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pgw.uneasymoney封面 小说类别:经管其他 上传者:大热 作者:未知
小说大小:358K 完结状态:全本 更新时间:2020-06-09
总点击:80 总推荐:0 总收藏:0
月点击:79 月推荐:0 月收藏:0
周点击:79 周推荐:0 周收藏:0


  By P. G. Wodehouse  1 In a day in June, at the hour when London moves abroad in quest of lunch, a young man stood at the entrance of the Bandolero Restaurant looking earnestly up Shaftesbury Avenuea large young man in excellent condition, with a pleasant, good-humoured, brown, clean-cut face. He paid no attention to the stream of humanity that flowed past him. His mouth was set and his eyes wore a serious, almost a wistful expression. He was frowning slightly. One would have said that here was a man with a secret sorrow. William FitzWilliam Delamere Chalmers, Lord Dawlish, had no secret sor