃
  〃Oh; every kind;〃 Sandru replied。 〃Pigs; dragons; women…〃
  Sandru laughed。 〃Yes; women;〃 he said; pointing towards a piece of the wall some yards deeper into the chamber。 〃Go look;〃 he said。 〃You'll find the whole thing is filled with obscenities。 The men who painted this place must have had some strange dreams; let me tell you; if this is what they saw。〃
  Zeffer pushed aside a small table; and then pressed himself between the wall and a much larger piece of furniture; which looked like a wooden catafalque; too large to move。 Obliged to slide along the wall; his jacket did the job his handkerchief had done moments before。 Dust rose up in his face。
  〃Where now?〃 he asked the Father when he'd got to the other side of the catafalque。
  〃A little further;〃 Sandru replied; uncorking the brandy and shamelessly taking a swig from the bottle。
  〃I need some more light back here;〃 Zeffer said。
  Reluctantly; Sandru went to pick up the lamp。 It was hot now。 He rummaged in one of the nearby boxes to find something to protect his palm; found a length of cloth and wrapped it around the base of the lamp。 Then he tugged on the light…cord; to give himself some more play; and made his way through the confusion of stuff in the room; to where Zeffer was standing。
  The closer Sandru came with the light the more Zeffer could make out of the painting on the tiles。 There was a vast panorama spread to left and right of him; and up above his head; and down to the ground; spreading beneath his feet。 Though the walls were so filthy that in places the design was entirely obliterated; and in other places there were large cracks in the tiles; the image had an extraordinary reality all of its own。
  〃Closer;〃 Zeffer said to Sandru; sacrificing the arm of his fur coat to clean a great portion of tiled wall in front of him。 Each tile was about six inches square; perhaps a little smaller; and set close to one another with a minimum of grouting; so as to preserve the continuity of the picture。 Despite the sickly right off the bulb; its luminescence still showed that the color of the image had not been diminished by time。 The beauty of the renderings was perfectly evident。 There were a dozen kinds of green in the trees; and more; sweeter hues in the growth between them。 Beneath the canopy there were burnt umbers and siennas and sepias in the trunks and branches; skillfully highlighted to lend the impression that light was falling through the foliage and catching the bark。 Not all the tiles were rendered with the same expertise; he saw。
  Some of the tiles were the work of highly sophisticated artists; some the work of journeyman; some…especially those that were devoted to areas of pure foliage…the handiwork of apprentices; working on their craft by filling in areas that their masters neither had the time nor perhaps the interest to address。
  But none of this spoiled the power of the overall vision。 In fact the discontinuity of styles created a splendid energy in the piece。 Portions of the world were in focus; other parts were barely coherent; the abstract and the representational sitting side by side on the wall; all part of one enormous story。
  And what was that story? Plainly; given the kind of quarry Sandru had listed; this was more than simply a hunt: it smacked of something far more ambitious。 But what? He peered at the tiles; his nose a few inches from the wall; trying to make sense of what he was seeing。
  〃I looked at the whole room; before we put all the furniture in here;〃 Sandru said。 〃It's a view; from the Fortress Tower。〃
  〃But not realistic?〃
  〃It depends what you mean by realistic;〃 Sandru said。 〃If you look over the other side…〃 he pointed across the room 〃…you can see the delta of the Danube。〃 Zeffer could just make out the body of water; glittering in the gloom: and closer by a mass of swampy land; with dozens of inlets winding through it; on their way to the sea。 〃And there!〃 Sandru went on; 〃to the left…〃 again; Zeffer followed Sandru's finger 〃…at the corner of the room; that rock…〃
  〃I see it。〃
  The rock was tall; rising out of the ocean of trees like a tower; shrubs springing from its flank。
  〃That's called the May Rock;〃 Sandru said。 〃The villagers dance there; on the first six nights of May。 Couples would stay there overnight; and try to make children。 It's said the women always became pregnant if they stayed with their men on May Rock。〃
  〃So it exists? In the world; I mean。 Out there。〃
  〃Yes; it's right outside the Fortress。〃
  〃And so all those other details? The delta…〃
  〃Is nine miles away; in that direction。〃 Sandru pointed at the wall upon which the Danube's delta was painted。
  Zeffer smiled as he grasped what the artists had achieved here。 Down in the depths of the Fortress; at its lowest point; they had recreated in tile and paint what could be seen from its pinnacle。
  And with that realization came sense of the inscription he'd read on the threshold。
  Though we are in the bowels of Hell; we shall have the eyes of Angels。 This room was the bowels of Hell。 But the tile…makers and their artist masters; wherever they'd been; had created an experience that gave the occupants of this dungeon the eyes of angels。 A paradoxical ambition; when all you had to do was climb the stairs and see all this from the top of the tower。 But artists were often driven by such ambition; a need perhaps; to prove that it could even be done。
  〃Somebody worked very hard to create all this;〃 Zeffer said。 〃Oh indeed。 It's an impressive achievement。〃
  〃But you hide it away;〃 Zeffer said; not prehending the way the room had been treated。 〃You fill the place with old furniture and let it get filthy。〃
  〃Who could we show it to?〃 the Father replied。 〃It's too disgusting。。。〃
  〃I see nothing…〃 he was about to say disgusting; when his eye alighted on a part of tile…work that he'd cleaned with his arm but had not closely studied。 In a large grove a round stadium had been set up; with seating made of wood。 The perspective was off (and the solution to the perspective changed subtly from tile to tile; as various hands had contributed their piece of the puzzle。 There were perhaps twenty tiles that had some portion of the stadium represented upon them; the work of perhaps five artists)。 The steep benches were filled with people; their bustle evoked with quick; contentious strokes。 Some people seemed to be standing; some sitting。 Two more groups of spectators were approaching the stadium from the outside; though there was no room for them inside。
  But what drew Zeffer's eye; and made him realize that the Father had been right to wonder aloud who he might show this master…work to; was the event these spectators had assembled to witness。 It was an arena of sexual sport。 Several performances were going on at the same time; all unapologetically obscene。 In one section of the arena a naked woman was being held down while a creature twice her size; his body bestial; his erection monstrous; was being roped back by four men who appeared to be controlling his approach to the woman。 In another quarter; a man had been stripped of his skin by three naked women。 A fourth straddled him as he lay on the ground in his own blood。 The other three wore pieces of his skin。 One had on his whole face and shoulders; her breasts sticking out from beneath the ragged hood。 Another sat on the ground; wearing his arms and pulling on the skin of his legs like waders。 The third; the queen of this quartet; was wearing what was presumably the piece de resistance; the flesh which the unhappy owner had worn from mid breast…bone to mid…thigh。 She was cavorting in this garish costume like a dancer and; by some magic known only to the maker of the mystery; the usurped skin still boasted a full erection。
  〃Good God。。。〃 Zeffer said。
  〃I told you;〃 Sandru said; just a little smugly。 〃And that's the least of it; believe me。〃
  〃The least of it?〃
  〃The more you look; the more you see。〃
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