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 〃He does not。 That is a lie。 Leave me alone。〃
 〃After you talk to mei〃
 He heard footsteps pad to the door。 It opened; and Deborah Hirshbloom stood before him with the unamused tolerance of a parent declining to be manipulated by the antics of a child。 Her face was set; but calm; enhancing its fine smooth lines。 Her eyes were black jewels hi a setting of smooth; milky skin garnished with the joy of freckles。 Her lips; unpainted; were tight; allowing nothing for Remo standing before her。
 〃All right。 What?〃
 〃I'd like to talk to you。 May I e in?〃
 〃It's late。〃
 〃I know。 May I e in?〃
 She shrugged and beckoned Remo to enter。 She wore a plain khaki blouse with plain khaki shorts。 She was barefoot; and her cottage office was just as bare; except for the books stacked to the ceiling and a chess set open on the small table; near the lamp。 There was a metal cot and two chairs。 She sat on the cot; but with such stiffness that it obviously was not an invitation。
 〃May I sit down?〃 Remo asked; nodding to the chair。
 She allowed it。
 〃As you know; the other department heads of the forum have been interviewing me。〃 She did not respond。 Remo continued: 〃And I wondered why you had not。〃
 〃Because I'm not interested。〃
 〃I was; well; sort of wondering why。〃 
 〃Because one man beating up seven ridiculous hoodlums is not exactly the aweinspking scientific phenomena my colleagues obviously believe it to be。〃
 〃Then you know something about violence。〃
 〃I am learning from you; and I like no part of it。 I know Hawkins came down with your chute and you with his。 I know he tried to kill you and died for it。〃
 〃You're Israeli; aren't you?〃
 〃Yes。 You know that。〃
 〃And violence offends you?〃
 〃Don't all Israelis have to serve in the Army?〃
 〃And violence still offends you?〃
 〃Of course; why not?〃
 〃Because you people couldn't survive without violence。 Without being tough。 The Arabs could have peace by not firing a shot。 You people would have another holocaust。〃
 〃Mr。 Pelham; what are you driving at? That because we are outnumbered one…hundred…fifty to one by people who unfortunately have made our annihilation a national goal; that I should like what I must do to survive? One must dig latrines; too; for survival。 But you do not have to like digging latrines。 What do you really want? You do not care that violence offends 〃e。 This does not interest you。 What do you want?〃
 〃Well; I have a problem and you contribute to it。 You see; I'm responsible for the protection of everyone here。 And everyone moves around so much; especially you; that to really make sure I can provide the proper security; I have to know generally where I can reach you when I need you。 That attack on the forum by the motorcycle gang could be a portent of things to e。 I'm not sure they will; but if those people try again; I want to make sure they can't reach any of the top staff。〃
 〃There is a word in English; Mr。 Pelham; that describes beautifully what you have just said。 It is both sharp in definition and meaningful in substance。〃
 Remo knew he was opening a door。 〃What word?〃 he said; preparing himself for the deserved consequences。
 〃Bullshit;〃 said Dr。 Hirshbloom sweetly。
 〃That's unfair; Deborah。〃
 〃That is your name; Remo; it is bullshit should you deny it to your grave。 They called for you。 They challenged you。 And they got you。 Or; as you will; you got them。〃
 〃They went for me first so that they could get to you。 Certainly you are aware of a situation like that。 Russia attacking us through Israel。〃
 〃Why must you put everything on an international level? You're sitting here; asking my schedule; obviously not to protect me because you know I do not need your protection。 So why else would you want to know where you can reach me; except to do me harm? Right?〃
 〃Hah。 Mr。 Pelham。。。。〃
 〃Remo; remember。〃
 〃All right; Remo。 Good night。〃
 〃Deborah; I would like to see you again。〃
 〃I'm certain you will。 But; please。 Not in such frightening fashion as the other day; or such annoying fashion as tonight。〃
 〃Frightening? You were frightened? You didn't seem frightened?〃
 〃Now I am terrified because now T know you even had time to look around at me and the other scenery。〃 Deborah sat calm; but a cool formal smile set it。 It did not change; and Remo recognized the personal control people develop when they are faced frequently with danger。 They develop it; or they die; or they are incredibly lucky。
 〃All right。 I had time to look around。 Suppose that is so。 Suppose my defense was really an attack。 Suppose all those things。〃
 〃Then suppose; Mr。 Pelham; you're not a policeman。〃
 〃All right; suppose that。〃
 〃Then you must be something else。〃
 〃Then I'm something else。〃
 〃Then I don't feel fortable。 I do not feel fortable; seeing an approach to attack which I recognize; and then seeing added an awesome ability to do things that I do not recognize at all。 I was truly afraid the other afternoon; Mr。 Pelham。 And I was afraid of you。 I am afraid of you now。〃
 〃Strange for a psychiatrist。〃
 〃I am tired also; Mr。 Pelham。 Good night。 I do not know what you are really here for。 Perhaps it is even to be; as you say; a security officer。 But I have seen your like before。 When I was a little girl; a volunteer from America。 He taught us that set; and two days ago I saw it on you。〃
 Chiun in Israel? Impossible。 The set? It was not Chiun who taught the set; the apparently awkward foot alignment that made you look as if you were about to step backward when really you moved forward。 That was not Chiun。 The first days of training after the electrocution were。。。。 Of course; the set。 Conn MacCleary。 Conn MacCleary in Israel?
 Deborah rose to usher Remo to the door。 Remo remained seated。
 〃This man; did you like him?〃 Remo asked。
 〃As a matter of fact; the whole village loved him。 But he is dead now; a fate that awaits us all。 It is really only a question of when。 And toward extending that when; we are all devoted; no?〃
   〃Where did this man die?〃
   〃You seem very interested in this man。 Why?〃
   〃Perhaps I knew him。〃
 〃If you did I would not have to fear you anymore because he was a good man。 That is what we all remem … 〃bered about him most。 He was a good man。 What he did for his livelihood does not attract good men that often。 He was rare。 And he died。 And I believe he probably died sooner than he should。 Because good men do not often live long lives in some situations。〃
 Her voice was softer now and Remo detected a break; the quiver of emotion stronger than one expects; a memory that remains forever too fresh。
 〃This good man;〃 Remo said; 〃had he lost a hand?〃
 〃Yes;〃 said Deborah。
 〃And was his name Conn MacCleary?〃
 〃Yes;〃 said Deborah; and she shut the door she had opened。 〃You knew him then?〃
 〃Yes;〃 said Remo。 〃I knew him。〃
 〃You were in the American intelligence then?〃
 〃No; no;〃 Remo said。 〃I knew him。 I knew him once。〃
 〃Do you know how he died?〃
 〃They said it was in a hospital。〃
 〃It was。 It was。 In a hospital。〃
 And Deborah's face became a smile and warmth and tenderness; a delicate joy that people who can understand beautiful things bestow upon their surroundings。
 〃It is funny; and since you remember Conn; so typical;〃 she said; taking the chair facing Remo。 〃When he came to our village; it was just before independence when the five Arab armies attacked; and we had; I think; one rifle for five men in our village; or something like that。 I was very young。〃
 〃Of course;〃 Remo said。
 〃Of course;〃 Deborah laughed。 〃Well; he had volunteered to give special training to people; I am not at liberty to disclose what; and we were all waiting for him。 Anxious。 Everybody was anxious。 My uncle would say: 'When the American arrives here; he will show you all what technology is。 Wait and see。 American organization。' So it is supposed to be a big secret and so naturally everybody knows about it and is waiting for his arrival。 Like a weling mittee for his secret entrance into our village。 Well; he is driven up in the back of a car; and I do not know if you know how valuable a car was to us then; but you can imagine; and Conn is in the back seat and you will never guess。。。。〃
 〃He was drunk;〃 Remo supplied matter of factly。
 Deborah guffawed and slapped Remo's knee。 Tears began to form in her eyes and she struggled to talk through the laughter。
 Remo added quickly: 〃Sure。 I told you I knew Conn MacCleary。〃
 And his casual way of saying this threw Deborah into an hysterical reach for the table to steady herself。 〃Drunk;〃 she finally said。 〃He was passed out drunk。 You should have seen the look on Uncle David's face。 He kept asking the driver if this was the right man and the driver kept nodding。 We found out later he had been drinking since Tokyo where he had been mustered out; I think it was a month before。 Drunk? He reaked。 I mean when they carried him out everyone stepped back he smelled so badly。〃
 〃Conn MacCleary;〃 Remo said。 
 〃He was one of a kind。 It took him three days to realize where he was。〃
 〃There must have been a lot of pressure then。〃
 〃Well; not really so much for us。 Our training thing was for something else。 I think we all believed that we would win。 Although it was frightening and I was; at the time。。。。〃
 〃After all; a young girl。〃
 〃Of course。 Otherwise I would be an old woman instead of the incredibly attractive; beautiful young woman that I am now。〃
 〃Of course。 You know you are beautiful。〃
 〃e。 Stop that。 I gave you a MacCleary story。 Now you give me one。〃
 〃Well; the first time I saw Conn;〃 Remo said; conveniently planning to leave out details; 〃was。。。。 No; let me see。 The first time。〃
 〃No。 The second time;〃 Deborah said。 〃The first you won't tell me and that's all right。 So tell me the second tune。〃
 Okay。 So she believed he was with the CIA or the FBI。 So what? That was to be expected from the kind of work they were doing here anyway。 He had used CIA as a cover before anyhow。
 〃Okay;〃 Remo said。 〃I was ing…to in a hospital bed and he was wheeling hi this great dinner with lobster and booze。〃
 〃For someone in a hospital bed?〃
 〃This is Conn MacCleary we're talking about。〃
 〃Yes;〃 Deborah agreed with a nod。
 〃And he lays out this beautiful spread; abuses the doctor and nurse; tells me to eat up。 And he drinks all the booze。〃
 〃Conn MacCleary;〃 Deborah said in punctuation。 
 〃But that's not the half of it。 I never knew the man to be away from a bottle for long。 It's a wonder he lived past twenty…one。〃
 〃The Egyptians are making a push up through the Negev。 We're near there。〃
 〃Never mind。 Will you let me finish? Besides; none of that stuff about wheres。 Read my official biography if you want to know wheres。〃
 〃I bet they're the wrong wheres。〃
 〃Stop that shit; Remo。 Just stop and listen。 Because if you want to play question and answer with me; I can go to Dr。 Brewster and plain about nasty interference from you agents…kind…bf…people; and he'll beat you within an inch of your life。 Hah。〃
 〃Okay。 No more shit。〃
 〃Okay。 We are near the action and Conn is desperately gathering copper tubing。 Uncle David says; 'Hah。 You see。 Secret weapon。 I told you。 Technology
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