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一千零一夜-天方夜谭-1001 Nights(英文版)-第22部分

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  The rose of a soft cheek; all through the livelong night; I stinted not to kiss and bite with many a bite;
  Till; in our middle tide of pleasure; when our spy Lay down to rest; with eyes in slumber closed outright;
  They smote the gongs; as they who smote upon them were Muezzins that to prayer the faithful do invite。
  She rose from me in haste and donned her clothes; for fear Our watcher's darted star (90) should on our heads alight;
  And said; 'O thou my wish and term of all desire; Behold; the morn is e with visage wan and white。'
  I swear; if but a day were given to me of power And I became a king of puissance and of might;
  I'd break the corners down o' the churches; all of them; And every priest on earth with slaughter I'd requite。 
Then she pressed him to her bosom and kissed his cheek and said to him; 'O Noureddin; how long hast thou been in the town?' 'Seven days' answered he。 'Hast thou walked about in it;' asked she; 'and dost thou know its ways and issues and its seagales and landgates?' And he said; 'Yes。' Quoth she; 'Knowest thou the way to the offertorychest of the church?' 'Yes;' replied he; and she said; 'Since thou knowest all this; as soon as the first watch of the ing night is over; go to the offertory chest and take thence what thou wilt。 Then open the door; that gives upon the passage leading to the sea; and go down to the harbour; where thou wilt find a little ship and ten men therein; and when the captain sees thee; he will put out his hand to thee。 Give him thy hand and he will take thee up into the ship; and do thou wait there till I e to thee。 But have a care lest sleep overtake thee this night; or thou wilt repent whenas repentance shall avail thee nothing。'

Then she took leave of him and going forth from him; roused her women and the rest of the damsels; with whom she betook herself to the church door and knocked; whereupon the old woman opened to her and she went forth and found the knights and servingmen standing without。 They brought her a dapple mule and she mounted: whereupon they raised over her head a canopy with curtains of silk; and the knights took hold of the mule's halter。 Then the guards enpassed her about with drawn swords in their hands and fared on with her; followed by her maidens; till they brought her to the palace of the king her father。

Meanwhile; Noureddin abode concealed behind the curtain; under cover of which Meryem and he had passed the night; till it was high day; when the 'great' door was opened and the church became full of people。 Then he mingled with the folk and accosted the old woman; who said to him; 'Where didst thou lie last night?' 'In the town;' answered he; 'as thou badest me。' 'O my son;' answered she; 'thou didst well; for; hadst thou passed the night in the church; she had slain thee on the foulest wise。' And he said; 'Praised be God who hath delivered me from the peril of this night!' Then he busied himself with the service of the church; till the day departed and the night came with the darkness; when be opened the offertorychest and took thence of jewels what was light of weight and great of worth。

Then he waited till the first watch of the night was past; when he made his way to the postern and opening it; went forth; calling on God for protection; and fared on; till he came to the sea。 Here he found the vessel moored to the shore; near the gate; with her captain; a tall old man of ely aspect; with a long beard; standing in the waist; surrounded by his ten men。 Noureddin gave him his hand; as Meryem had bidden him; and the captain took it and pulling him on board; cried out to his crew; saying; 'Cast off the moorings and put out to sea with us; ere the day break。' 'O my lord the captain;' said one of the sailors; 'how shall we put out now when the king hath notified us that tomorrow he will embark in this ship and go round about this sea; being fearful for his daughter Meryem from the Muslim thieves?' But the captain cried out at them; saying; 'Woe to you; O accursed ones! Dare ye gainsay me and bandy words with me?' So saying; he drew his sword and dealt the sailor who had spoken a thrust in the throat; that the steel came out gleaming from his nape; and quoth another of the sailors; 'What crime hath our rade mitted; that thou shouldst cut off his head?' The captain replied by putting his hand to his sword and striking off the speaker's head; nor did he leave smiting the rest of the sailors; till he had slain them all and cast their bodies ashore。 Then he turned to Noureddin and cried out at him with a terrible great cry; that made him tremble; saying; 'Go down and pull up the mooringstake。' Noureddin feared lest he should strike him also with the sword; so he leapt ashore and pulling up the stake; sprang aboard again; swiftlier than the dazzling lightning。 The captain ceased not to bid him do this and do that and tack and wear and look at the stare and Noureddin did all that he bade him; with heart atremble for fear; whilst he himself spread the sails and the ship stretched out with them with a fair wind into the surging sea; swollen with clashing billows。 Noureddin held on to the tackle; drowned in the sea of solicitude and knowing not what was hidden for him in the future; and whenever he looked at the captain; his heart quaked and he knew not whither he went with him。

He abode thus; distraught with concern and inquietude; till it was broad day; when he looked at the captain and saw him take hold of his beard and pull at it; whereupon it came off in his hand and Noureddin; examining it; saw that it was but a false beard stuck on。 So he considered the captain straitly; and behold; it was the Princess Meryem; his mistress and the beloved of his heart; who had waylaid the captain and killed him and skinned off his beard; which she had clapped on to her own face。 At this Noureddin was transported for joy and his breast dilated and he marvelled at her valour and prowess and the stoutness of her heart and said to her; 'Wele; O thou my hope and my desire and the end of all my wishes!' Then desire and gladness agitated him and he made sure of attaining his hope and his wish ; wherefore he broke out into carol and sang the following verses:

  Say to those who know nought of my transport and heat For a loved one; whose favours they never may meet;
  'Ask my folk of my passion: my verses are sweet And dainty the ditties of love I repeat 
  On a people whose thought in my heart hath its seat。'
  Their mention with me chaseth sickness away From my bosom and heals me of pain and dismay;
  My love and my longing increase on me aye And my heart is distracted with ecstasy; yea; 
  I'm a byword bee 'mongst the folk in the street。
  I will not accept aught of blame on their part Nor seek solace in other than them for love's smart。
  Love hath pierced me; for grief and regret; with a dart and hath kindled a brazier therefrom in my heart; 
  Yea; still in my liver there rageth its heat。
  My sickness the folk for a wonderment cite And my wakefulness all through the darkness of night。
  What ailed them my weakness with rigour to smite? In passion the shedding my blood they deem right; 
  Yet justly they me with injustice entreat。
  I wonder who charged you to drive to despair A youth who still loves and will love you fore'er?
  By my life and by Him your Creator I swear; If a saying of you should the backbiters bear; 
  By Allah; they lie in the tale they repeat!
  May God not dispel from me sickness and pain Nor my heart of its thirst and its longing assain;
  Of your love for satiety when I plain! Indeed; to none other that you am I fain。
  Wring my heart or show favour; as seems to you meet。
  My heart to your mem'ry shall ever be true; Though your rigours should rack it and cause it to rue;
  Rejection abides and acceptance with you: So whatever you will with your bondman; that do; 
  He'll grudge not his life to lay down at your feet。 
The princess marvelled at his song and thanked him therefor; saying; 'Him whose case is thus it behoveth to walk the ways of men and eschew the fashion of losers and poltroons。' Now she was stout of heart and versed in the sailing of ships over the salt sea; and she knew all the winds and their changes and all the courses of the sea。 'O my lady;' said Noureddin; 'hadst thou prolonged this case on me; (91) I had surely died for excess of fear and chagrin; more by token of the fire of passion and love longing and the cruel anguish of separation。' She laughed at his speech and presently rising; brought out somewhat of meat and drink; and they ate and drank and made merry。 Then she brought out rubies and other gems and precious stones and trinkets of gold and silver and all manner things of price; light of carriage and great of worth; that she had taken from the palace of her father and his treasuries; and showed them to Noureddin; who rejoiced therein with an exceeding joy。

Meanwhile the wind blew fair for them and they sailed on; without hindrance; till they drew near the city of Alexandria and sighted its landmarks; old and new; and Pompey's Pillar。 When they reached the port; Noureddin landed and making the ship fast to one of the Fulling Stones; took somewhat of the treasures that Meryem had brought with her; and said to her; 'O my lady; abide in the ship against I 'return and' carry thee up into the city on such wise as I should wish。' Quoth she; 'It behoves that this be done quickly; for tardiness in affairs engenders repentance。' 'There is no tardiness in me;' answered he and leaving her in the ship; went up into the city to the druggist's house; to borrow of his wife for Meryem veil and muffler and mantle and walking boots; after the usage of the women of Alexandria; knowing not that there was appointed to betide him of the vicissitudes of time; the father of wonders; that which was not in his reckoning。

Meanwhile; when the King of France arose in the morning; he missed his daughter and questioned her eunuchs and women of her。 'O our lord;' answered they; 'she went out last night; to go to the church; and after that we know nothing of her。' But; as the king talked with them; there arose a great clamour of cries without the palace; that the place rang thereto; and he said; 。What is to do?' 'O king;' answered the folk; 'we have found ten men slain on the seashore; and thy ship is missing。 Moreover; we found the postern of the church; that gives upon the alley leading to the sea; open and the Muslim prisoner; who serves in the church; missing。' Quoth the king; 'If my ship be missing; without doubt my daughter is in it。' So he summoned the captain of the port and cried out at him; saying; 'By the virtue of the Messiah and the True Faith; except thou overtake my ship forthright with troops and bring it back to me; with those who are therein; I will put thee to death after the foulest fashion and make an example of thee!'

The captain went out from before him; trembling; and betook himself to the old woman of the church; to whom said he; 'Heardest thou aught from the captive; that was with thee; concerning his native land and what countryman he was?' And she answered; 'He used to say; 〃I e from the town of Alexandria。〃' When the captain heard this; he returned forthright to the port and cr
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